Quite often, the nail plates change in relation to their appearance: they thicken or become thinner, fade, the color may become different and much more. All these actions indicate the development of any human he alth problems. Yellow nails for various reasons. Most often, experts refer here to the impact of external factors or some kind of internal failures in the body, for example, kidney or liver diseases, as well as diseases of the central nervous system.
As for the fair sex, in most cases the cause of this symptom is the use of low-quality varnish. The fact is that such cosmetics contain a special coloring pigment, which, after reacting with the nail, changes its shade. In this case, if the nail turns yellow, you should not resort to someone special treatment. To restore the nail plate, you will needsome time, sometimes up to six months.

If the toenails turn yellow and thicken, this may indicate the development of a fungal infection. And this will not be the only symptom. In addition to the fact that the nails turn yellow, the plate begins to crumble, tuberosity appears on it. Also nearby, soft tissue becomes inflamed, reddens and swells. The nail may move away from the bed.
External factors
Yellowing of nails is the result of many different causes. Sometimes, as mentioned earlier, toenails turn yellow due to their coating with low-quality acrylic, shellac. The fact is that such cheap cosmetics contain chemicals such as camphor oil, toluene, and formalin resin.
Since these components negatively affect the functionality of the liver, this also affects the skin, other tissues, such as nails. Of course, the reaction appears only against the background of prolonged use of such varnishes. A few applications will change nothing.
Many young girls have a question about why toenails turn yellow. The reason for this is the gel polish that is applied to the plates. The composition of such products contains nitrocellulose, which changes the shade of the nail. In this case, there will be no other symptoms of any diseases.

The most common external causes of yellowing and thickening of toenails are:
- Systematic applicationproducts containing acetone. It is on the basis of this substance that nail polish remover is made.
- If the shoes are made of poor quality cheap material or are too small in size, this can also lead to yellowing. In addition to the fact that in this case the nail thickens and turns yellow, dystrophy and ribbing also appear. In most cases, the pinky or thumb is affected by shoes.
- It should also be noted that if the nails turn yellow, the reason may lie in food habits. The plates are adversely affected by coffee and black tea. These drinks contain special pigments that can change the natural color of the skin.
- Why do nails turn yellow if the polish is not applied? It can also happen due to the use of certain drugs for a long time.
In some cases, yellowness on the nail is the absolute norm. This phenomenon is most often observed in women and men of advanced age.
If the reason for the yellowing of the nails is an external influence, then it is quite easy to overcome this problem. First of all, the main provoking factor should be excluded. For example, if the nail on the thumb turns yellow, then you need to change shoes.
But what to do if the cause of such an unpleasant symptom lies in the development of some disease?

Onychogryphosis and other pathologies
This is one of the common ailments that is inherited. With the development of this disease, the nails become yellowishshades, harden. In addition, they lose their natural shine, and also rise above the bed.
Sometimes, the nail on the big toe turns yellow, and the rest are in a he althy state. But in most cases, this pathological process extends to all plates at once. Pathology is accompanied by a violation of their blood supply. The main reasons include the following diseases:
- Pneumonia, scarlet fever, measles.
- Venereal disease.
- Multiple sclerosis.
- Overabundance or deficiency of minerals or vitamins.
- Atherosclerosis of vessels.
- Varicose veins.
With these diseases, the yellowness of the nails may be the only sign or be supplemented by other symptoms. The plate begins to burst, delaminate, change in thickness. Color may vary from light yellow to dirty brown.
Dystrophic onychia
Dystrophic onychia is manifested as follows:
- The nail plates on the legs have become hard and thick.
- Nails are rough and peeling.
- There is deformation.
- The fragility of the plates increases.
- Nails change color to yellowish.

If these symptoms appear only on one finger, then the reason, most often, lies in the trauma of the bed. This should include tight shoes, inability to cut nails correctly.
Psoriasis is not only a skin disease. This pathology often affects the nailplates on the legs and arms. Symptoms of psoriasis include:
- The appearance of ribbing, as well as tuberosity on the nail plates.
- Her cloudiness.
- Peeling off the skin next to the nail.
- Formation of red and black spots under the nail plate.
These symptoms should be attributed to the initial stage of psoriasis. In more advanced situations, the shade of the nails becomes cloudy, matte, and the plate is rough to the touch, concave inward.
Fungal infection
For what other reasons can toenails turn yellow? If the patient has no injuries in the anamnesis, as well as serious chronic pathologies, and the patient did not use dubious varnishes, then the reason may lie in the development of the fungus. This pathology can develop in people at absolutely any age, and also regardless of gender. Clinical symptoms of mycosis are very extensive. Most often, this includes thickening of the nail plates, as well as a change in their shade. In the most severe cases, when the activity of the fungus is high, the nail is able to completely deform and also twist.

Mycosis symptoms are manifested by the following symptoms:
- With hypertrophic fungus, the nails become thick, the color changes to brown or yellow. The surface of the plate is not glossy, matte, the edges are pointed.
- Normotrophic fungus is characterized by a strong thickening of the nail. The shape of the plate does not change.
- As for the atrophic fungus, here it is observed,on the contrary, the thinning of the nail, it is destroyed.
Before starting any treatment, you should seek help from a specialist who will diagnose. To identify the main cause of yellowing of the nail plate on the legs, a dermatologist must examine it externally using a specialized lamp. Then the biomaterial is taken for analysis in order to perform a microscopic examination and identify the type of pathogen of mycosis or another cause of the disease. After that, a scraping is done from the skin around the diseased nail, and blood is also taken to determine antibodies to syphilis and leprosy.
Methods of therapy
If yellowness is the result of some past pathology or disease, then most likely nothing will have to be done. For some time, the nail will be able to grow on its own and acquire a normal physiological shade. To speed up this process, you can additionally drink vitamin complexes that the doctor will prescribe.
Drug therapy
As mentioned earlier, the treatment will depend on the main cause of the pathology. For example, for subungual melanoma, aggressive therapy is used, which consists of chemotherapy or radiation exposure.

If the cause of yellowing of the nails was a disease of the central nervous system, as a result of which the patient independently destroys his plate, then a psychotherapist or neurologist will prescribe certain medications. In this case, are usedsedative drugs. In the most severe cases, antidepressants are used.
If "onychomadesis" was diagnosed, then yellowness should be disposed of in a complex way. Most often, the following drugs are prescribed for this:
- Antifungal drugs in the form of ointments and tablets, such as Mycosan, Clotrimazole, Terbinafine.
- Antibacterial drugs.
- Medicines based on hormones.
- Antihistamines.
If the cause of the resulting yellowness is a violation of blood circulation, then a special massage should be performed at home. It is best to ask a specialist how to do it correctly. Medications are also prescribed to restore disturbed blood flow.
Folk remedies
Recipes of alternative medicine are not able to completely get rid of the main cause of the yellowing of the nail plate, but they can whiten it. They can only be used after consultation with a dermatologist. It is also not recommended to combine decoctions of herbs and pharmaceutical ointments at the same time. The most recognized recipes are as follows:
- In 100 ml of warm water add 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide. Pour the resulting solution into a metal container. Dip your feet in it for a couple of minutes, rub your yellow nails with a toothbrush. Then apply moisturizer. This manipulation is carried out once a week. As a rule, a positive effect is noticeable after a month of treatment.procedures.
- Take juice from three lemons. On its basis, make a bath for nails, diluted with water in equal proportions. Dip your feet in the resulting solution. The duration of the procedure should be a quarter of an hour. Then the nails are well rubbed with a toothbrush. At the end of the procedure, the feet should be washed well with clean water.

It is worth noting that diet is recommended as a he alth therapy. Experts advise eating more fresh vegetables and fruits. Olive oil should also be included in the diet, as it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Eat whole grain bread, chicken liver and red meat. All these products make up for the lack of B vitamins in the body, useful for nails.