Almost everyone is familiar with what a runny nose is. This condition accompanies viral diseases, colds, allergic reactions. Most people know how to get over a runny nose quickly, so it usually doesn't last longer than 5-7 days. But sometimes this condition accompanies a person longer. Some people notice that they have a constant runny nose. What to do in this case, not everyone knows. Usually, the usual folk methods for chronic rhinitis do not work. But if you approach the solution of the problem in a complex way, especially under the guidance of a doctor, you can still get rid of it.
General description of the problem
A runny nose in medicine is called rhinitis. This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, which occurs for various reasons. Most often, under the influence of external factors, such as hypothermia, infection, dry air or dust. But often rhinitis is a symptom of an allergic reaction. Usually this pathology passes within a week. But sometimes there is such a phenomenon as a constant runny nose. What to do in this case, many do not know. They continue to use regular drops to treat a runny nose. But more often than not, it only makes things worse.
Persistent runny nose or chronic rhinitis is characterized by nasal discharge or congestion that lasts for a long time. This should not be, so the pathology requires immediate medical attention and treatment. Difficulty breathing and swelling of the mucosa leads to headaches, as the supply of oxygen to the tissues decreases. A sick person also has a decrease in smell, discomfort in the ears, and hearing impairment is possible. His sleep is disturbed, his voice may change. With an allergic origin of rhinitis, dry mucous membranes, itching, burning, and frequent sneezing occur.

Causes of a constant runny nose in an adult
Unlike acute rhinitis, chronic rhinitis appears due to vasodilation of the mucosa. Most often this occurs as a complication of acute respiratory diseases. Improper treatment or non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations can lead to such complications. Many people endure a cold on their feet, believing that a runny nose is not dangerous and you should not go to the doctor. But often the consequence of such an attitude is chronic rhinitis. In addition, nasal congestion due to mucosal vasoconstriction can appear with various endocrine pathologies, disruption of the cardiovascular or nervous systems. But this can happen even in a he althy person.
Ifconsult a doctor, he will help to understand why a runny nose constantly occurs in each case. There are several causes of chronic rhinitis:
- foreign body in the nose;
- congenital or acquired anomalies of the nasal septum;
- injury or surgery;
- too dry indoor air;
- exposure to chemicals;
- incorrect use of folk methods from the common cold;
- allergic reaction to dust, animals, drugs;
- abuse of vasoconstrictor nose drops.
The last reason is one of the most common. Many people, wanting to get rid of a runny nose faster, use such drugs without observing the dosage and duration of treatment. Usually these drugs are addictive. The result is a condition called rhinitis medicamentosa.

Chronic rhinitis in children
Many parents are concerned about the problem that the child has a constant runny nose. What to do, only a doctor can decide. After all, this pathology has many causes, and the methods of treatment depend on what caused the runny nose. There are several causes of chronic rhinitis in a child:
- congenital deviated septum;
- consequences of nose injuries;
- getting into the nasal passages of foreign bodies;
- presence of polyps, adenoids or chronic diseases of the nasopharynx;
- allergic reaction to dust, tobacco smoke or food;
- decrease in defensesnasopharynx during teething;
- Incorrect use of nose drops.
The causes and treatment of a persistent runny nose in a child are closely related. Therefore, it is not recommended to drip drops to the child at your own discretion. Indeed, depending on why rhinitis appeared, different drugs are prescribed. In addition, the doctor will advise what other measures to take to alleviate the child's condition. It is usually recommended to humidify the air in the room, often rinse the baby's nasal passages with special saline solutions, and give him more to drink. In such cases, the use of a nebulizer is very effective. But medicines can be used by a child only as directed by a doctor.

Nasal congestion
Many people notice that they constantly stuff their nose without a runny nose. What to do in such cases, some try to decide on their own. To do this, they use vasoconstrictor drops. But this approach is not always effective. If breathing through the nose is difficult, and there are no discharges that are common with a runny nose, this condition is usually associated with swelling of the mucous membrane or with vasodilation. At the same time, it is impossible to return normal breathing by blowing your nose. This brings serious discomfort to the patient.
Violation of the functions of the nasal mucosa can occur due to constant exposure to allergens, dry air or chemicals on the respiratory tract. In addition, the cause of nasal congestion can be a complication after an infectious disease or an allergy. But often such a state is also a consequenceprolonged use of vasoconstrictor drops. Moreover, nasal congestion can be constant, lasting for several months. In addition, many people get stuffy nose only at night or in the morning.
How dangerous is this condition
The human sinuses serve to clean, disinfect and warm the air entering them. If they are inflamed, or the nose is constantly stuffed up, it cannot perform these functions. Deterioration of the function of air exchange can lead to constant headaches, deterioration of memory and mental activity. The airways lose their protective functions, so infectious diseases often occur. Because of this, complications can occur in the throat, bronchi, middle ear or lacrimal glands. In addition, a constant runny nose can lead to atrophy of the nasal mucosa and pathological changes in the anatomy of the nasal passages.

Permanent runny nose: what to do
First of all, in this condition, it is recommended to see a doctor as soon as possible. Despite the fact that many consider a runny nose to be a benign condition, prolonged inflammation of the mucosa can lead to sad consequences. In addition, only a specialist can decide how to treat a persistent runny nose, as the methods of therapy depend on the cause that caused it.
Sometimes you can manage this condition without medication. It is enough to cancel the drops that caused the allergy or stop using folk methods. And this is a fairly common cause of chronic rhinitis. Many try to treat a runny nose with onion juice, beetroot oraloe, wash the nose with laundry soap. But these recipes can only help with viral diseases. They do not relieve nasal congestion, but, on the contrary, can cause it. Therefore, it is necessary to stop using all folk methods.
Sometimes, to get rid of a constant runny nose, it is enough to start humidifying the air in the room. For this, a humidifier or fountain is purchased. You can also lay out wet towels on radiators, arrange containers with water around the room. Rinsing the nose with special saline solutions also helps. If the runny nose is caused by allergies, you should try to eliminate exposure to allergens.
In addition to measures to eliminate the causes of chronic rhinitis, complex therapy necessarily includes medication, physiotherapy and other methods. They help to restore the patency of the nasal passages, restore free breathing and mucosal function.

Medicated treatment
Only a doctor can advise how to get rid of a constant runny nose with medication. After all, the choice of the drug depends not only on the individual characteristics of the patient, but also on the cause of rhinitis. The most commonly used drugs are:
- tablets "Sinupret";
- spray "Nasobek";
- drops "Sinuforte";
- drops "Nazoferon" with immunomodulatory effect;
- vasoconstrictive drugs, for example, Nizivin, Tizin, Xylen;
- antihistamine drops"Allergodil", "Kromoheksal";
- solutions for washing, for example, "No-S alt", "Aqua Maris".

Nose rinse
Sinus flushing is often recommended to treat a persistent runny nose. This procedure is called irrigation. Rinse the nose with a teapot. You need to bend over the sink and pour the solution into one nostril so that it flows out of the other nostril. You can also drip a large amount of solution into the nose, and it will flow into the nasopharynx.
To do this, you can use ready-made solutions, for example, in a pharmacy you can buy a spray "Aqua Maris". But such a solution can be prepared independently. Effectively rinsing the nose with saline - dilute 0.5 tablespoons of sea s alt in half a glass of warm water. Often irrigation is also recommended with decoctions of chamomile, lemon balm, plantain. You can dilute a teaspoon of eucalyptus oil in a glass of warm water. This solution has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. If a runny nose bothers a person very often, it is better to purchase a special parting "Dolphin". It makes it easier to rinse your nose.

Unconventional methods
Most folk prescriptions for the treatment of the common cold are aimed at destroying the infection. But there are also those that help with chronic rhinitis. These are inhalation of aromas of essential oils, drops from Kalanchoe juice, inhalations with mint, chamomile and plantain. Inhalations with essential oils are also effective.oils of lemon, eucalyptus, tea tree. You can use peach oil to moisturize the mucosa. It will help to quickly abandon vasoconstrictor drops.
In addition, sometimes doctors prescribe physiotherapy for a patient with chronic rhinitis. It can be cryotherapy, laser therapy, intranasal blockade.
How to prevent the problem from occurring
In order not to suffer from constant nasal congestion, you need to know the methods of preventing a runny nose. This condition is easier to prevent than to seek treatment later. To do this, you need to try to humidify the air in rooms where a person stays the longest. In addition, strengthen the immune system so as not to become infected with a viral infection. And with the appearance of a common cold, treat it only under the guidance of a doctor. It is possible to use various medicines, especially vasoconstrictor drops, only strictly according to the instructions. In addition, you should try not to abuse folk methods for the treatment of acute respiratory infections. Tips such as onion juice in the nose can damage the mucosa. And most importantly: to prevent such a condition, when the first symptoms of a runny nose appear, you should consult a doctor.