Searching for a good psychotherapist in Yekaterinburg according to reviews is the right idea. The level of qualification and experience are significant indicators of professionalism, but they do not tell how exactly the specialist works with patients, whether he treats them politely and whether he devotes enough time to work. The list of the best, presented later in the article, will help you decide on the choice of a psychotherapist.
Kuzin O. M

Opens the list of the best psychotherapists in Yekaterinburg Oleg Mikhailovich Kuzin. A lot of reviews about this specialist have been written on the Web, with gratitude and warmth, different people write about how much Oleg Mikhailovich helped them in his time, sincerely interested in the problem and making every effort so that the disease not only goes away, but also never was returning. Separately, they note his ability to work without any pressure, creating a cozy and comfortableenvironment in their sessions.
The qualification level of Dr. Kuzin corresponds to what is written about him: a psychotherapist and a psychiatrist of the highest category, a candidate of medical sciences, a teacher at the UrFU Business School and head of the psychosomatic department at the clinic, Oleg Mikhailovich has been helps people with success.
You can make an appointment with a psychotherapist Kuzin at the Sosnovy Bor neurosis clinic at 72 Roshchinskaya Street.

Little G. A
Brilliant qualification data from the psychotherapist Galina Aleksandrovna Malykikh. She is a specialist of the highest category, has a Ph. D. in Medicine, acts as a deputy director for medical work at the Pean Medical Center and has been working in her profession for 20 years. In addition to psychotherapy, her areas of specialization include psychiatry, narcology and sexology. The reviews write that the sessions of Galina Alexandrovna are distinguished by literacy, clarity, and a well-functioning system. The specialist treats her work extremely strictly and seriously, but in relation to patients she shows kindred warmth, sympathy and respect.
Here is a list of places to seek help from a Little One's therapist:
- "Pean" on Tveritina street, 46.
- Regional drug dispensary on Kh alturin street, 44A.
- Ural drug-free hospital on Lenin Avenue, 7.
Aleksandrov M. S

You can't ignore the listthe best psychotherapists of Yekaterinburg Maxim Sergeevich Alexandrov. More than 30 reviews have been written about him, and all of them are purely positive, laudatory and grateful. Patients note that Maxim Sergeevich independently controls compliance with all his appointments, stays in touch for difficult patients at any time of the day, knows how not only to treat, but also to set up for treatment - to relax, console, inspire confidence.
Maxim Sergeevich is a psychotherapist, psychiatrist, psychologist and narcologist of the highest category, head and chief physician of a private clinic of his own name, and an honorary member of the "Psychotherapeutic League of the Russian Federation". The specialist has 23 years of experience.
Maxim Sergeevich is waiting for his patients here:
- "Dr. Alexandrov's clinic" on Komsomolskaya street, 37.
- Clinic "Angio Line" on Tchaikovsky street, 56.
- Medical center "Uralsky" on Uralskaya street, 57/2.
Stupak S. G
One of the best adult and child psychotherapists in Yekaterinburg according to reviews is Svyatoslav Germanovich Stupak, a specialist of the highest category with 10 years of experience. More than 20 purely positive comments have been written on the Web about the success of his work. Telling completely different stories of their illness and recovery, all unsubscribed clients agree on one thing - they help themselves, and Svyatoslav Germanovich only pushes in the right direction, puts seeds in the mind, which then sprout by themselves.
You can make an appointment with a psychotherapist Stupak at the Neurology clinic atMachinistov street, 14.
Benihis E. A

Ekaterinburg psychotherapist Evgeny Alexandrovich Benikhis, a specialist of the highest qualification level with 24 years of experience, who is also a psychiatrist, narcologist, head physician of a private clinic of his own name and a member of the "Psychotherapeutic League of the Russian Federation" is not deprived of complacent reviews. Judging by the comments - although few, but extremely positive, not a single client of this psychotherapist left his clinic without the necessary help and the desired result.
Yevgeny Alexandrovich's place of work is the "Clinic of Dr. Benihis" on Surikov Street, 55.
Sakovich I. A
More than 30 good reviews about Yekaterinburg psychotherapist Igor Anatolyevich Sakovich were written by his patients. This specialist is a real veteran of Yekaterinburg psychiatry, as he gave her as much as 47 years of his life, having acquired the highest medical category, the title of "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation" and the badge "Excellent He alth Worker". In the comments they write that the vast experience and all the awards of Igor Anatolyevich speak for themselves - he is a true specialist of the "old school", in his work aimed exclusively at the result, and not at making a profit.
You can sign up for a consultation with further assistance from a psychotherapist Sakovich at the Yasnaya clinic on Stepan Razin Street, 54.
Turuntseva M. A

Maria Alekseevna Turuntseva is a psychotherapist of the highestcategories with 23 years of experience and more than 20 positive comments left on various medical sites and forums on the Internet. Patients really like Maria Alekseevna's "everything to the point" method of work. She knows how to listen and hear her client, capaciously and quickly giving out all the necessary information on her part, but she never wastes time with abstract and long conversations just to take the paid session time.
Here is a list of places where psychotherapist Turuntseva works and sees:
- Clinic "Harmony" on Tveritina street, 16.
- Clinic "Stavko" on Pervomaiskaya street, 118.
- "ММЦ He alth" on Pervomayskaya street, 104/1.
- "Center for Cosmetology and Plastic Surgery named after Nudelman" on Moskovskaya street, 19.
Unwashed D. N

A fairly well-known and very good psychotherapist in Yekaterinburg - Dmitry Nikolaevich Nemytykh. There are a lot of reviews about him on the Web - more than 30, he is often recommended on thematic forums for finding a specialist. Dmitry Nikolayevich has been practicing for 21 years, has the highest medical category and is the head of the psychiatry department at the Psychiatric Hospital No. 6 on Narodnaya Volya Street, 63.
In the comments, Dmitry Nikolayevich is called a very pleasant, sincere and cheerful person who has a good effect on his patients from the very first minutes of the preliminary consultation. His sessions are held in a relaxed atmosphere filled with open interest and sinceredesire to help.
Idolov E. V

Often on the Web there are complacent reviews about the psychotherapist of Yekaterinburg, Evgeny Vladimirovich Idolov. This is a specialist of the highest professional level, who, in addition to his main specialization, is a psychiatrist, reflexologist and narcologist. Evgeny Vladimirovich has been in the profession for 23 years. Judging by the words of patients, he never works with any one problem, believing that only the complex elimination of all fears, complexes and anxieties will help a person to get rid of problems and live in a new way. And so it happens: people write that after the thorough work of Evgeny Vladimirovich, their life has forever changed for the better.
You can seek help from Dr. Idolov at the Yasnaya clinic on Stepan Razin Street, 54.
Kudryavtsev G. S

There are often good reviews on the Internet about Gleb Sergeyevich Kudryavtsev, a psychotherapist from Yekaterinburg, a doctor with 15 years of experience and additional specializations in the fields of narcology and psychiatry. In the comments, patients call the experience of working with Gleb Sergeevich invaluable - he helped them not only get rid of problems that can be solved with medication, but also put new thoughts into their heads, taught them to perceive life and everything that happens in it differently.
Here is a list of places where you can turn to a psychotherapist Kudryavtsev for help:
- He alth clinic "Vertebrocenter" on Kalinina street, 22.
- Clinic"Clear" on Stepan Razin street, 54.
- "Clinic of Dr. Benihis" on Surikov Street, 55.
Aleksandrov S. A
Finishes the list of the best psychotherapists in Yekaterinburg Sergey Alexandrovich Alexandrov. There are a lot of reviews about him, and, given that the experience of this doctor is only 8 years old, they characterize him as a talented, promising psychotherapist. They write that his methods of work are very fresh and modern, Sergey Alexandrovich behaves attentively and sensitively, but at the same time creates a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere in the course of therapy.
You can make an appointment with Dr. Alexandrov at the "SK-MED" medical center on Rosa Luxembourg street, 67/B3 and at Hospital No. 40 on Volgogradskaya street, 189/1.