Molluscum contagiosum is a skin disease. This pathology is characterized by a viral infectious nature. During the development of this disease, various rashes appear on the skin of people, looking in the form of small nodules. These nodules appear flesh or pink in color, and there is a small indentation directly in the center of the pimple. This virus is highly contagious and spreads quite quickly.
Molluscum contagiosum (pictured) is transmitted through direct contact with an infected person. It can also happen due to the sharing of common hygiene items. In addition to non-compliance with personal hygiene, infection is possible as a result of promiscuity. It should be noted that in patients of middle and older age, this virus, as a rule, enters the body precisely as a result of sexual intercourse. About what causes this disease, andwe will also talk about his treatment later.

Pathogenesis of disease
Molluscum contagiosum is a benign neoplasm of the skin. Directly the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid of the virus is carried out within the keratinocytes of the epidermis. After the multiplication of the virus in human cells, the activity of T-lymphocytes is blocked, in connection with this, immune cells are absent against the background of the lesion, which causes immune tolerance that favors the pathogen during infection.
Causes of infection of the body
What causes the appearance of molluscum contagiosum, and what is it all about? The causative agent of this disease is called a DNA-containing virus, which is related to the same category as smallpox. This virus can replicate in the cytoplasm of the cells it infects. The carrier of the presented virus is exclusively a person. The pathogen is transmitted only by direct contact, for example:
- Via the contact method. This pathogen is extremely contagious, it can only affect the human body. He is able to stay dormant for a long time among ordinary dust. As a rule, infection is carried out through a person who is sick with this virus, for example, while swimming in pools, when sharing clothes or bed linen, and, in addition, against the background of using common hygiene products.
- Sexual route of infection. Against the background of infection through sexual contact, molluscum contagiosum (pictured) in women and men usually affects only the genital area.
It should be emphasized that the current state of medicine still does not allow to fully get rid of this virus. The human body also does not develop immunity to this disease for unknown reasons. The main reasons for the recurrence of this pathology is a general decrease in immunity. It is as a result of a decrease in immunity that the virus is very often activated.

In children
Children are particularly susceptible to infection with this unpleasant disease. The main reason for the spread of infection among this category is household contact with an infected child.
This usually happens in public places, for example:
- in kindergarten;
- school;
- sport sections;
- pool.
Immune-compromised children after illness are at risk.
Symptoms of infection
This disease usually makes itself felt two weeks after infection. It is after this that the first symptomatology of molluscum contagiosum appears in a person. In rare situations, the incubation period may be prolonged and then the first signs appear after a few months.
In the case of the appearance of molluscum contagiosum (photo shown), the main symptom will be the formation of raised nodules on the skin, which will have a hemispherical shape. The color of such formations usually matches the skin tone. There is a slight depression in the middle of the nodules. The size of a single neoplasm may vary. It should be noted that usually from smallrashes, they can turn into large nodules, up to one and a half centimeters in diameter. Against the background of an uncomplicated course, the disease develops from one to twenty nodules. As a rule, they do not bother a person in any way and do not hurt at all. But in case of mechanical damage, they can swell, turn red or start to itch, and, in addition, become inflamed, especially against the background of infection.
Where does molluscum contagiosum most often occur in men?
The area of the rash depends on how the infection occurred. The virus mainly affects the skin around the neck. The eyelids, forehead, chest, and back of the hand may also be affected. Often, the disease affects the mucous membranes and skin around the genitals and perineum along with the inner thighs. Very rarely, this disease affects the soles of the palms.
How to treat molluscum contagiosum, see below.
Complications due to pathology
In most cases, this disease has a favorable course, but possible complications cannot be completely excluded:
- The occurrence of multiple rashes with the presence of large elements, the diameter of which can reach several centimeters at once. A similar complication against the background of an infectious mollusk is characteristic of persons with a reduced immune status, for example, for HIV patients.
- Associated infection, which is bacterial in nature. In this case, the development of dermatitis, which is an inflammatory process, is possible. After the treatment of dermatitis, ugly scars usually remain on the skin.
Worth ittake into account that the appearance of a disease in adults may indicate the presence of problems in the immune system, it is also evidence of the presence of latent infections. Therefore, a thorough examination is necessary to identify the pathologies that caused molluscum contagiosum.

Diagnosis of such a disease is usually carried out by a specialist dermatologist as part of a general examination. These or other rashes in this disease differ in their characteristic appearance, in connection with this, additional diagnostic methods are no longer required.
Against the background of self-diagnosis, which is carried out at home, quite often there is confusion with the symptoms of chickenpox. Also, molluscum contagiosum in adults can be confused with varieties of syphilis or genital warts. In this regard, a mandatory consultation with a specialist is necessary.
Providing treatment
In many situations, the removal of the tumor is not required, as it disappears on its own, without any treatment. The life span of one papule is usually approximately two or maximum three months. However, in more severe cases, such a disease can last up to four years. The disease is delayed due to the fact that there is a constant process of self-infection, against which neoplasms form even before the old nodules disappear.
Until the rash is completely gone, it is recommendeddo not go to saunas, and, in addition, do not visit the pool and gym, and you should not resort to the services of a massage therapist. In everyday life, it is always necessary to clearly separate personal things and public things. You must take a shower immediately after sexual intercourse, and you must also inform your partner about your illness.
For adults, a variety of cauterization techniques are used as the primary treatment for molluscum contagiosum. For this, for example, chemical cauterization is carried out using iodine, hydrogen peroxide, celandine or acid. Thermal cauterization is performed using a laser, diathermocoagulation, cryotherapy, and so on. The choice of this or that method in a particular case directly depends on the localization of the pathogen, and, in addition, on the abundance of rashes and the possibility of recurrence of the disease.
In case of an excessive number of nodules in generalized forms of the disease, it is necessary to prescribe antibiotics from the tetracycline group, for example, Tetracycline, along with Oletetrin, Metacycline, Doxycycline and Chlortetracycline. Throughout the entire period of treatment of molluscum contagiosum in women and men, medical supervision by such specialists as a dermatologist and venereologist is necessary.
General principles of disease therapy
Currently, such a disease, if its nodules are localized not on the eyelid and not in the genital area, it is recommended not to treat it at all, since after a maximum of eighteen months the immune system shouldindependently suppress the activity of this virus. Usually, after a specified period, any formations resulting from infection with this virus will disappear on their own and leave no traces on the skin. Thus, the appearance of scars or scars after the transfer of this pathology can not be feared. The fact is that people can eventually develop a certain immunity to the shellfish virus. But this happens extremely slowly, in connection with which the body needs not a week, as in the case of a cold, but several months, or even a whole period of up to five years, to heal itself from an infection.

And in the event that molluscum contagiosum nodules are removed before they disappear on their own, this can leave unattractive scars on the skin, and in addition, increase the risk of their recurrence, and in large quantities, since the virus in the body is all will still be active. And directly immunity to it will be only at the stage of its formation. Therefore, given that self-healing in people occurs gradually, and it is only a matter of time, many doctors recommend not treating molluscum contagiosum with the removal of nodules. All you have to do is wait a bit for them to disappear on their own.
The only indication when it is still necessary to remove the nodules of the mollusk is their localization on the eyelids or on the genitals. It is also advisable to remove the nodules with severe discomfort against the background of their presence. In other situations, such nodulesit is better to leave and wait for them to disappear on their own, which should occur after the suppression of viral activity by the immune system.
However, if a person still wants to remove the nodules, then doctors are engaged in the implementation of this task. Moreover, as a rule, the reason for such a desire is, first of all, aesthetic considerations. The following surgical techniques have been approved by the Ministry of He alth for the removal of molluscum nodules:
- Curettage. This procedure for removing molluscum contagiosum is carried out by scraping the nodules with a curette or a Volkmann spoon.
- Performing cryodestruction. As part of this procedure, the destruction of nodules with the help of liquid nitrogen is achieved.
- Carrying out husking. During such an operation, the core of the nodule is removed with thin tweezers.
- Carrying out laser destruction. During this procedure, the nodules are destroyed by a CO2 laser.
- Performing electrocoagulation. During this molluscum contagiosum removal operation, destruction of the nodule is achieved through the application of electric current. This procedure is also called cauterization.

In practice, in addition to these methods, which are officially approved by the Ministry of He alth, other methods are also used as part of the removal of mollusk nodules. Such methods consist in exposing the nodules of the mollusk to chemical components that are contained in the composition of ointments or solutions. Such agents are capable of destroying the structure of the viraleducation. For example, currently, in order to remove nodules, ointments with solutions are used that contain chemicals such as tretinoin along with cantharidin, trichloroacetic and salicylic acid, imiquimod, podophyllotoxin, chlorophyllipt, fluorouracil, oxolin, benzoyl peroxide, and, in addition, interferons alpha.
Such chemical methods of removing molluscs cannot be called folk methods, as they involve the use of drugs. As a result, they are considered informal therapies that have been proven by practice but have not been approved by the he alth system. It should be noted that according to the reviews of doctors and their patients, these methods are quite effective and not as traumatic as surgical methods for removing molluscum nodules.
Treatment of molluscum contagiosum with traditional medicine is also carried out.
Using folk remedies
How can this disease be cured at home? In order to dry the skin, which will contribute to the speedy disappearance of the pathological focus formed by the mollusk, it is recommended to use several of the following products to choose from:
- Using tincture of string or bird cherry.
- Preparation of gruel from fresh ground bird cherry leaves to perform a compress.
- Use a solution of potassium permanganate to wipe the affected area.
- Use of celandine tincture. In this case, an alcohol or water-based tincture will do.
- Using garlic juice. This method is quite commonused as a home method of moxibustion.
But it should be emphasized that treating molluscum contagiosum (photo can also be found online) without an established diagnosis at home can be dangerous, so there are certain risk factors:
- There is a danger of missing out on the development of a serious skin disease. For example, the development of malignant or benign neoplasms on the skin.
- Some forms of pathology can occur in patients with AIDS. In this regard, in such cases, special forms of treatment of molluscum contagiosum are required. At home, you can only do harm.
Thus, it is possible to use exclusively folk remedies as part of therapy only after consulting a dermatologist who can make an accurate diagnosis.
Therapy of infection in children involves the use of medications and folk remedies. In some cases, papules need to be removed. Most often, laser therapy is prescribed, which is absolutely harmless to the baby. After this procedure, you can not bathe the child for three days. The recovery period requires the implementation of immunity adjustments.
Disease prognosis
Treatment of molluscum contagiosum in adults can be successful, but only if the external manifestation spontaneously disappears. I must say that the transition of the virus to an inactive stage is not ruled out, and its reactivation against the background of reduced immunity is also possible. Combined therapy will get rid of the disease, but notwill be able to prevent re-infection, since, as noted earlier, immunity is not produced during the development of this infection.

After competent removal of viral nodules or their spontaneous regression, the skin is quickly cleared. In the event that the deep layers of the dermis were not damaged, then scars will not appear. But against the background of the development of molluscum contagiosum in atopic dermatitis, eczema, or a number of other dermatological diseases, healing is likely to occur with scarring.
Prevention of pathology
Prevention of this disease is usually as follows:
- You need to be discriminating in your choice of sexual partners.
- The disease should be detected at its early stages of development.
- Timely treatment of patients and their partners is necessary.
- Hygiene rules must be observed in full. This recommendation assumes a daily shower with a regular change of underwear. Bed linen should be changed every week.
- Requires a thorough and regular examination of the skin at home in front of a mirror.

Molluscum contagiosum - reviews
Reviews about this pathology are contradictory. It is an infectious dermatosis, which is caused by a virus of the smallpox family of pathogens. Pathology is manifested by the formation on the skin of small nodules that have an umbilicaldepression in the center. This disease affects only people who are its carrier.
According to reviews, the disease is very widespread among adults, as it is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. The positive prognosis is that this disease usually heals on its own within a certain time. Given this factor, it does not always require treatment.
It should also be emphasized that molluscum contagiosum does not pose any danger to human he alth, but creates visual cosmetic defects, which most people prefer to get rid of with the help of special therapy, without waiting for the rash to heal on their own.
As for the consequences of this disease, they occur extremely rarely. We are talking about the addition of a secondary infection (which can lead to the development of dermatitis) and the appearance of a large number of rashes (nodules become large, several centimeters in diameter).