Tea to increase lactation: an overview of ready-made drinks, features of use, effectiveness, reviews

Tea to increase lactation: an overview of ready-made drinks, features of use, effectiveness, reviews
Tea to increase lactation: an overview of ready-made drinks, features of use, effectiveness, reviews

In the article, we will consider which tea to increase lactation is better to choose.

To increase milk production, a woman should take care of her own nutrition. The composition of the diet should include drinks that increase lactation - they are indispensable for the formation of milk. Teas that increase lactation are chosen according to the criteria for benefits for a woman, an infant, and the effect on the fullness of the mammary gland.

The first three months it is not recommended to include plenty of fluids in the diet. The child at this time learns to empty the breast for a certain time. A woman should not think that she has less milk if the baby is removed from the breast faster than before. If a woman feels that there is not enough milk, and at the same time the child begins to worry about hunger, certain measures should be taken. You can correct the productivity of the mammary glands by drinking tea to increase lactation. This method allows not only to solve the problem, but also to preserve the he alth of the woman and herbaby.

what tea helped you to increase lactation
what tea helped you to increase lactation

Determining the need for lactic tea

The ideal option is considered to be the situation when the child's need for milk and its production coincide. To strive for this position is advised by breastfeeding experts. To determine the balance, do not weigh the baby before and after feeding, trying to measure the amount of milk consumed. This method is useless. It will be more effective to observe the baby:

  1. Wet diaper test should be done. It is necessary to abandon the use of diapers for a day and count how many times the child urinated. If less than 20 times, then he does not have enough milk.
  2. It is worth paying attention to the result of the monthly weighing. Underweight is considered a sign of malnutrition.
  3. If the child has pale skin, low activity, dry lips, that is, his condition is alarming, then there is a possibility that he is not getting enough food.
tea to increase lactation
tea to increase lactation

Use lactation-boosting drinks only when necessary.

If these signs are absent, the baby sucks well at the breast, is calm, cheerful, then lactagon teas are not recommended. They can provoke hyperlactation, and this is fraught with the occurrence of stagnation of milk in the mammary gland and indigestion in the child.

Situations where increased lactation is beneficial

Start using tea to increase lactationshould be in situations where breastfeeding was interrupted due to the fact that the mother was sick, or for other reasons, milk production was reduced. Drinking drinks is necessary to restore the productivity of the mammary glands. In this case, the usefulness of such funds is beyond doubt.

Also, the natural production of breast milk can be disrupted due to mixed feeding and unreasonable use of supplementary feeding. Milk production in such cases can be restored using products that affect lactation.

It is worth noting that relactation can occur without the introduction of heavy drinking in the diet. To do this, you should completely empty your chest, apply the baby more often. This approach contributes to the resumption of milk production.

Lactation drinks have some he alth benefits for both baby and mother:

  1. The composition of homemade and ready-made drinks includes herbal ingredients that have a positive effect on lactation and strengthen the immune system.
  2. Milk is 9/10 water. In this regard, the use of fluid allows you to naturally increase its production.
  3. Teas should be consumed warm. This contributes to the production of oxytocin, which affects the speed of breast milk production.

What kind of tea is there to increase lactation?

tea to increase lactation hipp reviews
tea to increase lactation hipp reviews

Varieties of lactic teas

To solve the problem of insufficient milk production, you can use drinks prepared by yourself or ready-madeteas.

There are the following types of lactic teas:

  1. Phytoteas (teas based on herbal preparations). These include: "Laktavit", "Laktafitol", "Grandma's Basket".
  2. Ready-made teas based on plant extracts - "Humana", "Bebivita", "Hipp".
  3. Herbal teas to increase lactation with the addition of milk powder - "Milky Way".

There are a lot of lactogenic drinks, a woman should navigate in such a variety. This can be done by familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of the most popular brands, their effect on the body of a woman and her child.

Grandma's basket

This tea to increase lactation of breast milk consists of seeds and herbs. Its main components are cumin, lemon balm, nettle, fennel, anise, rose hips.

The collection is characterized by a relaxing, calming effect. This influence is good for the mother. The composition of the drink was developed at the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It is intended for use by a nursing woman, as a result of which colic is eliminated in a child, and digestive processes improve. Each of the components is safe for the baby and is allowed to him.

Melissa for a nursing woman acts as a CNS stabilizer, nettle grass and rose hips - a source of vitamins K, C, B. This allows in the postpartum period to maintain the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood at the required level, strengthen immunity. All ingredients together affect lactation, increasing it. Lactation consultants note the benefits of thisdrink.

teas to increase lactation of breast milk
teas to increase lactation of breast milk

It is worth noting that "Grandma's basket" can be used by pregnant women to eliminate milk deficiency in the first time after the birth of a child.

The positive aspects of the drink are:

  1. Cost. The drink is available to every woman.
  2. Useful throughout the lactation period.
  3. Allows to eliminate digestive problems in an infant.
  4. Is a balanced dietary supplement for breastfeeding women.
  5. It has a pleasant taste, aroma, natural composition.

People in the comments often ask: "Which tea helped you to increase lactation?". The answers are usually different for everyone.

Milky Way

Prepare and consume this drink according to the following instructions:

  1. Dilute one scoop in half a glass of base. The basis can be purified water, juice, kefir.
  2. Divide the resulting drink into 2 servings.
  3. Take 4 servings throughout the day.

As a result of drinking the drink, the flow of milk increases, the diet of a lactating woman is enriched with microelements and vitamins. This drink is recommended for women who are breastfeeding if they do not have enough milk or it has a low nutritional value. Experts about this tool respond positively, recommend continuing to take until the end of lactation.


It is a lactogenic tea of domestic production, its use allows you to increase the volumebreast milk by 45%. The composition of "Lactafitol" is similar to "Grandma's basket", with only one difference - it does not contain rose hips.

It is recommended to drink the drink half a glass twice a day, brewing 1 sachet per glass. "Lactafitol" has a less pronounced diuretic effect than "Grandmother's basket". In this regard, it is allowed to use it before bedtime. Duration of application - 1 month.

Humana tea for increasing lactation is considered very effective.

tea with milk to increase lactation
tea with milk to increase lactation


This drink comes in the form of granules. It includes rooibos, fenugreek, raspberry, fennel, galega, verbena, hibiscus, fennel, sugar. It should be prepared using 1.5 tsp. granules and half a glass of water.

You can use the product if you are not allergic to its components.

Specialists note that sensitive people may experience intolerance to rooibos, raspberry, galega. This applies not only to the mother, but also to the newborn. In this regard, a lactagon drink should be used only after consulting a pediatrician. In addition, women who suffer from diabetes should refuse the drink.

According to reviews, Hipp tea for increasing lactation is the most popular.


This drink is of Swiss origin, loose form. It includes anise, fennel, nettle, cumin, galega, lemon balm. In addition, the drink contains flavors and dextrose m altodextrin.

Drink 2 cups a dayduring the day. To prepare it, you should dissolve 4 tsp in a glass of water. powder.

herbal teas to increase lactation
herbal teas to increase lactation

Reviews of the Hipp product are mostly positive, women like its herbal aroma and sweetish taste. Experts, in turn, draw attention to the fact that the drink can provoke allergic reactions, as it contains flavors.


This remedy is a bioadditive of domestic production. It contains cumin, anise, nettle, fennel. There are no flavorings and sugar in the drink, it is hypoallergenic.

To make tea, dilute two packets of the product in a glass of hot water and leave for 15 minutes. It is recommended to drink the resulting remedy in 2 doses together with food.

Doctors recommend using "Lactavit" for a month, and then take a break. After that, the course can be repeated.

Reviews of teas to increase lactation are presented below.


This drink is characterized by a refreshing and lactogenic effect. Tea is useful for those who are trying to lose weight in the postpartum period. It contains no artificial sweeteners.

Tea is allowed to be consumed in the last weeks of pregnancy, immediately after delivery and until the end of breastfeeding. It can be drunk hot or cold, up to 6 cups per day.

tea to increase lactation humana
tea to increase lactation humana

Other lactic drinks

Bio Lactomamais a product manufactured by Evalar, based on Altai herbs. The drink is able to stimulate lactation, have a positive effect on the digestive processes of the newborn. To make tea, brew 1 packet of the product in a glass of boiling water. Drink tea should be twice a day for a cup. The safety and benefits of the drink for a newborn are due to the fact that the raw materials in its composition are environmentally friendly. Drinking tea is allowed throughout the lactation period.

Egyptian yellow tea based on helba seeds also has a lactogenic effect. It should be boiled, not brewed. After that, it is important to insist it for 10 minutes. The flow of milk will increase if you drink yellow tea with milk. It is worth noting that the drink can provoke an allergic reaction, so it is recommended to use it only after performing a sensitivity test. Helba is considered a very strong lactogen, so its long-term use is not recommended. Doctors advise drinking tea for two weeks so that relactation occurs, and then taking a two-week break. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

No less effective is green tea to increase lactation with oregano. It is recommended to drink two glasses per day. At one time, you should drink half a cup. You can enhance the effect if you drink tea with milk to increase lactation.

You can also make a Kalmyk lactation drink based on green tea. Its recipe is as follows:

  1. Slab green teacook for 20 minutes until the tea leaves float to the surface.
  2. Add butter, cream.
  3. S alt the resulting broth, add a little pepper.
  4. Boil for another 15 minutes.
  5. Add bay leaf, nutmeg.

This tea allows you to increase the production of breast milk, get rid of excess weight, maintain strength after childbirth.

green tea to increase lactation
green tea to increase lactation

Reviews about teas to increase lactation

Women speak positively about almost all lactogogue drinks, since almost all of them have a natural composition, effectively affect not only the production of breast milk, but also the digestion of the child. What is the best tea to increase lactation? According to reviews, these are Hipp and Humana.

Natural lactagon drinks are a safe and inexpensive way to prolong lactation.
