Serotonin is a hormone that is responsible for a good mood, a feeling of happiness, the ability to experience pleasure and joy. In the middle of the last century, it was artificially synthesized in the laboratory, which made it possible to create a new class of antidepressants, the action of which is the ability to prevent the breakdown of the molecules of this hormone. This article provides a list of the most popular serotonin preparations and describes how they work.
Serotonin deficiency symptoms
If a patient has at least two of the symptoms listed below, he has a serotonin deficiency in his body:
- despondency despite external well-being;
- constant boredom - no activities and hobbies are of interest;
- irritability, sluggish aggression;
- chronic fatigue;
- frequent dizziness, darkening of the eyes;
- lowself-esteem, shyness, stiffness;
- constant negative thoughts about life;
- frequent tears for no reason;
- migraines, the causes of which the neurologist could not determine.
Serotonin preparations in medicine are called antidepressants. They are sold strictly by prescription, which can only be prescribed by a psychiatrist. Often used in conjunction with tranquilizers. Serotonin inhibitor drugs are serious drugs and have many contraindications. Therefore, the unauthorized use of such pills "just because you are sad" is strictly prohibited.

Methods to increase serotonin levels without drugs
Before resorting to taking psychotropic drugs, it is worth trying to increase the level of the hormone of joy in the following ways:
- active sports (preferably outdoors: at least half an hour a day should be given to jogging, fitness, jumping rope, brisk walking, cycling;
- should increase the proportion of simple carbohydrates in the diet;
- eat a few slices of natural chocolate from cocoa beans once a day;
- to be alone less often, even if loved ones cause irritation (try to find a compromise with them);
- start seeing a therapist.
Serotonin reuptake drugs
Antidepressants are most often produced in the form of capsules with a gelatin shell and powder content. They should be taken with or without food. Often when takenfasting develops heartburn and an unpleasant burning sensation in the esophagus. There is also a release form in the form of ampoules with liquid for intravenous administration. Injectable antidepressants can only be used in a hospital setting.
There is an opinion that serotonin reuptake inhibitor drugs are highly addictive and cause a state akin to drug intoxication. Such an opinion is erroneous. Modern serotonin preparations are not addictive and do not cause any damage to the cognitive functions of the brain.

"Fluoxetine": instructions for use and reviews
One of the most popular and cheapest antidepressants. The cost per package (20 capsules) is about a hundred rubles. The main active ingredient of the drug has a direct effect on serotonin. The drug regulates the content of the hormone in the body. Released by prescription of a psychiatrist. This is a selective serotonin inhibitor - a drug that, within a week, brings the amount of the hormone back to normal and even above the reference values. The reviews of the people who took it are ambiguous: the drug came up to someone, someone had to pick up another antidepressant.
This is reflected in the patient's well-being as follows:
- constant high spirits;
- a person wants to laugh, joke, smile;
- disappears increased suspiciousness, vulnerability, hypochondria;
- sleep normalizes;
- self-esteem increases;
- even a serious grief patient while taking the druggoing through easily and quickly.
In the first week of taking Fluoxetine, the following side effects are possible:
- headache;
- dizziness;
- loss of appetite;
- nausea;
- dislike the smell of food;
- insomnia.
After two weeks, the body gets used to the high level of the hormone serotonin, and the side effects disappear. Sometimes, for the first time taking serotonin drugs, psychiatrists prescribe tranquilizers that neutralize the side effects of the antidepressant. Three weeks later, they are canceled, and the patient continues taking the antidepressant.

"Prozac": instructions and reviews
A drug whose main active ingredient is fluoxetine. Prozac is produced in the USA, and therefore the price for it is much higher than for the Russian counterpart. Psychiatrists say that the active substance in Prozac undergoes better purification, and therefore it causes fewer side effects. Reviews confirm that taking Prozac is generally better tolerated by patients.
The instructions for this serotonin reuptake inhibitor drug warns that it can cause psychological dependence if used continuously. Do not confuse it with the physical. The patient gets used to being in high spirits, and he becomes afraid that after stopping the pills he will return to a dull, bleak existence. To overcome psychological dependence, the drug should be discontinuedgradually.

"Zoloft": instructions for use and reviews
Another antidepressant that works by being a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. The drug has approximately the same effect when taken on both men and women: it is an increase in mood, a decrease in anxiety, hypochondria, aggression, irritability.
"Zoloft" is different in cost from "Fluoxetine": it costs about six times more, and they work identically. Therefore, taking both drugs, people prefer Fluoxetine. Reviews about "Zoloft" are positive, especially if at the beginning of the reception the patient took tranquilizers in parallel to stop the initial side effects. "Zoloft" can be used by women during the period of premenstrual syndrome to alleviate the manifestations of psychoticism, nervousness, agitation, excitement. Long-term use makes sense, because if you take the drug from time to time, the body will not have time to adjust to a high level of the hormone in the blood.

Other drugs that increase blood serotonin
Here is a list of less popular, but in no way inferior in their effect on the psyche of "Fluoxetine" and "Zoloft" drugs:
- "Paroxetine";
- "Oprah";
- "Sertraline";
- "Stimuloton".
Reviews from dozens of people,who have experienced the effects of these antidepressants confirm that all of them from the second week of taking radically change the mood and attitude of a person. He begins to love the world around him. What used to irritate me now makes me smile. Such a psychotropic effect becomes possible precisely because of an increase in the proportion of the hormone serotonin.

Which doctor should I go to for a prescription for antidepressants?
You cannot choose your own serotonin preparation: only a competent psychiatrist can choose the optimal medicine and its dosage. Depending on the diagnosis, gender, age, the presence of some chronic diseases, the dosage will be different.
It is especially dangerous to take serotonin capture drugs before the age of 18. Many girls take these drugs in secret from their parents, using them to lose weight and achieve an anorexic physique. Almost all antidepressants greatly discourage appetite, this effect allows you to lose weight very quickly, up to exhaustion. Unscrupulous pharmacies often dispense prescription drugs to children at inflated prices. It is unacceptable to take such medicines on your own: it can provoke psychoses, delirium, and nervous breakdowns.
In some cases, a clinical psychotherapist can write a prescription if he or she is qualified to do so.
Compatibility of antidepressants with tranquilizers
Competent psychiatrists often prescribe antidepressants in conjunction with tranquilizers. Such a combination is necessary in order tothe first weeks of admission to avoid insomnia, tremors, headaches. after two weeks of admission, the dose of tranquilizers is gradually reduced until the drug is completely abandoned. And the dosage of the antidepressant remains the same.
If the serotonin preparation is well tolerated by the body and brings the expected benefit to the patient, then the course of treatment is from three months to one year. This duration is due to the fact that the body must get used to the normal level of the hormone. In some cases, it is necessary to change two or three drugs until the patient finds an antidepressant that is optimal and suitable for himself according to all criteria.
Most often, in conjunction with drugs that increase the level of serotonin, Atarax, Adaptol, Diazepam are prescribed. It is forbidden to choose a tranquilizer on your own, since they all have different principles of action on the nervous system and a large list of contraindications and side effects.

Compatibility of antidepressants with alcoholic beverages
It is worth mentioning separately that serotonin drugs antagonize with any dose of ethanol-containing drinks.
Possible problems when mixing antidepressants with alcohol:
- developing delirium;
- severe tremor, fever;
- serotonin syndrome;
- acute psychosis;
- suicidal thoughts;
- inappropriate behavior;
- loss of coordination.
Also, during treatment with antidepressants, alcohol tinctures ("Corvalol") are prohibitedfor the same reason.