Streptococcus in men is detected most often in a swab from the pharynx, nose or during a urine test. It acts as a normal inhabitant of the nasal cavity, mouth and intestines, in connection with this, the combination of its high titer with the clinical manifestation of an infectious disease plays a diagnostic value.
Streptococcus agalactiae in men (or in other words streptococcus agalactia) is a conditional pathogenic bacterium belonging to the group of hemolytic streptococci. Normally, this microscopic organism is found in the human body in small quantities, but does not cause disease and does not threaten he alth in any way.

The genus Streptococcus today has over twenty species of bacteria. One part of these microscopic creatures are representatives of a he althy human microflora, while the other causes diseases. The bacteria themselves are microscopic in size, they have a spherical shape, they are quite longtime is stored in dust, on various objects, can tolerate low temperatures, and at temperatures over fifty-six degrees they die only after thirty minutes.
Causes of Streptococcus agalactiae in men
Streptococcal infection is caused by bacteria of this group, which are capable of destroying red blood cells, causing an inflammatory process in the human body. Streptococcus agalactiae can cause trouble in men for exactly the same reasons as in women.
To a greater extent, everything, as a rule, directly depends on the hormonal background, as well as on the ability of the human body to resist infection. The main danger to human he alth during the development of streptococcal infections are poisons with toxins that are released by pathogens during reproduction. The pathogen can enter the male body in the following ways:
- Transmission of the parasite can occur when eating contaminated foods.
- Penetration often occurs against the background of intimate contact. The sexual partner who transmits the infection may be a carrier or an affected partner. Streptococcus is able to actively multiply in the vagina of women, and with intimate contact, pathogens enter the male genital organ. Also, streptococci are able to multiply in the urethra.
- In an alimentary way. Infection often occurs due to violation of the rules of personal hygiene. Streptococci from the rectum enter the genitals.
- The pathogen can enter the body during a dental examination or surgery, if anyare carried out using instruments that have not undergone the necessary disinfection.
- If the infection of the interlocutor is localized in the respiratory tract, you can get infected by kissing, sneezing or coughing the patient (saliva should get on the skin or in the respiratory tract of a he althy person).
- Household way. Streptococci are able to live for a long time on various surfaces. Therefore, you can get infected if you use household items (dishes, towels, linen) of the patient.

For analysis of Streptococcus agalactiae in men, as a rule, the following biological materials are taken:
- Smear from the oropharynx (for diseases of the upper respiratory canals).
- Smear from the urethra (for pathologies of the genitourinary system).
- Sputum examination from the nose.
- Taking a scraping of the surface of the skin (with the development of erysipelas).
The following studies are also underway:
- Donating blood and urine.
- Biochemical blood test.
- Bacteriological culture.
- Ultrasound examination of internal organs.
- Pulmonary x-ray and electrocardiography.
Therapy Methods
Treatment of Streptococcus agalactiae in men is reduced to the destruction of its source. The course of therapy for streptococcus, as a rule, is based on the use of antibiotics of the penicillin group, as well as drugs that strengthen the immune system. For the period of treatment, it is recommended to eat right, reducingphysical activity, leading a he althy lifestyle and maintaining hygiene.
For the general treatment of Streptococcus agalactiae in men, Benzylpenicillin, Phenoxymethylpenicillin, Amoxicillin, Augumentin, Azithromycin, Cefuroxime, Ceftriaxone, Cefotaxime, Clarithromycin and " Erythromycin". As part of local therapy, Bioparox, Sheksoral or Chlorhexidine are used. Any appointments are made by a doctor, self-medication is not recommended.

Strengthening immunity
In order to strengthen the immune system and stimulate the body's work in case of an infectious disease, Immunal, IRS-19, Imudon, Imunorix, Lyzobakt are often prescribed. Ascorbic acid acts as a natural immunostimulant, a large amount of which is present in rose hips, lemon, kiwi, cranberries, sea buckthorn, currants, parsley, viburnum.
Restoring he althy intestinal microflora
When using antibacterial drugs, the microflora, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system, is usually significantly inhibited. In order to restore it, it is mandatory to prescribe probiotics:
- Acipol.
- "Bifidumacterin".
- "Bifiform".
- Linex.
Detoxification of the body
In men, Streptococcus agalactiae group B (group B) - rarely detected. Basically, it is found in newborns, pregnant women and women in labor, causing in all cases (especially in infants) severe illness. men canthey become infected through sexual contact. These bacteria poison the male body with various poisons and enzymes, which are the products of their vital activity. These elements complicate the course of the disease, and also cause a considerable number of unpleasant manifestations.
To remove bacterial toxins from the body, you need to drink plenty of fluids (about three liters per day), rinse your oropharynx with a solution of furacillin, or a weakly saline remedy is also suitable. Of the drugs for the removal of pathogens from the body, one can single out Atoxil, Albumin and Enterosgel.

The use of antibacterial drugs is sometimes accompanied by some allergic reactions. To prevent them from developing into a complication, antihistamines are prescribed:
- Claritin.
- "Suprastin".
- Cetrin and others.
Symptomatic therapy
In order to alleviate the symptoms in the presence of Streptococcus agalactiae in a smear in men, various drugs are prescribed (as indicated). If nausea and vomiting occur, Motilium, Pipolfen, Cerucal are prescribed. At elevated temperatures, cool compresses are required on the forehead, on the neck or in the armpits. Among the drugs it is worth highlighting "Paracetamol", "Ibuprofen". With nasal congestion, the vasoconstrictor drugs Knoxprey, Farmazolin and their analogues are suitable.
Norm of Streptococcus agalactiae in men
Referral for microbiological culture and study of the microflora of the genitourinarycanals in men, the doctor gives if there are symptoms of irritation in the urethra. Representatives of he althy male microflora are: streptococci, peptococci, micrococci, bacillary microorganisms, staphylococci and lactobacilli.
The number of each type of microorganisms within the normal range can indicate the he alth of the male genitourinary system. If the analysis showed that Streptococcus agalactiae is contained in an amount of 10 to 4 degrees CFU / ml, this is the norm. The appearance of pathogenic microscopic organisms or a significant increase in the number of any of the participants in the biocenosis indicates a malfunction in immunity or disease.

The swab is taken after special preparation using a sterile swab. It is delivered to the laboratory no later than two hours from the moment the analysis is taken. Peptococcus, which is also a streptococcus, has the largest share in the normal composition of the male microflora, but does not have any pathogenic properties. As a result of the analysis, it can count the number of colony-forming units up to ten to the fifth power of the total number of microscopic organisms.
The absence of pathogenic representatives of gonococcus, Trichomonas in combination with the presence of normal representatives in acceptable proportions indicates the absence of dysbacteriosis and a good state of immunity.
What does Streptococcus agalactiae mean in a male smear?
When a Pap Test Reports a Streptococcal Infection
If streptococcus is found in the smear above the norm, and against this background, additionallythere are symptoms of irritation and suppuration, it can be assumed that a streptococcal infection has arisen in the body. The previously mentioned peptococci act as analogues of lactobacilli of a normal female biocenosis. Peptococci in men are also streptococci, which help to restore the body and maintain normal acid levels.
An increase in the number of streptococci of other species (including pathogenic ones) indicates the presence of a source of infection or an inflammatory process directly in the organ under study. The causes of streptococcal agalactia in a smear from the urethra in men, as noted earlier, are weakened immunity, poor hygiene, sexual intercourse with a sick partner.

The development of foci of chronic infections in the body, such as pharyngitis, can provoke diseases that streptococcus causes in adults in various organs or systems. In particular, this can manifest itself when immunity is weakened against the background of hypothermia, hypovitaminosis, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism.
A frivolous attitude to the choice of a sexual partner and to personal hygiene often leads to the fact that streptococcus begins to actively multiply in the genitals of men and in the urethra. The patient's swab in this case will indicate streptococcus as the leading microorganism.
Antibacterial drugs kill not only pathogenic bacteria, but also beneficial ones. Therefore, the use of antibiotics during the treatment of infectious pathologies of any localizationshould be combined with probiotics, antifungals and prebiotics. Contact with the mucosa of the causative agent of sexual infections also leads to impaired immunity, and at the same time to additional seeding with streptococci.
What does Streptococcus agalactiae mean in men 10 to 6 degrees? More on that later.

Why does streptococcus appear in men's urine
Normal urinary content of Streptococcus agalactiae in men is 10 to 4 CFU/ml. An increased concentration of bacteria in urine is detected in the presence of an infection or due to incorrect sampling of biological material. The considered pathogenic pathogens actively begin to develop during periods of weakened immunity, during the patient's stay in a stressful state or as a concomitant disease.
Such colonies are very often localized within the intestines, throat or genitourinary system. Streptococcus agalactiae in the urine of men in concentrations is detected in pathologies of the urinary tract that occur as a primary disease or are concomitant with other ailments.
Thus, a high concentration of such bacteria in the urine test may indicate the presence of a streptococcal infection in the male body. The causative agent causes a number of serious diseases that affect many organs with systems. Ailments that are provoked by this microorganism cause discomfort to the patient. In some cases, they can even threaten life.