During the period of seasonal temperature fluctuations, many think about how to strengthen the body's defenses. Some tend to spend more time outdoors and eat he althy foods, while others prefer special immunomodulatory drugs without understanding their action. Medical treatment should be used as directed. Immunostimulating drugs can cause considerable harm to the body.
What are they?
Drugs that affect the functioning of the immune system are called immunomodulators. All medicines from this series can be divided into two groups. Some of them stimulate immune responses, thus increasing the protective functions of the body. But in medicine, drugs that suppress the immune system are also used. In no case should immunomodulators be used independently. Drugs of such a plan are prescribed only by a doctor.

Immunomodulators can restore the body's defenses in various diseases. Most often they are prescribed for the treatment of viral and bacterialinfection in a hospital setting. This allows the body to quickly get back in shape after an illness. For prevention purposes, doctors never prescribe immunomodulators. Preparations from this series are not beneficial for a he althy body.
Who really needs immunomodulators?
Strong drugs that stimulate the immune system are prescribed for people with serious he alth problems. There are a number of diseases in which the body cannot cope with simple infections on its own. This is primarily HIV. In order for a person to feel normal and not be in danger at the slightest hypothermia, he needs to support his body with expensive medicines.

Incorrect functioning of the immune system can also occur in babies who were born prematurely. In order for the child to be able to breathe on his own and develop normally, he is prescribed immunomodulators. The list of drugs that can be prescribed to newborns is not too long. All medicines from this series are quite expensive.
Stimulation of the immune system in children
Most often, parents are concerned about the he alth of their children when they start going to kindergarten. A child who was practically not sick before begins to catch the infection almost every month. This is absolutely normal. The baby enters a new environment with its own microflora and bacteria. Until the immune system is strengthened, the child will continue to get sick. This is called "adaptation to kindergarten". Wrong will beuse immunomodulators during this period. Preparations of this plan only suppress the normal development of the body's defenses. The child must cope with new microorganisms on their own.

A cause for concern may be the development of complications after another cold. If simple snot ends with purulent otitis, and sore throat - sore throat, the doctor may advise taking immunomodulators. The list of drugs for each patient is provided individually based on the form of the disease and the characteristics of the baby's body.
Why do adults often bleat?
In an adult, the immune system must work in full force. It is no coincidence that those who feel chronic fatigue and begin to get sick often immediately run to the pharmacy and purchase immunomodulators. But first of all, it is worth understanding the reasons for this state of affairs. It is advisable to visit a doctor. Often, poor he alth and soreness are associated with the presence of chronic foci of infection in the body. It may be tonsillitis not cured in a timely manner, or a banal carious cavity in the tooth.

Medications should only be used when a person's condition worsens dramatically. Often anticancer drugs and immunomodulators are used together. The presence of malignant cells in the body indicates that the protective functions work poorly. Treatment in this case should be complex. Expensivedrugs that can restore immunity as quickly as possible. Below is a list of immunostimulating drugs that are found in domestic pharmacies.
Medication is made on the basis of the thymus gland of cattle. Contains amino acids, oligopeptides and inorganic s alts. The drug perfectly strengthens the body's defenses, and also suppresses the development of hypersensitivity. The drug "Vilozen" is applied topically. In pharmacies, the drug is presented in the form of drops that can be instilled into the nose or added to the solution for inhalation. Most often, with allergic reactions, such immunomodulators and immunostimulants are prescribed. Preparations like "Vilozen" perfectly cope with cough and swelling of the mucous membrane during the spring flowering.
Vilozen drops are prescribed for adults and children over 12 years old. They cannot be used in their pure form. If the drug is used for instillation into the nose, I first add 2 ml of water or isotonic sodium chloride solution to the ampoule. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, 7 drops are instilled into each nasal passage 5 times a day. Additionally, intranasal inhalations can be performed. The course of treatment can be no more than 20 days. Side effects from the use of the drug are present, but it is canceled only with individual intolerance to individual components. In the first days of taking Vilozen drops, slight weakness and dizziness may occur.
The drug is prescribed with caution to patients with bronchial asthma. Severe broncho-obstructivesyndrome or the presence of an acute bacterial infection are a contraindication to the use of Vilozen drops.
This drug belongs to the homeopathic group, so it can be used for children from an early age, as well as for women during pregnancy and lactation. The drug activates the action of the neutralizing functions of the cellular systems of the body. Stimulation of immunity takes place with minimal harm to he alth. The drug "Galium-Hel" is presented in pharmacies in the form of a solution. Assign it most often to people who have suffered severe infectious diseases. Chronic ailments, which are accompanied by a violation of enzyme metabolism, are also an indication for the use of Galium-Hel drops. In addition, the drug perfectly stimulates the protective functions of the body in people over 70 years old.
Without consulting a doctor, even homeopathic immunomodulators (drugs) cannot be used. Why they are harmful to children and adults is easy to guess. Protective functions that are additionally fed with medicines do not work to their full potential on their own. A he althy body can quite cope with the infection. Help is needed only in the most difficult cases.
Galium-Hel can only be prescribed by a doctor. The dosage is determined depending on the form of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient's body. Usually used 10 drops 3 times a day. During an exacerbation of the disease, you can take 10 drops every half hour. In this case, the daily dosage should not exceed 200 drops. Patients with precancerous conditionit is advisable to use drops "Galium-Hel" in combination with other homeopathic medicines.
The composition of the drug includes echinacea juice, which stimulates bone marrow hematopoiesis. As a result of taking Immunal, the number of leukocytes in the blood almost doubles. In addition, the drug has an antiviral effect. It is prescribed in combination with other medicines for the treatment of herpes and respiratory diseases.

Antiviral immunomodulators are most often used to prevent colds and flu during seasonal temperature changes. For children under one year old, Immunal is not prescribed. During an exacerbation of epidemics, the drug is taken once a day. Adults need 20 drops of the solution. For children, the dosage is determined by age. For children under 6 years old, 5-10 drops are enough. With a cold, the drug "Immunal" can be taken up to three times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 8 weeks. For prophylactic strengthening of immunity, it will be enough to take the drug for a week.
Means "Immunal" has virtually no side effects. In rare cases, hypersensitivity to individual elements of the drug occurs. With prolonged storage, Immunal drops may become cloudy. It's not worth throwing them away. You just need to shake the bottle a few times, and the contents will return to their previous state.
The normal operation of the protective function of the human bodyimpossible without special substances - immunoglobulins. But for a number of reasons, this substance stops being produced or is contained in the body in large quantities. Medications can come to the rescue, one of which is called “Immunoglobulin”. Most often, the drug is used in replacement therapy as a prophylaxis for primary immunodeficiency syndromes. In addition, the remedy can be prescribed when the body's defenses can no longer cope with a severe infection. It can be sepsis, severe diseases of a bacterial nature. Means "Immunoglobulin" can be prescribed to pregnant women in the event of a Rh conflict with the fetus, as well as to premature babies in order to prevent severe infections.
Immunomodulators of this kind are quite expensive. Preparations for children and adults are prescribed only when there is a serious threat to life and he alth. The cost of one ampoule of immunoglobulin is at least 1000 rubles.
The drug is administered intravenously through a dropper. The dosage is determined by the doctor depending on the form and severity of the disease. A single dose should not exceed 0.8 g/kg of body weight. Most often, the medication is administered once and the procedure is repeated after a few weeks. Pregnant women with Rhesus conflict are given Immunal after 32 weeks of pregnancy.
Side effects may occur only in the first few hours after taking the drug. It can be dizziness, nausea. Unpleasant sensations pass quickly. On the day of the drip to the patientit is advisable to observe bed rest and not plan serious matters. The drug "Immunal" is contraindicated only for patients with individual intolerance.
Medication used as part of complex therapy for oncological diseases in adults. In pharmacies, the drug is presented in the form of a solution for injection. In cancerous diseases, immunomodulators must be used. The names of the drugs that can replace Leakadin, the doctor will tell you. Medicines of this kind not only have an immunostimulating effect, but also stop the growth of malignant tumors.

Means "Leakadin" before use is diluted with isotonic sodium chloride solution. The patient is injected once a day for two weeks. If necessary, the course is repeated in a month. Immunomodulators (drugs) have a number of side effects. The reviews show that the Leakadin solution can cause a decrease in blood pressure, dizziness, and headache. In case of a sharp deterioration in well-being, the dosage of the drug is reduced. The doctor can completely cancel the remedy only in case of individual intolerance.
Immunostimulants of natural origin
It is not always useful to use immunomodulators. The list of drugs is quite large. Moreover, all medicines are intended for the treatment of serious diseases. How, then, to strengthen the immune system during the period of seasonal temperature changes? There is a huge amountproducts that stimulate the protective functions of the body. First of all, these are fruits containing ascorbic acid. At the end of autumn, citrus fruits should be included in the diet. Just one slice of lemon in tea can perfectly strengthen the immune system.

If it was not possible to avoid a cold, fermented milk products and honey should be added to medical treatment. Interferon preparations and immunomodulators of natural origin are perfectly combined. Additionally, you can strengthen the immune system with the help of echinacea tincture. You can buy it at the pharmacy.