Among the many drugs on the pharmaceutical market, "Minirin" has proven itself well. Reviews for enuresis in children are a clear confirmation of this. In most cases, thanks to this drug, it was possible to get rid of the disease.
How important is urinary incontinence in children
In pediatrics, urinary incontinence is one of the main problems. Doctors have long been studying the disease and finding the most effective methods of dealing with it. Because of its importance, the International Society for Pediatric Urinary Continence was formed. Despite the fact that the disease is serious from a medical point of view, not the last place is occupied by the psychological and social side. In addition to censure and punishment from adults, the child has to face ridicule from peers. Babyimpressions and memories influence the formation of personality in the future. People who have had to deal with the disease have difficulty adapting to society.

Does bedwetting always indicate enuresis
Urologists and nephrologists call enuresis the inability of a child to control urination at night. It would be incorrect to refer to the term as daytime enuresis. Specialists diagnose this disease only in children who have reached the age of five and older. If the inability to control urination is observed only during a night's sleep, then parents should be seriously alert. From the experience of doctors it follows that the drug "Minirin" is quite effective. Reviews for enuresis in children about taking this drug are in most cases positive. Often the drug turned out to be the only effective way out of the many tried in the fight against this unpleasant symptom.
Many doctors consider this age mark rather conditional. It is important to pay attention to the individual pace of neuropsychic development of a particular child. On the basis of the conducted studies, it was found that the complete control of urination during a night's sleep in preschool children is formed individually. Time frames vary from 3 to 5 years. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor must make sure that the child does not really control urination. Otherwise, it is not necessary to talk about the development of enuresis. The disease can be ruled out whenthe child is aware of the problem. Enuresis is not typical of children's concern about the current situation and interest in the treatment of the disease.

Mechanism of drug action
Repeatedly proved its effectiveness in the fight against bedwetting "Minirin". Reviews for enuresis in children about it are often positive, especially when comparing the results after using other drugs. The tablets consist of a synthetic analogue of the natural hormone of the posterior pituitary gland, which significantly increases the likelihood of a quick elimination of the symptom and eliminates possible complications after the course of treatment. The drug begins to act already 15 minutes after taking it, and the effect after taking the pill lasts for 10 hours.
The drug is used strictly according to the doctor's prescription. There are no single dosage recommendations. Before treatment, it is important to consult a doctor so that he can choose an individual course.

Contraindications for taking
Like all drugs, this has some contraindications:
- congenital pathological polydipsia;
- disturbances in the work of the heart;
- overweight;
- intolerance to the components that make up the drug;
- psychogenic pathological polydipsia.
The drug is not cheap, but highly effective. How to spend time and money onelimination of symptoms with less expensive analogues, it is easier to purchase Minirin. Reviews for enuresis in children after taking it are only positive, which cannot be said about other drugs. At best, they simply do not cope with the elimination of the symptom. It happens that an incorrectly selected course of therapy only exacerbates the healing process. Even experienced doctors, based on their long-term observations, advise using Minirin. Reviews for enuresis in children (the causes of the disease are very diverse) indicate the effectiveness of the remedy. A noticeable result is observed after a few days of treatment.

People's opinion about the effectiveness of the drug
Experienced doctors are not in vain advised to use "Minirin" for bedwetting. Reviews for enuresis in children (the symptoms could not be eliminated by other means) are extremely positive. The advantage is the release form. Children agree to put a tasteless pill under the tongue and wait for it to melt on its own. This dignity distinguishes the medicine from others. For parents, this is important, because you can’t always force a child to drink bitter medicine.
Is the drug really that good?
When folk methods of dealing with nocturnal enuresis did not give a positive result, desperate mothers agree to try Minirin. Reviews for enuresis in children about him remain only positive. Many later regret that they put off the visit to the doctor, torturing not only themselves, but also the child.
Moms whoused this method of treatment for the treatment of children, indicate the absence of relapses after the course, taking into account the fact that repeated cases are a frequent occurrence.
There is a category of parents who until the last hope that the disease will go away by itself when the child grows up. Unfortunately, this is not typical for childhood enuresis. Like any disease, it requires timely and proper treatment. Only a complete examination will help to accurately diagnose and find the best ways to deal with symptoms. Often, among the many drugs, only Minirin really helps to eliminate the symptom. Reviews for enuresis in children treated with these tablets are positive.

Features of drug treatment
- In the primary form, the dosage is reduced.
- If there is no improvement, increase the dose.
- Treatment lasts about 3 months.
- After a week break, the doctor decides whether there is a need for a second therapeutic course.
- During and after taking the pills, you should not drink liquids.
Side effects:
- nausea;
- headache;
- stomach pain.
Minirin medicine has proved itself well in the market. Reviews for enuresis in children, when taken correctly, are only positive. It is important to follow the doctor's advice to achieve the desired result.

Instructions for use
You can not start a course of treatment yourself without knowing the correct dosage and duration of administration. A visit to the doctor is required. A lot of useful and important information contains the instructions. "Minirin" reviews for enuresis in children after use receives only positive. According to users, the most important advantage is a quick recovery.
The drug is produced by a reliable Swiss company. The active substance of the drug is desmopressin. It effectively fights the cause of the disease. Excipients are harmless to the child's body and do not adversely affect other organs and systems of the child. These include potato starch, magnesium stearate, lactose and povidone.
Issue form
Available as 0.1 or 0.1 milligram desmopressin acetate tablets. Packed in a plastic bottle containing 30 tablets. Externally, the tablets are white with a characteristic groove in the middle.
Indications for admission:
- for primary nocturnal enuresis in children over five years of age and adolescents;
- for the treatment of patients with diabetes insipidus, in this case, the dosage is determined by the doctor individually.

You can try various remedies for the treatment of the disease. Probably some will be effective. But it is worth considering whether there is any point in such an indiscriminate search for ways to treat this serious illness, when there isa drug whose effectiveness has been proven not only by experienced doctors, but also by a huge number of women who have encountered this problem in the treatment of their children. You just need to go to the doctor so that he determines the dosage. When treating, follow the recommendations. Recovery will come soon, and the likelihood of relapse will be minimal.