Aminalon is an effective drug that restores lost brain functions. Patient reviews indicate that after taking the medication, memory improves significantly, irritability disappears and sleep becomes stronger.

The product is produced in the form of tablets, the main active ingredient of which is aminobutyric gamma acid.
Pharmacological properties
After assimilation by blood cells in the plasma, the active ingredient quickly passes through the blood-brain barrier and is transferred to all parts of the brain without exception. The accumulation of the drug is observed in the cerebrospinal fluid, which leads to a prolonged medical effect with a properly selected daily dosage. In addition to the effect on metabolic processes, the oxidative and reductive effects of the drug are noted. The agent contributes to the effective breakdown of by-products of the functioning of the nervous system, increases the body's consumption of oxygen and glucose, while reducing toxicload on neuron cells.
With the correct use of the drug "Aminalon" (reviews of doctors testify to this), long-term and short-term memory is quickly restored, the speed of mental and nervous reactions increases.

The drug normalizes brain functions, restores speech, as well as limb mobility in cerebral palsy. Impaired cerebral circulation in various types of organic lesions of the nervous system gradually normalizes after the use of the drug "Aminalon". Reviews of patients note that after taking the medication, high blood pressure is slightly reduced. Indeed, there is a slight hypotensive effect, while there is no additional load on the urinary, renal system and cardiac muscle.
Tablets "Aminalon": reviews
Many patients say that after a course of therapy, multiple symptoms disappeared, accompanied by high blood pressure. People began to feel much better, their sleep disturbances disappeared, headaches in the back of the head and dizziness disappeared. The drug "Aminalon" (reviews of doctors confirm this) effectively relieves increased convulsive readiness in children, increases the resistance of the human body to the adverse effects of the environment, to a reduced amount of oxygen in the air. Patients with diabetes say that after taking the pills they had a decrease in sugar levels in the urine and blood. However, in the absence of impaired glucose tolerance in the initial stagestreatment may occur a short-term increase in the level of this substance in the peripheral blood. In the future, this effect disappears on its own, without dietary adjustment and drug intervention.
Indications for use
Tablets "Aminalon" are recommended for various types of circulatory disorders of the brain. The agent is prescribed for organic lesions of the structures of the nervous system, long-term consequences of trauma or toxic effects (including during childbirth). The medicine "Aminalon" (instruction, reviews mention this) helps to eliminate the symptoms that occur during sea travel and air travel, helps prevent and treat such diseases.

Children are given the drug to restore the functioning of the nervous system with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy. With mental retardation, it is also recommended to take medication under the supervision of a pediatric neurologist and psychiatrist. Indications include any disorders of mental development in children of a younger age group. In addition, indications for the use of the drug are the following diseases and conditions:
- increased mental fatigue and absent-mindedness;
- paraplegia and polyneuritis of the upper and lower extremities of toxic and organic origin;
- encephalopathy of alcoholic etiology;
- atherosclerosis of cerebral and coronary blood vessels;
- circulatory disorders of the brain during the recovery period andrehabilitation.
Also used in combination therapy for hypertension.
Medication "Aminalon": instructions for use, reviews
Pills should be taken by mouth. Each capsule contains 25 mg of the active ingredient. It is recommended to use the product before meals (an hour), without chewing, preventing the integrity of the soluble shell. It is necessary to drink the medicine with a small amount of water.

The daily amount of medicine for children and adults should be divided into two doses. For adult patients, the following treatment regimen has been developed: in the first five days, tablets are used in an amount of 50 mg at a time, after which the dosage is doubled. The daily dose for babies under three years old is 100 mg, children 4-6 years old are given 150 mg, children over the age of 7 years are recommended to take 200 mg. The duration of therapy is set by specialists and lasts from two weeks to 4 months.
Symptoms of motion sickness are eliminated by taking twice a day twenty-five milligrams for children and fifty milligrams for adults of the drug "Aminalon". Reviews indicate that improvement occurs after only three days of treatment.
Side effects and contraindications

The only prohibition to use is the hypersensitivity of patients to the components of the drug "Aminalon". Reviews indicate good tolerability of the remedy. In rare cases, vomiting, a feeling of heat, pressure fluctuations, and sleep disturbances can be observed. These symptoms disappear after the first days of taking the medicine and reducing the dosage. The drug may enhance the effect of hypnotics and antiepileptic drugs, including benzodiazepines.
Despite its low toxicity, when used at very high doses (more than 10 grams), the drug can cause vomiting, nausea, bradycardia, drowsiness, headache, fever, abdominal pain. In such situations, gastric lavage is performed, enveloping agents are taken, and symptomatic supportive therapy is performed.