What does it mean to "sew up from alcoholism"? The effectiveness of the method and the effect on the body

What does it mean to "sew up from alcoholism"? The effectiveness of the method and the effect on the body
What does it mean to "sew up from alcoholism"? The effectiveness of the method and the effect on the body

In our country, the problem of alcoholism is especially acute, because sick people do not want to admit their addiction. But those who reach the last point in addiction often seek help and want to "sew up" from drinking alcohol. This happens of their own free will or at the insistence and desire of relatives. You can often hear the phrase “sewn up from alcoholism” among the people, but not everyone knows what it means.

get rid of alcoholism
get rid of alcoholism


This word in the common people is called the coding procedure. You can stop drinking alcohol, or sew up, with the help of drugs or through psychotherapeutic help.

So that the patient could not remove the drug under the influence of addiction, it is sewn in the place where it will be difficult to get it. This place is usually located under the shoulder blade. It was from here that the concept of hemming arose, which acquired a wider meaning over time.

The peculiarity of the way to protect yourself from alcoholism is that a person gives written consent to the installation of the drug. In order for this coding method to be non-meaningful, it is necessary to instill a fear in the person of drinking alcohol after the administration of the drug. Each medicine has its own expiration date, usually several months.

How to treat alcoholism in this way? Let's figure it out.

where to get rid of alcoholism
where to get rid of alcoholism

Sewing methods

The drug is sutured under the shoulder blade in the form of capsules, but currently there are other dosage forms: gel, paste, which are simply injected under the skin without making an incision. Another variety is intravenous filing, the effect of which is longer, and the reaction to alcoholic beverages is more pronounced. In any form, after the introduction of a medicinal substance into the body, it begins to be gradually released, penetrates into the bloodstream and acts.

Preparing for the procedure

Since the active ingredient does not interact well with alcohol, you need not to drink alcoholic beverages for several days and survive the hangover period. Patients at this stage often break down and get drunk again, but you need to withstand a period of three days to a week. In addition, they take tests.

Can everyone heal from alcoholism?


Testing is very important as there are several contraindications to suturing preparations:

  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • infectious processes;
  • post-infarctionphenomena;
  • presence of frequent angina attacks;
  • pathology of the kidneys and liver;
  • diabetes.

If a person has any contraindication, he should be coded in another, safer way.

alcoholism addiction
alcoholism addiction

Efficiency of the method

What does it mean to be protected from alcoholism? This method is the simplest and most effective, but it is not a panacea, since an irresistible desire to drink can disrupt any person's regimen, and even the fear of death cannot stop another dose of alcohol.

But for those who think that the method is based on the placebo effect, it should be noted that the sensations of drinking deter many from further relapse.

But people in this case, too, can wait for the expiration date of the remedy to return to addiction. Therefore, during this period, they need the support and attention of relatives and friends.

No less important is psychological counseling, thanks to which a person will not only be afraid to drink, but will not want to put alcohol on the table at all. The task of this treatment stage is to work directly with the patient and his family. The doctor looks for the cause of addiction and eliminates it within his competence.

ampoule for alcoholism
ampoule for alcoholism

The hemming only achieves a temporary effect. The longest period of validity of funds is six months. After that, the patient may again break loose, because he knows that the allotted time has passed. This period is especially dangerousa person can break loose and become addicted to alcohol even more. In addition, high dependence on alcohol and aggression may join, since the patient has not been drinking for a long time. Therefore, those who think that filing is the best way to recover from alcohol addiction are mistaken. This stage is only the first in the treatment. After completing the procedure, you need to undergo sessions with a psychotherapist in order to strengthen the result to get rid of alcoholism and addiction forever.

Effect on the body, cons

If the patient breaks the taboo and takes some alcohol, he will experience severe poisoning or something resembling a heart attack. The level of severity is determined by the amount of alcohol consumed and its strength. A person feels a rush of blood to the upper body and face, nausea, headache and severe sweating appear. There may be severe shortness of breath, heart pain, heart rhythm disturbance. If the case is severe, convulsive seizures, loss of vision and hearing, paralysis of the legs or arms are possible. If there is no confidence in a person, then it is dangerous to resort to this method of treatment. In severe stages of addiction, the hemming method does not work well and can even lead to death. In case of severe intoxication of the body, an ambulance should be urgently called.

how to treat alcoholism
how to treat alcoholism

Another disadvantage of “sewing up” the ampoule from alcoholism is the impossibility of carrying out the procedure without the consent of the person. Before this, the patient should refrain from drinking alcohol for a week. To do this in many cases is almost impossible. He needs to be persuaded into treatment. Whenconsent, you should immediately go to the clinic, because alcoholics tend to change their minds quickly.

What preparations are used for stitching

Where to protect yourself from alcoholism? This can be done at any specialized center. For example, in Moscow in the narcological clinic "Salvation" at the address: st. Mikhailova, 8.


Clinics use the following anti-alcohol binders:

  • Disulfiram: "Algominal", "Esperal", "Tetlong", "Chemical protection", "Teturam", etc. This remedy is the main one in the treatment of addiction. The patient is warned about the future reaction of the body to the use of even a small amount of alcohol. Studies show that many people do not drink alcohol at all.
  • N altrexone: N altrexone and Vivitrol. Thanks to these means, the satisfaction arising from the use of alcohol is completely blocked. Implantation of drugs is performed under local anesthesia. The duration of the procedure is only half an hour. The medicine is valid for six months. Before making such a filing, it is necessary to cleanse the patient's body of alcohol.
preparation tetlong 250
preparation tetlong 250

"Tetlong-250" or "Disulfiram-tetlong" - widely used for hemming addiction. The drug is injected into the gluteal muscle, acts for three months. During this time, it is not excreted from the body, and therefore the procedure becomes irreversible

When people ask what drugs are sewn in for alcoholism, the first thing that comes to mind issuch popular vehicles as Esperal and Torpedo.

Both of these stitching methods are essentially identical, because the active ingredient of the funds is a substance such as disulfiram.

sewing in an ampule from alcoholism
sewing in an ampule from alcoholism

Procedure and lifestyle after it, ampoule insertion

The procedure for sewing in an ampule from alcoholism implies a small surgical intervention under local anesthesia. The agent is administered to the patient in the buttock or in the soft tissues of the back through a small incision. After the procedure, a strict regimen must be observed for two days, limiting physical activity and eating right, it is forbidden to take a bath or shower for five days. The patient must be under medical supervision to exclude the expected negative consequences.

The drug, sewn under the subcutaneous fat (capsules, ampoules), begins to deliver microdoses of the drug into the bloodstream. Due to this, the required level of the active substance required for the blockade of alcohol is constantly maintained in the body. The drug does not affect the patient's condition in any way until he has drunk an alcoholic drink.

In addition to coding by sewing in an ampoule, you need to take other medicines, for example, antidepressants that suppress the desire to drink alcohol on a psychological level.

The article looked at what it means to protect yourself from alcoholism.
