Psychiatric hospital is a medical institution that is engaged in the rehabilitation of people suffering from a variety of mental pathologies. In addition to their main activities, medical examinations are carried out here, people are recognized as insane.
Psychiatric hospital in Perm on Bannaya Gora

This state budget medical institution has several branches. Regional psychiatric hospital in Perm includes 5 departments.
- The hospital "Bannaya Gora". Located at st. 2nd Korsunskaya, 10. There is a reception department for men and women. Tuberculosis and Infectious Diseases Department. Resuscitation and intensive care rooms.
- The hospital on Revolution Street. It houses the following departments: women's, clinical, forensic psychiatry, as well as an intensive care unit.
- A hospital located in the village of Baibolovka. There are two departments here: the compulsory treatment of the general type and the compulsory treatment of the specialized type.
- Dispensarydepartment at Petropavlovskaya Street, 74. It houses the following departments: paid services, dispensary psychiatric department for adults, psychiatric department for children, consultation.
- Department of examination on the street. Lodygina, 10. The following departments are located here: forensic psychiatric department No. 1, forensic psychiatric department No. 2.

The hospitals work without breaks and days off, around the clock.
Paid services are available from 8:00 to 19:00.
Dispensary department is open from 8:00 to 20:00.
History of a psychiatric hospital in Perm

Providing psychiatric care in Perm was first started in 1833. In 1895, the Alexander Hospital, founded here, could already accommodate more than 160 people. In the same year, construction began on the building of the psychiatric hospital, which is still functioning.
In 1890, a shelter was founded in Perm, which accommodated 25 mentally ill people. These psychiatric institutions served the mentally ill from all neighboring areas.

In 1921, on the basis of the Perm hospital, the Department of Psychiatry was opened, headed by Viktor Protopopov, Associate Professor of the Military Academy. And eight years later, a university of forensic medical examination for the entire Urals was founded here. In 1933, the institute was subject to reconstruction, after which it housed the judicial department of the psychiatric hospital, which for a long time heldvarious kinds of expertise. Outpatient forensic psychiatric wards were opened only in 2006.
Psychiatric hospital in Perm has 1,092 employees. Of these, 372 nurses and 172 doctors, the rest are orderlies and technical workers.
Psychiatric hospital doctors in Perm are highly qualified specialists. 137 of them have the highest qualification category. 12 doctors are PhDs.
Chief Doctor - Poteshkin Nikolai Ivanovich - Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, a psychiatrist of the highest qualification.
Deputy chief physician, Kudlaev Sergey Valeryevich, is also a highly qualified specialist.
Deputies for the medical unit - Dunyasheva Yulia Alexandrovna and Spirina Tatyana Vasilievna.
Paid services provided by the hospital

In addition to free services, patients in a psychiatric hospital in Perm can also use paid services. A person has the opportunity to sign up for a paid appointment-consultation, a preventive appointment, a preventive appointment outside the hospital, an appointment with an examination, an appointment with a psychiatrist, an appointment with a psychiatrist with a candidate of medical sciences, etc. There is also the opportunity to pass a medical commission for money.
Recording for a paid reception is carried out in advance. It can be done through the website of the organization or by calling the psychiatric hospital in Perm.
Dispensary department

Head of the dispensary department for adults is a doctor of the highest qualification Kozlova Irina Miroslavovna. This medical institution provides assistance in the following areas:
- psychiatric examination;
- dispensary observation;
- outpatient treatment;
- help solve social problems;
- emergency assistance;
- temporary medical examination.
Dispensary department for children and teenagers
The head of this department is a doctor of the highest qualification Goncharova Elena Nikolaevna. The main task of the department is to help children and adolescents with obvious mental disorders.
In addition to the department itself, children are received in district clinics at the place of residence. To get an appointment with a psychiatrist at a nearby clinic, you must make an appointment in advance. Registration is carried out by phone and directly at the reception.
Day hospital
The head of the day hospital is Yurina Olesya Vladimirovna. He is a highly qualified psychiatrist. The day hospital is designed for 60 beds. According to the terms of medical care, it is no different from the departments in which the patient is around the clock. The department is intended for people suffering from mental disorders and who do not need constant supervision by specialists.
Perm psychiatric hospital is a medical institution that has several buildings. It serves mentally ill people not only from Perm, but also from all surrounding areas andareas. There are wonderful specialists who know their business and have extensive experience working with mental illness. The institution has a history of several decades, so you can trust it.