Molluscum contagiosum in women, men and children

Molluscum contagiosum in women, men and children
Molluscum contagiosum in women, men and children

Currently, scientists have discovered and are studying the types of various viruses that infect the skin surface of the human body. Among them is one of the most unpleasant - molluscum contagiosum. In women and men, it usually occurs on the genitals and nearby areas (but not necessarily), but in children it can occur anywhere.

Molluscum contagiosum in women
Molluscum contagiosum in women

Molluscum contagiosum in women, men and children: facts related to the virus

Any virus in the human body is dangerous and therefore requires immediate treatment. Molluscum contagiosum in women, men and children has the following descriptions:

  • it is a very common and contagious disease on human skin caused by a poxvirus;
  • very often molluscum contagiosum manifests itself even in absolutely he althy people. It most commonly affects sexually active men and women, but also children;
  • usually occurs on the arms, legs, neck, buttocks and appears as a flat rash of small pink or yellowish bumps.brown;
  • the virus is in most cases easily curable, and even after some time it disappears without any treatment;
  • however, in some cases, complex treatment may be required;
  • often molluscum contagiosum is cured by freezing with liquid nitrogen;
  • it can be prevented by skin hygiene.

The above facts only speak of the manifestation of the virus. But how does molluscum contagiosum appear in adults and children? Let's look at some of the more common cases.

Molluscum contagiosum in women, men and children: distribution and manifestations

Molluscum contagiosum photo in children
Molluscum contagiosum photo in children

Virus is a skin disorder caused by a poxvirus. Molluscum contagiosum is not caused by yeast, bacteria, or fungi. Also, no diet affects its appearance. Sometimes the virus occurs not only on those areas of the skin that are described above, but also on the face, eyelids, hips, genitals, less often on the palms and feet, very rarely on the whole body.

By affecting the skin, it can cause inflammation of superficial blood vessels, thereby giving the bumps a reddish color. Most affected by the mollusk do not suffer from other manifestations of the disease, except for rashes, however, in some cases, severe itching is possible. It is also worth noting that molluscum contagiosum appears much less frequently in women than in men. The virus does not affect internal organs and the circulatory system.

Molluscum contagiosum in adults
Molluscum contagiosum in adults

Molluscum contagiosum (photo in children on the right) can easily spread from one area of the skin to others. As the name implies (from the Latin “contagiousness” - “infectiousness”), the virus is indeed very contagious, therefore it is easily transmitted from person to person through skin contact, sharing blades, scissors, etc., through public pools and bathrooms, even sports mattresses. Molluscum contagiosum in women most often appears after sexual contact with a man who has this disease.

The virus often causes a lot of cosmetic inconvenience, especially on the face, but is usually harmless to a normal and he althy person. A typical situation is that this disease may not manifest itself for about a month. You can quickly cure the virus by freezing with nitrogen or cauterization.
