How to suppress the gag reflex: causes, quick and easy methods of suppression, human physiology, the structure of the throat, pharynx and esophagus

How to suppress the gag reflex: causes, quick and easy methods of suppression, human physiology, the structure of the throat, pharynx and esophagus
How to suppress the gag reflex: causes, quick and easy methods of suppression, human physiology, the structure of the throat, pharynx and esophagus

The gag reflex is a natural biological process, which is characterized by the involuntary return of the remnants of the masses from the stomach through the digestive tract, through the oral cavity, out. The cause of vomiting can be irritation of the receptors that are located on the root of the tongue. It can also occur as a result of swallowing, excitation of the vestibular apparatus, its destruction, as well as improper brain function.

What is nausea?

The symptom of gag reflex is typical for children, but sometimes it does not go away with the years and occurs even in adults. This body defense mechanism is a response to many problems, such as inflammation of the walls of the stomach, poisoning, and so on. Vomiting helps protect our body from poisoning and intoxication.

the girl is sick
the girl is sick

After the poisoning signal reaches the receptors, the process beginsinvoluntary cleansing. It starts with vomiting, after which it moves to a direct contraction of the muscles of the stomach. This reflex process appeared in the human body during evolution, since our ancestors ate unprocessed food and could get poisoned. Gagging has not disappeared today, so it is important to know how to get rid of the gag reflex.

Why does the gag reflex occur?

Gagging is a common problem today. Gastritis, pancreatitis, inflammation of the stomach occur in every second inhabitant of the planet. The reason for this was malnutrition, stress, ecology, bad water, "harmful" food, a small amount of liquid. All this leads to the fact that human organs are not able to cope with the loads exerted on them, so the body fails. One of the symptoms was a gag reflex.

To understand the mechanism of the gag reflex, it is worth understanding human physiology. Vomit is known to pass through the esophagus, pharynx, and throat. The excretion is facilitated by the muscle tissue that is located on the walls of these organs. The vomiting signal through neurons spreads to all organs that are involved in this process, after which the pharynx, esophagus and larynx begin to contract the muscles as the food bolus is passed out.

First, the contents of the stomach are sent to the esophagus, where, thanks to the internal muscular membrane, it moves through the channels to the outlet duct. The walls of the esophagus are built from the mucosa, submucosa, adventitia, and muscles. It is because of this protective layer that the esophagus does notdamaged by concentrated hydrochloric acid and solid undigested food residues from the stomach.

The feeling of nausea starts in the throat. Sometimes this feeling turns into a pressing, pulling feeling in the throat. The refrontal region of the pharynx is also covered with a protective wall that prevents damage to the organ.

Vomit passes through the throat. A special muscular-articular valve protects the airways from vomiting, which has an acidic environment. Sometimes, if the body fails, the poisoning is too strong and it is more priority for the organ systems to cleanse and get rid of the poisoning, then the valve works in the opposite direction, passing vomiting through the nose.

In the process of evolution, a person has a unique opportunity - to breathe while eating. This is facilitated by the structure of the throat. But vomiting is not as common as eating food. Therefore, the respiratory center is blocked during the process of removing vomit, so that a person does not suffocate with his own remnants of life.

The work of these centers is impossible when exposed to stronger chemicals - alcohol, drugs or drug overdose. Therefore, cases have been recorded when a person dies from suffocation with his own vomit. To avoid such situations, take precautions and avoid the use of alcohol and drugs.

a man feels bad
a man feels bad

It is worth distinguishing between the concepts of nausea and vomiting. Vomiting is a direct act of removing food debris, gastric juice through the oral cavity, and the gag reflex isit is a feeling of increased acidity in the mouth, discomfort and inconvenience.

As you know, the main cause of nausea is inflammation and poisoning. Therefore, if nausea appears and does not leave for a long time, consult a doctor immediately.

Causes of the gag reflex

Nausea occurs, as a rule, suddenly, and it is necessary to get rid of it urgently. There are a lot of reasons for nausea, but the main one is poisoning. In addition, this could have happened as a result of:

  • diseases of internal organs;
  • pregnancy;
  • improper functioning of the nervous system;
  • psychological disorders;
  • metabolic disorders.

If you cannot suppress the gag reflex for a long time, then consult a doctor. Get a gastrointestinal exam. Most likely, nausea indicates the presence of a violation of the pancreas. This should not be delayed, because the disease can lead to tissue necrosis or bring with it other sad consequences, long months of recovery and treatment.

I have a stomachache
I have a stomachache

Nausea during pregnancy and how to deal with it should be discussed separately. But what if nausea periodically occurs before an upcoming exam or a report at work? It is nothing more than a reaction to a nervous situation. Delving into this problem, we can say that there is nothing to worry about, this is the body's reaction to the release of adrenaline.

The position of the body in space can also causethe appearance of nausea. The nervous system responds in this way to the incorrect functioning of the cerebellum. The vestibular apparatus makes itself felt, for example, if you swing on a carousel for a long time. The position of the body changes very actively, within a few minutes, and the nervous system responds to this with a reaction in the form of dizziness and nausea.

Mental illness. Against their background, constant nausea may occur. The reaction of the body to negative external environmental factors fails not only in the form of poor sleep, loss of appetite, but is also accompanied by nausea. This also includes eating disorders and metabolic disorders. If more gastric juice is produced than is required for the digestion of food, it begins to act on the walls of the organ, thereby causing abdominal pain and nausea. Accordingly, to solve the problem, you need to adjust your diet, make it complete, seek help from a psychologist and nutritionist.

How to suppress nausea?

Nausea is an unpleasant and sometimes painful condition.

abdominal pain
abdominal pain

To suppress the gag reflex, do the following.

  1. Go outside and get some fresh air. If it's winter outside, you're luckier. In the cold, the organs will be saturated with more oxygen, nausea may recede.
  2. If you lead an active lifestyle and the regime leaves much to be desired, then take a break. Take a horizontal position. Try to sleep so that the muscles relax and the gag reflex becomes less.
  3. If nausea does not leave you for a long timetime, and the doctors did not make a diagnosis associated with the deviation of the gastrointestinal tract, try to treat the mental condition. Relax, take a bath with aromatic oils, get a massage, take a walk in the forest.
  4. Teas, decoctions, juices and fruit drinks will help relieve the symptoms of nausea.

Nausea during gastritis

Earlier mentioned symptoms of nausea, which were not associated with inflammation of the walls of the stomach. If you understand that the body is malfunctioning and a gag reflex has appeared, then:

  • First of all, get tested. For further treatment, the doctor must make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe medication.
  • Don't stop taking your pills once your nausea is gone. The course must be completed, and then again consult a doctor. There are a large number of anti-nausea products on the market at the moment.
  • Follow your diet. Sometimes it is enough to change your diet to make nausea disappear from your life. Adjust your diet, eat three times a day, exclude flour, fried and s alty.

Other causes of gagging

If the problem arose during the movement of transport, you simply got sick. But a man in a panic thinks what to do with the gag reflex. Don't worry, drink some water and have a mint or caramel candy. This will help to distract, thereby normalizing the vestibular apparatus. If possible, stop and go outside. Get some fresh air and ventilate the car.


Nausea also comes from eating hot food. Eat food a little warmer than room temperature, lightly s alt it, and exclude spices. Once you cleanse your diet, you won't need to suppress your gag reflex.

Check if you have allergies. In clinics, you can take tests to help identify what you have a reaction to, which causes nausea.

Nausea during pregnancy

For many expectant mothers, it is important to know how to suppress the gag reflex during pregnancy.

nausea during pregnancy
nausea during pregnancy

If a woman is completely he althy, nothing threatens the child, and toxicosis does not leave her not only in the initial stages of pregnancy, but also in the second and third trimester, then here are effective tips:

  • First, eat. It is important to normalize your diet. This will not only remove the gag reflex, but also help your child develop properly.
  • Second, drink more water. It will also help to tolerate intoxication more easily. You can drink not only water, but teas and decoctions.
  • Avoid strong odors. Sometimes therapists suggest not using perfume during pregnancy.
  • Chew mint gum. When a lump comes to your throat, chew on a couple of mint gum pads. This will help to distract, and the nausea will recede.
