There are many phobias in the outside world. A person's life is filled with so many difficulties that the psyche sometimes cannot stand it and gives out a non-standard reaction to the most ordinary situations. Most often, you can find cases of fear of the species of specific animals. The most frightening species of rodents commonly found in human habitats are mice and rats.
The reason for the fear of rats and mice
Genetics and scientists have found that the appearance of musophobia was provoked by the joint life of rodents and humans. At the beginning of their journey, people lived in caves in small groups, consisting of several men and women. Each of them performed a specific role - the men hunted and got food, guarding the rest of the group in their free time, and the women cooked food, looking after the children and the surrounding life. The times were not the easiest, so food was tight, and the remnants of food were mercilessly hunted by mice living in the same caves. When they did not find her, they could bite sleeping women and children. Some of them could get sick with dangerous diseases when viruses carried bymice. In addition, one can imagine the discontent of the hungry men, who, upon their return, learned about the significant impoverishment of food supplies.
Therefore, it is no wonder that many women began to get hysterical from one kind of mice. This fear was so strong that it was gradually deposited in the genetic memory of mankind, starting its journey from one generation to another. Therefore, many representatives of humanity still panic at the sight of a rodent.
In the case of rats, subconscious fear spurs unsightly appearance - a bare tail, beady red eyes, large fangs, a nasty squeaky voice. People who panic violently at the sight of rodents believe in myths that they run through ventilation shafts, are able to move along telephone wires and develop an attack on a person in detail. No less rare is the fear of a rat bite, which can infect with something impartial.
Origin of the definition of zemmiphobia

Zemmiphobia (in other sources - zemmiphobia) stands for "fear of big diggers". Some researchers have become interested in the question of what it is.
The popular version is the popular name for naked rats, which practically do not differ in appearance and behavior from moles. The only difference is that on the front of the head they have pronounced fang-like teeth, with which they dig underground tunnels. They live in groups in Africa. Each of these colonies has80 to 300 heads. Among them there is only one main female, and 19 individuals are listed as her males. Other members of the colony perform work tasks or simply guard.
But it is still not supported by solid evidence. Therefore, if it contains erroneous information, then science does not yet know where the word "zemmiphobia" came from.
Origin of the definition of Musophobia

In some sources it is listed as musophobia (from the Greek word meaning mouse), in others - murophobia (the taxonomic adjective "rat"). Along with them, suriphobia is mentioned, which comes from the French word for "mice".
Among doctors, only one person was the first to testify to the existence of a fear of mice - this is Genna Crosser. Unfortunately, despite the information she received, she also had to deal with such a deviation.
How is musophobia different from zemmiphobia

Manifestations of a phobia include an increased level of fear due to some environmental irritant. The leading place among the phenomena of phobia is occupied by the fear of mice and rats. Despite everyone's beliefs, these are completely different fears that have their own names.
Musophobia is the fear of mice, and zemmiphobia is the fear of rats. Sometimes the concept of zemmifobia refers to the fear of moles, which, in fact, cannot harm human he alth. The only problems from them are the destruction of grain reserves and the appearance of underground holes where it is not desirable.
In parallel, there is a related phobia based on the fear of seeing bats. As a rule, it occurs in avid moviegoers who watched horror films with vampires too often. Their panic often reaches such proportions that they are quite seriously waiting for the little mouse to turn into an insidious vampire and drink all their blood.
Factors provoking the development of a phobia
- Genetic memory.
- Children's fright.
- Attack of rats or mice on a person or animals belonging to him.
- Unpleasant experience with mice or rats.
- The possibility of infection from the slightest bite or scratch.
- The negative reputation created by cinema.
Researchers believe that the phobia of rodents has been deposited in the genetic memory of people since ancient times. Their life together was not always peaceful and calm. Men fed everyone, sometimes disappearing for days on the hunt. Therefore, the entire burden of daily life completely lay on the shoulders of women. The first representatives of the families of rodents were not the most peaceful animals, because of which the surrounding people could sometimes suffer greatly. Most of the patients with musophobia are women and children, the smaller part is men.
In especially neglected cases, at the mere sight of a mouse, people will become hysterical to such an extent that they begin to experience horror along with vomiting disgust. It is right. Thus, the body protects itself from a carrier of serious diseases, but at the same time interferes with a normal life, forbidding a person to appear in places where rodents can live.
Signs of a sick person

Any fear arises in a special way, and in its sensations is not similar to the feelings of another person. One hysterical person will run away as far as possible, at one glance at the animal, and the other will stand like a statue, never moving. They are united by common manifestations of a phobia:
- unusual behavior;
- rapid inhalations and exhalations;
- trembling limbs;
- minor vocal problems;
- nausea and regular dizziness;
- frequent sweating;
- growing panic;
- careful avoidance of rodent teeth to avoid accidental bites.
Musophobes understand the name of the fear of mice and the absurdity of their reaction to the most harmless rodent. But few people are able to take control of themselves, and they fall into a prolonged depression from the additional fear of embarrassing themselves in front of their inner circle. If no one helps them, then the level of pathological panic will increase, acquiring new deceptive fears.
In severe cases, the patient ceases to understand where reality surrounds him, and from what moment harmless fantasies begin. For fear of rodent attack, they can plug up every opening they can find in the house so that the mice can't get in and find it.

If the manifestation of the symptoms of a phobia is irregular, then the patient may well experience independent methods of treatment. Tothe most popular are films and children's cartoons with rats and mice, reading stories where rodents are involved in the main characters, as well as watching scientific programs about the life of the animal world. If the fear has not touched the deeper layers of the subconscious, then the patient is 100% likely to defeat him.
Equally effective methods include ensuring a comfortable life for a domestic rodent. Constant interaction with the animal allows you to make sure that it is safe and understand that it is not much different from the more familiar cat or dog. Psychologists warn that it will be very difficult to start the process of rapprochement, but in the future everything will be much easier.
As an additional help to the patient, visits to pet stores can be added. It is good if a person from a close circle can accompany him in order to provide moral support in difficult moments. During the visit, the patient should focus on rodents, notice the funny moments of their daily life and fantasize about the mouse thoughts that swarm in their head at the sight of another visitor.
Expert Help

In the event that independent measures do not work, it is recommended to urgently visit a doctor. He will apply in the process of treatment specially developed techniques designed to cure the fear of mice and rats:
- Hypnotherapy sets up subconscious programs and tries to destroy the virus that hit them in the form of a poorly controlled phobia. If she managed to turn it off, then all the disturbing symptomswill disappear instantly. But many patients are afraid to entrust their consciousness to a stranger and therefore avoid hypnosis.
- Neuro Linguistic Programming presents a phobia as a distorted view of real life, which is in the hands of the person himself. If the patient manages to see his fears from a different angle, then it is quite possible that they will stop bothering him.