Milk flows from the breast: causes and what to do

Milk flows from the breast: causes and what to do
Milk flows from the breast: causes and what to do

The period of lactation without pregnancy is said to be in the case when a discharge resembling milk appears in the breast of a woman who does not have and is not expecting a child. The question of what to do if milk flows from the breast is asked by many women. And such a situation requires a doctor's consultation, it can really indicate hormonal problems and cause a lot of discomfort to the patient.

General data

Lactation, that is, the production of milk, is a natural phenomenon that occurs in women who are pregnant (the body is preparing for this task even before childbirth) or have just given birth to a child.

Milk in a woman's breasts is not strange. But what if white fluid appears in women who are not pregnant and do not have children at all, or are mothers, but several years have passed since their birth?

flowing milk
flowing milk

Mother's milk is an element-rich liquid that acts as a food source for babies. Produceher mammary glands after childbirth, and they may also begin to form her already during pregnancy. Basically, secretion persists for several months and even years after the birth of a child. However, sometimes breast milk may appear in women unrelated to pregnancy and lactation. This condition belongs to the category of pathological. And if the chest hurts and milk flows, you should definitely be on your guard and find out the details.

How does it work?

The creation of milk is controlled by special hormones that are formed in the pituitary gland. Under normal conditions, this requires prolactin, it is released under the influence of other hormones or irritation of the mammary gland when the baby sucks mother's milk. The reason for the formation of milk outside the lactation period or during pregnancy, therefore, will be an increased level of certain hormones. It is not a disease, but a symptom that may accompany a number of unnatural conditions.

breast milk
breast milk


Although galactorrhea (as milk flows from a woman's breasts for no reason is called) is often caused by elevated levels of prolactin, it can happen even when this hormone is normal. In some cases, milk appears for no apparent reason. Most often, this disorder is caused by the following factors:

  • excessive irritation of the breast - through sexual intercourse or daily activities;
  • prolactinoma - a benign tumor of the brain area in which the cells responsible for prolactin are located;
  • hypothyroidism - low hormone levelsthyroid gland, reduced activity;
  • drugs - Contraceptives, antidepressants, or high blood pressure medications are most likely to cause problems;
  • botanical ingredients - mainly fennel or fenugreek seeds contained in preparations;
  • Less common causes of milk leakage are kidney disease or spinal cord injury.
breast milk
breast milk

If a woman notices the release of milk from the mammary gland (we can only talk about small drops), and she is not pregnant at all, you should definitely consult a doctor. You should not look for answers to the question of why milk flows from the breast on your own. This phenomenon should not be underestimated and its cause should always be established.

What are the symptoms of hyperprolactinemia?

So, if milk flows from the breast during feeding, this is the action of prolactin. Violation of the permissible levels of it in the body of a woman can lead to the fact that the breast will begin to produce fluid just like that. Such an ailment is called hyperprolactinemia and manifests itself not only in unwanted lactation, but also in:

  • menstrual disorders;
  • fertility problems;
  • other he alth problems such as depression, acne, hypertrichosis or headaches;
  • obesity and chest pain are also a hallmark.

Signs indicating an excess of prolactin can be diagnosed by determining the level of this hormone in the blood - a normal result is 23 μg / l in the follicular phase, 40 μg / l in the luteal phase. Levels higher (approx. 50 µg/l) may signal abnormalities. It is worth knowing that this disease also occurs in men and is manifested by breast enlargement, problems with erection and libido.

breast milk
breast milk

What to look out for

The reason that milk flows from the breast without pregnancy may be problems with the thyroid gland and the adrenal cortex, which affect the correct hormonal balance. Violation of acceptable levels of prolactin can result from taking antidepressants or contraceptives with a lot of estrogen, but stress or overexertion also affects.

Another cause of the disease can be breast tumors (in this case, the discharge is dark in color and resembles milk), as well as an adenoma of the pituitary gland of the brain, manifested by the formation of nodules within it. A pituitary adenoma is made up of hormonally active cells, most commonly affecting areas that cause prolactin production.

How to treat?

Because there are many reasons why milk flows from the breast, the treatment of this problem depends on the diagnosis. The standard recommendation is to determine the level of prolactin. It is worth remembering that the use of drugs that inhibit lactation, which are used by women who wish to complete the period of breastfeeding, are not suitable for the treatment of hyperprolactinemia, they do not normalize the production of prolactin. For this purpose, special compounds are introduced that not only equalize the level of the hormone, suppress lactation, but also sometimes allow a woman to return tonormal cycles, reduce menstrual cramps and restore ovulation.


After childbirth

If milk flows from the breast, it causes discomfort to the woman. No wonder many mothers generally refuse breastfeeding. Sometimes pregnant or already giving birth patients complain that milk flows from the breast very strongly. This leads to the fact that clothes get wet, an infection develops. This phenomenon is normal, and because of its existence, bras are made with special liners. Selling disposable, reusable liners. They come in silicone.

bust pads
bust pads

Many mothers suffer from this process. And he's normal. In the first months after childbirth, the phenomenon is considered quite natural. It is important to remember that when using the liners, you need to change them every 2-3 hours. If the breast is damaged, it is best to use silicone. And sometimes, if the milk flows too intensely and uncontrollably, it is enough to squeeze the nipple for about 40 seconds. And then the milk will stop flowing. But if this does not help, you can seek advice from a gynecologist. The amount of milk that flows out does not depend on its volume in the breast of a woman. That is, even if it is small, it can still flow out. For this reason, a consultation with a gynecologist will never be superfluous.