Skin condition is a reflection of the overall he alth of a person as a whole. Purulent acne is one of the most unpleasant dermatological pathologies. This is not only a deterioration in the appearance of a person, but also great physical discomfort. Purulent pimples hurt and itch, and it is impossible to hide them under foundation. Moreover, the use of decorative cosmetics only worsens the situation - pustules on the face spread faster. Treatment of pathology requires a special approach, and if rashes on the face are very common, the help of a professional dermatologist is needed.
Causes of occurrence

The causes of pustules on the face are different, the most common are the following:
- Age. Teenagers often suffer from acne, and are also prone to all other types of acne. When the puberty is over, and the hormonal background stabilizes, the pustules on the face will disappear. Hyperactivity of hormones contributes to breast growth and the onset of menstruation in girls, and in boys during this period, the voice changes,facial hair appears.
- Hormonal failure. Pustules on the face in adult women often occur during menstruation, pregnancy or menopause.
- Eating errors. Problems with the skin of the face may be associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, quite often small pustules on the face appear with liver problems caused by the abuse of fatty foods and alcohol.
- Hyperkeratosis is a pathological cell division. This disease will be discussed in more detail below.
- Lack of proper hygiene. Facial pustules can be the result of improper or insufficient facial cleansing, and the longer the skin is left unattended, the more the problem worsens.
- Squeezing out pustules. Doctors warn that pimples should not be squeezed out, even if they are about to break through on their own. With the wrong actions, the situation can become more complicated - if after squeezing out the pimple, pus remains inside, the wound will overgrow, and the pus will remain in it, this will lead to the appearance of a scar, which is very difficult to get rid of.
- Stress. A rash of pustules on the face may be of nervous origin. With frequent stresses and nervous strains, the human immune system works worse, which makes it possible for pathological microorganisms to freely enter the human body and actively multiply. The skin also resists bacteria worse, and also does not cope with inflammatory processes.
- Poor quality cosmetics. This includes not only expired cosmetics or cosmetics of lowquality, but also the use of other people's cosmetics, application to dirty skin, touching the face with dirty hands.
- Taking certain medications. Most often, small pustules on the face appear in athletes who take steroids. Antibiotics also contribute to acne.
Mechanism of appearance of pustules
White pustules on the face always appear at the most inopportune moment. At first, the pimple is small, and the skin around it turns slightly red. Gradually, the pimple matures and increases in size. Now it becomes very noticeable, it has an unpleasant shade, and a core of pus is visible inside. A person may experience itching and pain, which disappears only after the pimple breaks and the wound heals.
Types of pustules

Abscesses on the face can be of the following types:
- comedone is not yet a purulent pimple, but a contamination of the pores, but its appearance precedes the appearance of an abscess;
- papules - small rashes;
- pustules - small white balls filled with pus, surrounded by inflamed skin;
- nodes are untreated pustules, as a result of which inflammatory processes have penetrated into the deep layers of the epidermis;
- cystic formations - subcutaneous association of several abscesses, which is accompanied by inflammation and severe pain.
Degrees of pathology
According to the severity of acne, the following degrees are distinguished:
- Defeat concerns limitedareas, mostly comedones can be seen, and pustules and papules are single.
- The rash affects not only the face, but the body too. The nature of the rash is the same as in the previous stage - mainly comedones are observed, and papules and pustules are single.
- The third degree of pustular lesions of the face is accompanied by a large number of pustules and papules. Pimples itch, scars and scars can be observed - the consequences of acne.
- The fourth degree is the most dangerous. The diameter of purulent acne can reach half a centimeter, acne covers most of the skin of the face and body. With a close location of acne, fistulous passages can form. The fourth degree of pustular lesions is treated quite successfully, but the formations leave behind atrophic scars and scars.
The essence of the disease is excessive cell division, as a result of which the skin layer thickens. Red pustules form on the face, which are not corrected by decorative cosmetics. The skin flakes off and the appearance of the face deteriorates. Also, the patient is tormented by itching and other uncomfortable manifestations.
Hyperkeratosis can be congenital and acquired, also isolated:
- Follicular hyperkeratosis - hair follicles are affected, the ducts are clogged, inflammation occurs.
- Lenticular - a chronic form of the disease, which worsens after prolonged insolation.
- Disseminated - very rare.
Hyperkeratosis as an independent disease is not considered, it is often a clinical sign of various pathologies,but sometimes the causes of hyperkeratosis can be external factors, for example, these:
- prolonged insolation;
- chapping skin;
- poor hygiene;
- washing with hard water;
- contact with chemicals.
As for internal causes, they are as follows:
- ichthyosis;
- fungal diseases;
- dermatitis;
- psoriasis and lichen;
- diabetes mellitus;
- avitaminosis;
- stress;
- problems in the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
This is a mite lesion of the skin of the face. As a rule, signs of the disease are localized on the eyelids, eyebrows, nasolabial folds, chin.
The tick lives on the face and head of 80% of people, but does not manifest itself, all its vital activity takes place on the surface of the skin, without penetrating under it. But in certain situations, the tick can lay eggs in the dermis, which will provoke an inflammatory process in the follicle. These situations are:
- poor immunity;
- old age;
- bad habits;
- endocrine system disorders;
- digestive pathologies;
- excessive use of decorative cosmetics;
- skin diseases;
- malnutrition;
- long-term use of certain medications;
- stress;
- disorders of the sebaceous glands;
- changing the chemical composition of sebum;
- liver disease.
Modern medicine has in its arsenal a lot of tools that will help get rid ofthis nasty disease.
Abscesses in a child
Pustules on the face of a newborn are quite common, it can have the following reasons:
- Hormonal rash. The baby has a hormonal background. During this period, the appearance of small pustules on the face is not excluded.
- Allergy. If the child is breastfed, the mother must carefully monitor her diet so as not to provoke an allergic reaction in the baby.
- Sweating. The skin of a newborn is very delicate, and if proper hygiene is not observed, rashes can occur all over the body.
- Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. A non-dangerous condition that does not affect the he alth of the child.
- Dysbacteriosis. It develops when the microflora is disturbed.
- Infections. Staphylococcus aureus, streptoderma.
- Infections that are transmitted by airborne droplets - measles, chickenpox, rubella and so on.
If a child has pustules on his face, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. Most likely, there is nothing dangerous, but it is better to exclude infectious and fungal infections.

Pustules on the face of a child in the first years of life may be the result of the following:
- polyweed;
- allergy;
- dysbacteriosis;
- blockage of the sebaceous glands.
In children of preschool and school age, pustules rarely appear, and the skin remains clear until adolescence. But in some cases, pustules are stillappear and are clinical manifestations:
- adrenal hormonal disorders;
- violations of metabolic processes;
- infectious pathologies;
- early puberty.
All these pathologies require expert advice and quality treatment.
Traditional treatment for pustules

With purulent acne, pharmacy products that are intended for topical use will help to cope. If there are a lot of skin rashes, it is recommended to wipe the face with hydrogen peroxide before using creams and ointments.
Dermatologists most commonly prescribe the following drugs:
- Ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment. These drugs do not have a very pleasant smell, but they are quite effective in fighting pustular rashes. The ointment is applied to a gauze swab, which is applied to the pimple and fixed with a plaster. Recommended to use at night.
- "Baziron AS". This tool is used 2 times a day, a course of up to 3 months.
- "Zinerite". This is a balm that is applied to cleansed skin. After drying, it becomes invisible.
- "Skinoren". It is used for extensive lesions, it can be applied not pointwise, but distributed over the entire face.

In addition to drug treatment, there are cosmetic procedures that also cope well with skin defects. The most common are:
- Cryotherapy – freezing an abscess with liquid nitrogen. The result - the abscess is destroyed, leaving no traces.
- Laser therapy - a laser beam burns acne in the literal sense of the word.
- Ozone therapy - distilled water enriched with ozone is injected into the lesion site.
- Mesotherapy - the use of special preparations.
- Ultrasound therapy is a deep cleansing of the face, during which dead skin cells that clog pores are removed.
- Peeling is a method similar to the previous method, the difference is that cleaning is done chemically.
- Mechanical cleaning is a set of activities during which neither chemistry nor ultrasound is used, deep cleaning of the skin is carried out mechanically.
A significant disadvantage of these procedures is their high cost.
Treatment with folk remedies

A cheaper, but no less effective way to get rid of abscesses on the face is to use traditional medicine. For example:
- Aloe. The aloe leaf must be cut lengthwise and applied to the abscess, fixing with a plaster,
- Plantain juice. From the fresh leaves of the plant, juice is squeezed out, which is used to make lotions, tonics and masks.
- Calendula. To prepare a water tincture, you will need a glass of boiling water, a teaspoon of calendula flowers and a tablespoon of honey. The medicinal plant is infused in boiling water for half an hour, then honey is dissolved in the infusion and left to cool. Treat the skin with the resulting product 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.
- Mask of protein and oats. Grind oatmeal with 2 teaspoons of flour, combine with whole egg white. The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water. For dry skin, you can add a couple of drops of olive oil to the mask. It helps to moisturize the skin.
- A single pimple can be removed by applying to it a crushed tablet of aspirin or streptocide, mixed with a small amount of psyllium juice until a slurry is obtained. A piece of cotton wool or a piece of gauze is blotted with gruel and applied to a sore spot.
Prevention measures

Everyone understands that preventing the appearance of purulent acne is much easier than curing them. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the skin, clean it, and use soap with an antibacterial effect for washing. It is also recommended to lead a he althy lifestyle and eat right.
If the skin is oily, as a preventive measure, you can make masks to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. A good effect is given by an oatmeal mask with the addition of lemon juice, protein and a streptocide tablet.
Tar soap is a wonderful natural antiseptic that has been used for centuries to wash the face, highly recommended for people with problem skin.
To strengthen overall immunity, it is recommended to drink a he althy drink, which is prepared as follows. Pour a tablespoon of dry nettle with a glass of boiling water, leave for two hours,add honey and lemon juice.
It is impossible to cure acne in a few days. It will take at least three days to break through the abscess. According to cosmetologists, it will take at least two weeks to completely get rid of acne. Although, it all depends on the cause of these rashes.