How to dilute protein with water and milk? Proportions, rules of admission

How to dilute protein with water and milk? Proportions, rules of admission
How to dilute protein with water and milk? Proportions, rules of admission

Protein is a protein food supplement. Protein intake is due to the need to set the daily protein intake. This is especially true for bodybuilders and people who strive to build a relief and powerful muscle corset. After buying a powder in a sports store, people are wondering: "How to breed protein?".

How to choose a base for protein breeding?

Protein is usually diluted with milk or water. Sometimes the protein is mixed with juice, compote, kefir, tea, lemonade, etc. Milk is ideal. It is rich in calcium, protein and he althy carbohydrates. But if there is lactose intolerance, then milk will have to be abandoned in favor of water or another base. Even if your lactose is fine, consider the following:

  • milk will add calories;
  • the body reacts to milk with a sharp increase in insulin.

With all this, milk improves the taste of the cocktail. If you complydiet, then consider the calorie content of milk and the insulin response of the body. You need to keep your insulin low. However, a protein shake in the morning is a good idea even for those who are losing weight, as insulin sensitivity is high in the morning, and carbohydrate tolerance is also high. If you want to gain muscle mass, then a milkshake is a great solution.

how to dilute protein
how to dilute protein

How to take protein?

On the packaging of the product, the manufacturer must write instructions for use. All protein jars contain information on the amount of micronutrients and other nutrients contained in one scoop. Before you start taking, you should read the instructions for the product. Some proteins are low-carb, while others are high in carbs. Some protein powders have more protein than others.

Only after reading the composition and taking into account your daily norms, you can calculate the required amount of protein. However, regardless of this, there are general recommendations. For example, on training days, protein is recommended to be taken twice. The first time - one hour before the start of the workout. This will protect the muscles from decay and feed them during training. The second time - immediately after training for half an hour. At this time, the body needs nutrients and especially protein to restore strength.

In general, getting your daily protein intake from protein is very easy. But professionals do not recommend doing this. It is best to get protein according to the 50/50 scheme, i.e. 50% ofnatural protein food, and 50% protein powder.

how to dilute protein
how to dilute protein

Protein Scheme

Building an athletic body is impossible without proteins. All protein mixtures are divided into fast, slow and complex.

Quick protein mixes are drunk in the morning and after training to replenish amino acid stores. Slow protein is taken at night to provide cells and tissues with the necessary supply of nutrients. If you are trying to lose weight, you can replace one meal with slow protein. Complex mixtures can be consumed both after training and before bedtime.

Amount of protein per day

After training "for mass" it is recommended to take 20-40 grams of protein within half an hour. The amount of protein depends on muscle mass. There is a recommendation: do not take more than 30 grams of protein per meal. This indicator is individual. It all depends on the he alth of the body, in particular the kidneys, and on the body's ability to digest a certain amount of protein. Know that eating, for example, 200 grams of chicken breast, you consume 46 grams of protein at a time.

How to calculate your daily protein intake?

It is recommended to consume 2-3 grams of protein per 1 kg of weight per day. For women, this rate is slightly less than for men. So, if you are a woman weighing 60 kg, then the daily protein intake for you is 120 grams. Of these, 60 grams you can get from protein powder. If you are a man weighing 60 kg, then you may well consume 180 grams of protein per day. Of these, 90 grams shouldaccount for natural foods (chicken breast, cheese, cottage cheese, milk, eggs and other high-protein foods).

how to dilute protein in a shaker
how to dilute protein in a shaker

How to breed protein?

Typically one scoop of protein powder is 30 grams. There are no standard proportions. It all depends on taste preferences. The more powder and less base, the sweeter the cocktail will be. Much depends on the very foundation. For example, milkshakes are sweeter than water.

So, how to breed protein with milk? proportions and quantities are shown below.

With milk, the protein mixture is quite sweet, so it is recommended to dilute one scoop, i.e. about 30 grams, in 500 ml of milk. If you are going to drink two scoops, then you will need a liter of milk. If we talk about how to properly dilute the protein with milk, then we can recommend either using a large volume of liquid (1 liter), or mixing milk with water so that it is not cloyingly sweet.

To make a cocktail, you need to take low-fat milk.

The second most popular base for diluting protein powder is water.

How to dilute protein with water? In the same way as with milk, only you need to consider the taste. Diluting protein with water, as recommended by professional athletes and protein mix manufacturers, is best in a manual shaker. Shakers can be bought in the same sports stores as protein.

How to dilute protein with water? Proportions and quantity are very important. Protein on the waterturns out less sweet. 200-250 ml of water will be enough for one measuring spoon. And for two measuring spoons, 500 ml is enough. For this, non-carbonated mineral, purified or boiled water is used.

how to dilute whey protein
how to dilute whey protein

How to dilute protein in a shaker?

Why do people recommend using a shaker to make protein shakes? Because thanks to the shaker, you can get the most homogeneous mass, which in consistency will not resemble semolina porridge from a kindergarten with terrible lumps. How to dilute protein in a shaker? Simply pour milk into the shaker, add the required amount of protein, close the lid and shake the shaker until the mass becomes homogeneous. In manual shakers, special balls or nets are provided for this.

Cocktail ingredients

If the protein is diluted with milk, then the composition of the cocktail, in addition to protein, also includes carbohydrates with fats. Many manufacturers fortify their product with vitamins, for example, vitamin B. There is little point in this, since the need for vitamins is covered by food and vitamin supplements. How to breed protein enriched with mineral supplements and vitamins? This protein is best taken with water. Why? Everything is very simple. If the protein is enriched, for example, with iron, then it should not be taken with milk. Milk itself contains a fairly large amount of vitamins. Some components of milk can neutralize protein components. Why do manufacturers enrich protein? For the sake of profit, everything is simple. Iftalk about enriching the protein, it is best to add amino acids to it.

how to dilute protein with water proportions
how to dilute protein with water proportions

Protein powder quality

Ideal human protein contains per 1 gram:

  • Isoleucine - 40 mg.
  • Leucine - 70 mg.
  • Lysine - 55 mg.
  • Methionine and cystine in total - 35 mg.
  • Phenylalanine and tyrosine in total - 60 mg.

Ideal for growth is the protein corresponding to mother's milk. Whey protein came closest to it. On the market today there are: whey, egg white, casein, soy, wheat protein. Vegetable protein is incomplete, for example, wheat protein contains little lysine.

How to breed whey protein? Just like any other. Whey protein is nothing but proteins derived from whey.

how to mix protein with milk
how to mix protein with milk

Protein digestibility

Digestibility is usually directly related to the protein source and amino acid composition. Whey proteins are fast digesting proteins. They are digested by the body within 2-3 hours. Casein is a slow protein, although it is absorbed faster than soy. But you will not find a protein that will be digested for more than 5-6 hours. Slow proteins have an advantage over fast proteins in that they provide a constant and uniform supply of amino acids.

Whey Protein Isolate

Whey Protein Isolate is highly purified (over 85%protein), which does not contain fats and carbohydrates. In the manufacture of the isolate, whey is dehydrated, lactose, harmful cholesterol, and animal fat are removed. Isolate helps to quickly restore muscles after strength training, prevents catabolism and enhances anabolism.

Isolate is highly purified and less allergenic than concentrated proteins. This supplement is indispensable for bodybuilders with lactose intolerance. Compared to conventional isolates, whey is better absorbed, has an antioxidant effect, and boosts immunity.

100% Whey Gold Standard is a whey protein that is quite common among athletes. It is ideal after an anaerobic workout. How to dilute 100% Whey Gold Standard protein with milk? First, calculate how much protein you need per day. Divide your daily allowance in half. And consume no more than half of the protein. Ideally, the ratio of natural protein to protein should be 2:1.

how to dilute protein with water
how to dilute protein with water


If you drink protein 2-3 times a day, divide the rate into these receptions. Usually, more than one scoop, i.e. 30 grams, is not taken at one time. A measuring spoon, by the way, usually comes with protein (inside the jar), but it’s better to make sure of this once again if you buy a product from a manufacturer you don’t know before. To build muscle mass, the protein is divided into 5-6 doses. But usually they drink protein 1-2 times a day. If you have eaten a meal rich in proteins, then it is better to take the protein 3-4 hours after eating.

Protein does not replace meals. Except when you need to lose weight. Then you can replace with a heavy protein, for example, casein, one meal. It is better to take kefir as a basis. How to breed protein with kefir? Dissolve one spoonful of powder in 250 ml of kefir. Use a shaker (preferably automatic) so that the powder dissolves well in a thick base. You can stir the protein with a regular fork, if you try hard.

If you are going to take a cocktail to your workout to drink it right after your workout, then pour it into a thermos so that it does not have time to turn sour in the heat or freeze in the extreme cold. The finished cocktail should be drunk within 3 hours. Even if it is stored in the refrigerator, it is best to use it within 5 hours. Protein powders containing creatine are drunk immediately after mixing. With prolonged contact with liquid, the amino acid creatine degrades rapidly.

Remember that even the most highly purified, fortified and expensive protein cannot be compared to natural food. Athletes tried to replace meals with protein. They figured out how to dilute the protein, the proportions were also observed, but there was no increase in muscle mass. This only means that the protein will not replace the natural protein that should be present in the daily diet.

Before you start drinking protein, consult with your trainer. He will write down your diet taking into account the protein supplement. In addition, the trainer can advise you on a good manufacturer and tell you when it is better to use whey.protein and when casein.

If you are a vegetarian, soy or wheat protein is the way to go. But keep in mind that they, like plants, do not contain all the necessary amino acids. In addition, soybeans and wheat are genetically modified plants. And wheat is a gluten protein, to which many people have a latent, that is, not established, allergy. If you experience discomfort (pain, bloating, diarrhea/constipation) after taking soy or wheat protein, stop taking it.
