The thyroid gland, located in the neck area, has the shape of a butterfly. It has a great influence on the entire human body, and also performs a large number of different functions in it. Statistics show that the fair sex has thyroid problems much more often than male patients. And in order to recognize them in time, you need to familiarize yourself with the signs of problems with the thyroid gland. This is what this article is about.

General Description
The thyroid gland is located above the so-called Adam's apple. Its main function is to produce a specific hormone - thyroid. It is he who regulates body temperature, heartbeat and metabolism. Signs of problems with the thyroid gland can manifest themselves when it is hyperactive or, conversely,not active enough. When the body works poorly, a small amount of thyroid hormone is produced. And if the thyroid gland works too actively, then this substance is produced in too large quantities. Hence, various problems with the thyroid gland arise.
And for what reasons can the thyroid gland start to work incorrectly? These include genetic factors, autoimmune failures, pregnancy, stressful situations, malnutrition, environmental toxins. But experts are unequivocally unsure about this issue. Since there are many thyroid hormones in the body, the diagnosis of a particular disease can be a very difficult task for specialists. Below you can find the signs of problems with the thyroid gland, thanks to which we can talk about the development of a disease.

Fatigue exhaustion
Feeling tired as well as lack of energy can be associated with various ailments and conditions. But all of them will be related to a disease in which an insufficient amount of thyroid hormones is produced. If you feel very tired in the morning or throughout the day after sleep, this may indicate that the thyroid gland is not active enough. When a small amount of these hormones circulate in the blood circulation, as well as in the cells, this indicates that the brain does not receive a signal to start its work. That is why the first sign of thyroid problems is exhaustion.
An unusual feeling of depression eithersadness may indicate the development of hypothyroidism. What is it connected with? The fact is that by producing too little hormone, the thyroid gland can affect the level of the hormone serotonin, which ensures good he alth. If the thyroid gland is not active enough, then the rest of the body systems will begin to suffer. Not surprisingly, in this case, the mood begins to fall.

Anxiety and nervousness
So, we continue to consider the signs of thyroid problems in women and men. Another symptom is anxiety and nervousness. This sensation is associated with hyperthyroidism, when the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone. In such situations, the metabolism as well as the whole body can be highly aroused. If a person feels as if he cannot relax, then this indicates that the thyroid gland is working hyperactively.
Change in appetite and taste preferences
What other signs of thyroid problems can be? One of these is a change in taste preferences and increased appetite. If you have a sharp increase in the need for food, then this indicates the development of hyperthyroidism, when a large amount of the hormone produced causes a person to experience a constant feeling of hunger. The only plus in this situation is the fact that problems in the thyroid gland due to hyperactivity will cause the burning of extra calories. That is why a person will ultimately not gain weight, but losehim.
Fuzzy thinking
When talking about the signs and symptoms of thyroid problems, fuzzy thinking is a must. Of course, a similar symptom can indicate lack of sleep or aging. But cognition can also take a hit due to thyroid problems. A high thyroid-stimulating hormone level can make it difficult to concentrate, and an insufficient amount can cause forgetfulness, as well as foggy thinking.

Loss of interest in sex
Another common symptom of thyroid problems in women is a loss of interest in sex. It is usually a side effect of a thyroid disorder. The fact is that a low rate of the hormone can provoke a weak libido, but at the same time, a lack of energy, as well as soreness in the body, will play a special role in this matter. They are also the first signs of thyroid problems.
Trembling before the eyes
This trembling may be due to a rapid heartbeat. At the same time, it seems to a person that his organ trembles, missing a blow, or it beats hard or too fast. At the same time, the patient may notice similar sensations on the wrist, as well as on the neck and throat. A fluttering heart or a strong heartbeat may indicate that the system is overflowing with hormones.
Dry skin
What other signs of a thyroid problem may appear? Dry skin may indicate the development of hypothyroidism. Changes in appearance andskin texture occur due to a slowdown in metabolism. And it reduces sweating. The skin without the required amount of fluid quickly becomes dry and begins to peel off. In parallel with this, the nails begin to break, longitudinal voluminous stripes form on them.

Intestinal malfunctions
Please note that thyroid problems can occur not only in adults, but also in children. Signs of problems with the thyroid gland are a signal that you should definitely contact a medical institution. One of these symptoms is the unpredictability of bowel function. As a rule, in such situations, people begin to complain of constipation. Poor functioning of the thyroid gland provokes a slowdown in the digestion process. And too high activity of this organ can provoke diarrhea, frequent movement of masses in the intestines. All this indicates the development of hyperthyroidism.
Irregular menstruation
Women should also pay attention to their menstrual cycle and, in case of any failure, seek help from a medical institution, where, after a full examination, a specialist will prescribe treatment. A symptom of thyroid problems in the form of a long menstrual period with a large amount of discharge indicates the development of hypothyroidism. Periods between periods may be reduced in this case.
As for hyperthyroidism, in this case, the hormone level increases, which causes irregular menstruation in a woman.
Soreness in muscles andlimbs
In some cases, this symptom is due to increased functioning of the limbs and muscles. But if a person began to feel an unexpected causeless tingling, pain and numbness, which are localized in the legs, feet, hands, arms, then this indicates the development of hypothyroidism. Over time, low thyroid hormone levels can destroy the nerves that send signals from the brain throughout the body. That is why there is an inexplicable nature of pain and tingling.

Increased pressure
Increased pressure also indicates the development of thyroid disease. This happens in both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. People who suffer from hypothyroidism have a greater risk of developing hypertension. A low level of thyroid hormones in the blood slows down the heartbeat, which negatively affects the force of expulsion of blood, as well as the flexibility of the walls of blood vessels. This can cause an increase in pressure.
Low body temperature
Chilling and feeling cold can be a sign of hypothyroidism. The inactive work of the systems of the human body due to the low rate of hormones requires less energy, which must be burned by the cells. That is why a person begins to experience chills. On the other hand, an active thyroid can cause cells to start burning too much energy. This is why people who suffer from hyperthyroidism in some cases feel very hot and also sweat a lot.
Discomfort in the neck, hoarseness
Feeling of a lump in the throat, a change in voice may indicate a malfunction of the thyroid gland. To do this, you should examine your neck well to identify signs of an enlarged thyroid gland. If any bumps are noticed, then it is imperative to consult a doctor.
Sleep failure
If a person wants to sleep all the time, this may indicate the development of hypothyroidism. An underactive thyroid gland slows down the functions of the body so much that a person experiences drowsiness even during the daytime. But if the patient cannot sleep, then this is a sign of hyperthyroidism. A high level of the hormone is expressed in anxiety, a rapid pulse, which makes it difficult to go to sleep, and can also cause you to wake up in the middle of the night.

Weight gain
If you have a couple of sizes in clothes, then there can be many reasons for this. However, a similar symptom may also indicate a malfunction of the thyroid gland.
Hair loss or thinning
Brittle or dry hair and hair loss are a sign of hypothyroidism. A low level of the hormone disrupts the hair growth cycle, and also puts many follicles into "sleep mode", resulting in hair loss.
Features of treatment
To identify the cause of these symptoms, as well as to make an accurate diagnosis, you should consult a specialist, that is, an endocrinologist. Based on the data obtained after questioning and examining the patient, the specialist draws up a productive planexamination and treatment. After the tests, measures are prescribed for the treatment of a particular thyroid disease. As a rule, in this case, the patient is prescribed surgical or therapeutic techniques that correct the functioning of this organ. Thyroid problems are very serious, so don't ignore the symptoms.