With many skin ailments, peeling is likely to occur. Redness, tingling, itching, burning - such symptoms are not only considered frequent accompanying characteristics of the disease, but also worsen the quality of human life. Burning of the skin is one of the frequent phenomena in which the upper part of the epidermis is affected. It is important to pay attention to even minor manifestations of such a symptom. Timely therapy will allow you to get rid of it, preventing complications.
What is this?
Burning of the skin - irritation of the receptors of the upper layer of the epidermis, which usually has a paroxysmal character. This phenomenon arises from external and internal causes. Often during the day it weakens, and at night it intensifies, due to which a good rest worsens, irritation appears and well-being may worsen, working capacity decreases and depression appears.

When burning the skin, usuallyitching, rashes and irritation appear. With the help of modern methods of therapeutic action, it will be possible to stop these symptoms, get rid of unpleasant consequences and stop the pathological process in a timely manner, which is the cause of the discomfort.
Types of burning
There is a division of the types of burning according to the nature of the phenomenon. It can be:
- Physiological, which is associated with certain external causes. For example, burning of this type occurs from insect bites, when the skin is rubbed for a long period of time, and also after thermal and sunburns.
- Pathological. This type is associated with a state of mind, when a burning sensation of the skin appears from an unstable psychological state or a change in the physiological state, for example, in old age, during pregnancy. Another symptom occurs in the presence of psychological discomfort, stress, depression.
This classification is conditional, since in practice there is often a burning sensation with both types of causes. In any case, it is necessary to normalize the human condition, relieving him of discomfort.
The appearance of a burning sensation on the skin is usually immediately noticeable. It manifests as follows:
- First, there is a slight discomfort, which, with little influence of any causes, occurs on a certain area of the skin. A tingling or tingling sensation occurs.
- As the skin disease progresses, there is an increase in the halo of the skin lesion, but this process can be gradual orimpetuous. If, when the first signs of the disease appear (with a slight burning sensation), treatment is not started, the process will develop quickly, covering large areas of the skin.

Therefore, with the appearance of a burning sensation of the skin of the body, it is necessary to identify areas with a pathological process and contact a specialist who will diagnose this phenomenon. Then treatment and recovery will be easier and faster.
Burning can be in different parts of the body. In this case, such a symptom may be the first sign of an illness. Since it is the external manifestations that are often diagnosed as symptoms of malfunctions of the internal organs, the condition of which is aggravated if proper attention is not paid to this.
External causes
Burning of the skin of the face or other part of the body from external causes immediately manifests itself brightly. Usually it is possible to immediately identify the cause of this phenomenon:
- Insect stings usually cause discomfort immediately afterwards.
- In case of a solar or thermal burn, the burning sensation occurs sharply, soreness is observed over the near future.
- From exposure to aggressive components, such as household chemicals, burning sensation is intense in the first minutes.

With external causes, a person is able to fix the problem himself, restoring the condition of the skin. For example, when biting insects, special gels and ointments are used. It is enough to treat the diseased area to notice an improvement very soon.appearance of the skin.
Burning, itching, redness appears due to the action of the allergen. The irritant can be household chemicals, products, cosmetics. In this case, a rash appears on the body, and blisters may appear on the affected area.
Allergic manifestations are formed on different parts of the body, even on the lips, tongue and ears. Allergies are hereditary, but the irritant can be different.
For scabies, fungus
Scabies can be identified by the following features:
- presence of scabies;
- rashes in the interdigital spaces, groin, on the abdomen.
Due to frequent scratching, wearing contaminated clothing, rapid reproduction of mites, unpleasant symptoms can be spread to other parts of the body.

Unpleasant sensations on the skin are also likely due to the presence of a fungus. Infection occurs through contact with a sick person or through things in common use. There is a greater risk of infection in those who go to a public bath, swimming pool, sports clubs. Children over 5 years of age are more susceptible to the disease.
Internal Pathologies
Itching and burning of the skin can be a sign of internal ailments, such as:
- Vascular damage. With this pathology, periodic swelling of the extremities, a cold state, and there may be a burning sensation in the affected area are observed. When this phenomenon occurs, it is necessary to determine the cause of such a state in order to select the optimal method for improving the condition.
- Liver diseases. Since the liver is considered the main cleansingbody, so the condition of the skin, the well-being of a person depends on it. And such signs as a sharply darkened color of urine, lightening of feces, severe burning of the skin, may be evidence of a pathology in the functioning of the organ. The reason for the burning sensation in liver diseases is the release of bile s alts into the blood, which, affecting the skin receptors, lead to their irritation and pathological reaction.
- Skin ailments (eczema, psoriasis, allergies). With them, redness, burning of the skin is also likely. With such pathologies, additional external manifestations are observed, which become immediately noticeable and require an ambulance.
- Internal parasites. Helminths often lead to uncomfortable skin sensations, so regular preventive cleansing will help prevent this condition.
- Decreased activity of the thyroid gland. With such a pathology, a burning sensation of the skin is observed, it will be hot and wet. The work of some systems decreases, which leads to severe fatigue and a tendency to depression.
These are the main causes of burning skin. This symptom can also be in such serious conditions as stage 1 cancer of the internal organs, diabetes mellitus, gout, malfunctions of the gallbladder, liver and kidneys. And the diagnosis of the cause allows you to get rid of the root cause of such an unpleasant condition, quickly eliminate the symptoms, improving the condition.
Relief of symptom
When internal lesions appear, the cause must be quickly identified. This will allow you to quickly neutralize unpleasant symptoms. Because she might beserious, and if left untreated may lead to complications or a longer course of therapy.

Elimination of burning of the skin of the face or other parts of the body can be performed as follows:
- First, the cause is determined. With the help of a complete diagnosis, it will be possible to determine what caused the symptom. Based on this, the doctor prescribes treatment.
- Drug therapy may be prescribed, carried out only under the supervision of a specialist to exclude negative manifestations in the sensitivity of the body.
- Physiotherapy is used to stimulate the immune system, which helps to quickly eliminate the burning sensation.
- Vitamin therapy involves taking immunostimulating, mineral and vitamin remedies that speed up recovery. Any drugs must be prescribed by a doctor.
Relieving condition
Medicines can eliminate the burning sensation. Among them is Advantan. This tool is available in the form of an emulsion, cream, ointment. For each part of the body, you can choose the appropriate option. Effective and "Hydrocortisone ointment". But only specialists can prescribe such drugs, after a thorough examination. Self-medication is strictly unacceptable.
Folk methods are used at home. Bathing procedures with baking soda allow you to eliminate burning. You need to lie in the water for no more than 15-20 minutes. Soda is also used when diluting compresses. 1 tsp is added to water (1 cup). powder. Gauze folded in several layers is lowered into the solution, and thenlotion to painful areas. Burning of the skin of the legs and other parts of the body is also eliminated with ammonia: 1 tbsp. l. solution is added to 3 tbsp. l. water.
Effective treatment
If burning, dryness is observed on the skin of the hands, then this is probably caused by external factors. In this case, all household work should be done with rubber gloves. You also need to choose the right soap, restore the diet. Moisturizing creams, a soft towel help.

From folk remedies, a potato mask, a compress of honey, sour cream, olive oil, lemon juice helps. A symptom on the face may indicate a deficiency of vitamins A, B, E. Then a mask based on plums, egg yolk, olive oil, oatmeal is required.
Dryness of the skin of the body is associated with internal problems of the body. It is advisable to include fish, legumes in the diet. It is useful to perform cosmetic procedures - baths with chamomile, milk, honey masks, avocados, as well as peeling.
Burning and dry feet appear from uncomfortable shoes. Therefore, it is important that it be of high quality and comfortable. If this is not the reason, then masks based on potatoes, green apple, castor oil help.
When do you need medical attention?
Often, adults themselves can determine the cause of burning, itching of the skin, for example, when replacing washing powder. Discomfort may appear from inappropriate cosmetics, medicines. But sometimes the burning sensation does not go away for a long time, so itching can be a symptom of a serious illness.
You need to see a doctorat:
- violation of the rhythm of daily life, sleep disturbance for more than 2 weeks;
- appearance of dangerous symptoms - weight loss, constant fatigue, fever;
- effect on the whole body.
The specialist will identify the cause of burning skin and prescribe effective treatment measures. Then restoring the state will be faster.
It is important to maintain personal hygiene. Do not allow overheating, it is advisable to be in a cool room. Therefore, hot baths should be used less often. Do not use soap too often. It is better not to wear wool and synthetics, which are the main irritants.

It is necessary to limit the intake of alcoholic beverages, caffeine. It is necessary to pay attention to nutrition, which should contain vitamins E and D. According to dermatologists, there can be many causes of burning and itching. Therefore, it is still better to contact a professional first.
The indicated measures of influence make it possible to make the treatment effective, so the burning of the skin of the hands, feet and other parts of the body will be eliminated faster. Prevention and treatment based on diagnosis guarantees he alth and protection against negative changes.