Hair loss is a big problem, especially for the fair sex. After all, a luxurious hairstyle is the hallmark of a well-groomed woman. At first, a change of funds comes to mind, the selection of a special serum to nourish the hair follicles. But what if that doesn't help? What tests to take for hair loss? Of course, a consultation with a trichologist cannot be avoided, but nevertheless, it will not hurt to better understand this issue.

Briefly about the main things
He alth of skin and hair directly depends on the state of the body as a whole. In the vast majority of cases, the causes of intense hair loss lie in the depths of the body. Most often, this is due to hormonal imbalance, dysfunction and inflammation, intestinal dysbacteriosis and disruption of the immune system.system.
That is, even the most experienced doctor cannot immediately determine the cause. But he will tell you what tests to take for hair loss in order to outline the right course of treatment. Today, anyone can be examined in a paid laboratory. But do not think that after it you yourself will prescribe treatment for yourself. The trichologist must interpret the results. This is a hair and scalp specialist.
Don't waste your money
Let's get back to the fact that, first of all, a person tries to solve his problems on his own. Today, advertising is actively promoting various expensive means that are capable of miracles. These are shampoos, balms, sprays. But to check, none of them is able to stop hair loss. Moreover, most of them contain harmful parabens, silicones and sulfates. This is not about professional cosmetics, but about what lies on the shelves of supermarkets. If possible, it is better to consult a hairdresser and purchase products from a professional series.
Therefore, you should not change shampoos one after another, hoping that the next one will make your hairstyle look like the one shown in the advertisement. It is better to focus on the examination and find out what tests to take for hair loss.

Important rule
Today it is no secret that the quality of care in public and private clinics can vary greatly. Therefore, if time and money allow, it is better to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis intrustworthy clinic. This is especially important for those who have not undergone medical examination for a long time and have not taken at least general tests.
At the same time, women can also sign up for a consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Be sure everyone needs to undergo an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and do a general clinical blood test. This is just a basic test. Additionally, everyone can be given their own directions.

Self-Study Survey
Examination for hair loss begins with a doctor's consultation, at which he will definitely take an anamnesis. Therefore, it is best to analyze your lifestyle, prepare answers at home and not waste time in the office. The questions will be:
- Do you get enough sleep? How often do you have to go to bed after midnight and what causes this?
- Are you getting enough rest? A person needs a lunch break, preferably with a walk outside. And after an 8-hour work day, switch to other activities. A great option would be sports or walking, watching your favorite shows, chatting with loved ones.
- Review your diet. Is he somewhat balanced? To do this, it’s good to fill out a food diary for 10 days.
- What medications do you take?
- Do you lead a he althy lifestyle?
- What conditions do you work in?
- What skin care products do you use daily?
The list of tests for hair loss will depend on what you tell the doctor and what conclusions he will draw from thiswill.

Simple test
It is always a pity for the time and money to go to the doctors. Therefore, we usually pull to the last, convincing ourselves that nothing terrible is actually happening. Therefore, conduct a simple experiment on your hair. Take a small strand, pinch it between your thumb and forefinger, and slowly pull. Now evaluate the result. If the number of hairs that have fallen out is more than seven, then it is imperative to go for a consultation with a trichologist.
The rate of hair loss in women is up to 125 per day. The maximum amount will fall out when washing. Between water procedures, the loss is about 50 pieces per day. If you see that in your case much more is lost, then you need to take action. In addition to the survey, the doctor, using a special camera, examines the scalp and draws a conclusion about the density of hair growth per square centimeter.

Causes of hair loss
This can also include a serious thinning of the hair. Of course, over the course of a lifetime, hair falls out, and this is absolutely normal. The reasons for this may be the following:
- Infectious and fungal diseases. And you need to understand that this means not only damage to the skin, but also to internal organs. A fungal infection can be detected by taking a biopsy of the scalp.
- Hormonal imbalance. Here, too, everything is quite predictable. A lack of estrogen or an excess of testosterone causes hair follicles to become hungry. They lose strength, burn out. Hormonal disorders do not occur in a vacuum. The most common causes are diseases of the thyroid gland, ovaries or adrenal glands. Frequent stress, prolonged medication, pregnancy - all this can provoke a deterioration in the endocrine system.
- Avitaminosis. Another common reason for which it is customary to attribute all he alth problems. But in this case, the lack of important substances can really play a significant role. Hair follicles need to be supplied with micro and macro elements. With an unbalanced diet, they will not receive the necessary substances, begin to weaken, and the hair falls out.
Of course, the doctor faces a difficult task - to deal with all the variety of causes and find the one that will lead to a solution to the problem. That is why it is very important that the specialist is competent and knows well what tests are prescribed for hair loss. Otherwise, the treatment will be a waste of time and money.
Laboratory tests
- Very often, trichologists recommend that their patients undergo a biochemical blood test. It allows the specialist to assess whether the kidneys and liver are working properly, whether there is an active inflammatory process. In addition, this analysis allows you to assess the balance of trace elements.
- But more often than not, this is just the beginning. Biochemistry can be done even before a visit to the doctor, so that the first appointment is more informative. After listening to the patient, the doctordecide which tests to take. There are many factors to consider when it comes to hair loss. For example, you can not ignore the hormonal background. To diagnose a disease of the scalp and hair, an analysis of T3, T4, TSH, prolactin, FSH, LH, free testosterone, and progesterone will be required. In some cases, the list may be reduced or increased.
- It is advisable to take an analysis for serum iron. This will rule out anemia.
- The number of examinations includes specific tests that are necessary for an accurate diagnosis. This is a spectral analysis of hair and a mineralogram. Mineral imbalance in this case will allow you to unravel the tangle further and look for the cause of the latter. Spectral analysis shows the ratio of trace elements in the composition of the curls themselves.

Additional parasite testing
Another reason that a trichologist should definitely consider. Treatment of hair loss can be lengthy and unsuccessful, and all because the possibility of infection with helminths is missed. After all, the simplest things are often left out of our attention.
Hair loss and intestinal worms are closely linked. Therefore, it is necessary to do an analysis of feces for worm eggs. This will allow timely adjustment of treatment. At the same time, blood donation is prescribed to check for the presence of parasitic infections. For this reason, the problem often begins, especially in children.
This is especially true if we are talking aboutteenagers. Tests for hair loss are most often within the normal range, so doctors refer to age-related changes and hormonal failure. But it is also important to convey to a young girl or young man certain rules that will help to forget about this problem:
- The condition of the curls depends on the food you eat. Therefore, we forget about soda, chips and hamburgers. Better than a full meal in the school cafeteria. And various flavors and flavors do not add he alth to hair at all.
- It is important to include enough vitamins and minerals in the diet.
- Regardless of fashion, you need to take care of your hair. That is, wear a hat in winter and a light cap in summer.
Proper care
It's not just teenagers. Life today is accelerating the pace, so there is less and less time for hair care. That is why we comb on the run, and when laying, we turn on the hair dryer at full power. And then we ask the doctors what to do. Tests are normal - hair loss can be stopped with home remedies:
- Wash your hair in the direction of hair growth only.
- Dry with a soft towel and dry naturally.
- Limit the use of hair dryers, curling irons and flat irons.
Stressful situations adversely affect the condition of the curls. Therefore, in the evening it is good to brew tea with chamomile, mint and lemon balm.

Medicated treatment
The doctor should select it, for each patient individually. But today the market hasa drug that is sold without a prescription and collects good reviews. "Pantovigar" for hair loss is an effective remedy for dealing with this delicate problem. Ingredients:
- Vitamin B1.
- P-aminobenzoic acid.
- Medical yeast.
- Keratin.
- Cystine.
- Calcium D-pantothenate, or vitamin B5.
That is, first of all, the drug provides nutrition to the hair with the necessary substances. This allows you to activate their growth, as well as make them softer, silkier and he althier. This is confirmed by numerous reviews. "Pantovigar" for hair loss can be included in the complex therapy, when a problem other than beriberi and malnutrition of the hair follicles is found. The complex copes with its task perfectly. Of course, the drug is quite expensive, for which it is often removed stars when grading.