S alt: benefits and uses

S alt: benefits and uses
S alt: benefits and uses

Lard is a lumpy white fat that doesn't have a strong odor. It covers the internal organs in animals. If ordinary fat is a solid mass, then interior crumbles. It has very important medicinal qualities that are used in the treatment of a variety of diseases. It should be noted that simple fat, which people eat s alted or smoked, does not have such properties.


Useful properties

The composition of lard includes arachidonic acid, which is an integral element of the enzymes of the heart muscles, as well as the cell membrane. With the help of such an acid, the formation of certain hormones occurs, as well as the exchange of cholesterol. S alt is ahead of other types of fats in terms of biological activity. When heated, most animal fats lose all their beneficial properties, while the interior retains them in their original form. It mixes easily with waxalcohol, glycerin and resins, which makes it possible to make healing ointments.

Preparation and storage

Interior lard is used to prepare a wide variety of formulations that have a therapeutic effect. In the case of external use, these compounds do not irritate the skin and are easily washed off with ordinary soapy water.

interior lard
interior lard

To prepare pork fat suitable for treatment or nutrition, you can use the following methods:

  • Finely chop the lard or pass through a meat grinder, and then place in a saucepan and put on the stove. The fire must be slow. When the fat becomes transparent, it must be drained through a colander, and then cooled and placed in the refrigerator, where it will be stored.
  • Chop the lard, place in a metal bowl, and then heat in the oven until cooked.

If the fat is cooked correctly, then in the liquid state it is transparent, has no sediment and amber color. After it freezes, it should turn white.

For storage, it is advisable to choose a cold and dark place. If the temperature is high enough, and the room is light, then the product acquires a sharp unpleasant odor, and its taste becomes bitter. As a result, it can no longer be used due to its irritating effect. Fat can be stored in the refrigerator for a year and a half. During all this time, useful properties will not go anywhere.

Benefits of lard

The fat that is obtained from such fat is a very rich sourceenergy. It has many vitamins - A, D, E, K. And there is very little cholesterol in it. But there is a lot of phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc, as well as other elements that are needed for human life.

lard for cough
lard for cough

When used judiciously for nutritional purposes, lard helps maintain vital functions in good condition. Human skin becomes he althy and beautiful.

What to treat with bacon?

1. Treatment of diseased joints.

  • They need to be lubricated with the product at night, and wrapped on top with paper for compresses and a warm cloth.
  • If the joints do not move well, then the fat is mixed with s alt and the mixture is applied, wrapped in a warm cloth.

2. Skin diseases.

  • For those who have weeping eczema, a mixture is made from fat, egg white, celandine juice and nightshade. It is aged for three days, and then rubbed into the diseased areas of the skin.
  • In case of a burn, an ointment is prepared from the fat in which the onion was fried, and five tablets of aspirin. It is applied to the burnt area several times. Fat helps prevent scarring, and aspirin prevents infection.

3. Salo for coughs.

  • For external use, lard is mixed with alcohol. This mixture is rubbed into the patient's chest.
  • For internal use, a spoonful of lard should be dissolved in a glass of hot milk. If the taste is unpleasant, then boiled honey can be added to the mixture.
benefits of lard
benefits of lard

Restrictions inuse

It is not recommended to use lard for treatment or nutrition for those people who suffer from obesity, metabolic disorders, diseases of the liver and pancreas, as well as duodenitis. A he althy human body reacts normally to this product and easily absorbs it.

So, we can conclude the following: pork fat, which is made from lard, is a very useful product. You just need to follow all the conditions of preparation and use it correctly.
