Psychosomatics of insomnia is considered by experts not as something unified, but is divided into categories that can manifest themselves separately or in various combinations. The more complex their combinations, the more difficult the healing process.
Disorder groups
In the psychosomatics of insomnia, there is such a classification of disorders:
- Internal interpersonal struggle and confrontation of desires.
- Constantly thinking about imaginary he alth problems leading to real complications.
- Analysis of the experience of a painful situation from the past. For example, in childhood, an injury was received, from which the scar remained for life and constantly reminds of those events.
- Phobia of losing a loved one. Because of this, a picture of this loss is drawn in the subconscious. But negative emotions are transformed on a real physical and mental level.
- Suggestion of a symptom of a serious illness by a respectedperson. Moreover, the suggestible at this moment is in a strong emotional decline.
- Strong self-criticism. The person blames himself for a real or imagined event or conflict. This creates certain experiences and complicates the life of a person outside of this confrontation.
Psychological injury

Its role in the development of insomnia is great. Experienced traumas received in childhood and adolescence have the greatest impact. This refers to all possible situations that affect mental he alth. These are disasters, wars, loss of loved ones, etc.
Such injuries can also occur due to chronic internal conflicts: depression, anger, fear, guilt.
The meaning of constant stress
In the psychosomatics of insomnia, it is huge. Although today stress is the main cause of many other diseases. Residents of megacities are most susceptible to its influence. The most vulnerable are young able-bodied citizens.
Conflicts at work, in the family, frantic traffic and the pace of life become habitual factors. A person constantly does not have enough time, he hurries from place to place, is subjected to colossal information overload.

With such a schedule, there is a lack of sleep and rest. This is an excellent soil for the development of stress and destruction of the body. And the psyche works in emergency mode, like a backup power supply system. And sooner or later it fails.
The appearance of insomniaagainst the background of stress - this is one of the consequences of such a failure. Also, the cardiovascular system and digestive organs are hit hard.
Long Experience
Negative emotions always have a devastating effect on the body. And it only intensifies with their prolonged exposure. Anxiety, phobias, strong resentment cause the greatest damage.

For the human body, every strong emotion is an event. It is expressed in an increase in blood pressure, a change in muscle tone and increased breathing. But because of emotions, the body does not switch to emergency work.
Persistent negative experiences are one of the most common psychosomatic causes of insomnia. In addition, modern media contribute to their development. For example, many people who have low incomes and a modest standard of living tend to blame the authorities, the president for everything, envy we althier citizens, and so on. Every day they see politicians on television or on the Internet, neighbors with expensive cars, a different social level. Constant hatred, envy and irritability develop mental disorders in them, including insomnia.

According to many psychotherapists, they are diseases with very deep causes. People may be afraid of different things or events. The main one is the fear of death. And many are sure that it will not affect them in the near future. This thought helps to avoid constant phobia and sleep at night.
But when one of friends or relatives dies, there are thoughts of insecurity from death. A person is increasingly covered with anxiety, sleep is disturbed, the work of the nervous system.
Another common fear is the loss of a loved one. It can express not only in his death, but also a break in relations. Especially fear increases during a long separation.
Every employed person is afraid of losing their job and being left without income. As a result, it gets involved in a constant cycle of monotonous repetitive events and loads.
There are many different fears, their types and number depend on many factors, for example, the type of activity of a person, his family, income, he alth status, etc.
Severe surge
Often it is a traditional companion of a person who works and lives at a frantic pace. Those who are prone to gambling are also exposed to it. The possibility of getting a quick and big income provokes a solid production of adrenaline. In case of luck, a person comes out of this state. On a failure, the tension becomes even stronger and deals a serious blow to the body, especially the heart.
Athletes are exposed to powerful loads. These are intensive trainings, and important matches, and performances. Here, too, in the case of great failures, the nervous system can suffer greatly. A striking example of this is a missed pen alty in a key game.
Severe stress provokes the appearance of neuroses, migraines, heart problems, etc. In this case, complex therapy and quality rest are needed.
Ofteninsomnia appears on the background of neurosis. Her signs are:
- frequent and prolonged headaches,
- back and neck pain,
- feeling very tired in the morning,
- intense sweating,
- rapid heart rate,
- dizziness.
Most vulnerable people

According to the statistics of psychologists, insomnia is more common in people who are characterized by severe anxiety and emotional instability. The first component is fear that arises for no apparent reason. The person who has it often experiences pictures of the past and is in them, and not in real time. He has a rich imagination, he projects different developments of situations from the past.
Anxiety that manifests itself during the day, torments a person at night, and does not allow him to fall asleep. And his emotional instability strengthens them. And experiences can be so strong that they turn into tantrums or crying.
List of symptoms
Psychosomatics of insomnia is characterized by the following symptoms:
- Difficulty falling asleep.
- Sleep intermittently.
- Chronic uncontrollable waking early in the morning.
- Constant overwork.
- A state of anxiety and depression.
- Severe irritability.
After getting up at night, a person can no longer fall asleep quickly. To do this, he needs 1-2 hours. And the awakening comes early in the morning, long before the scheduled time.
The body does not recover from previous loads. Because ofchronic lack of sleep, a person constantly feels tired, becomes very irritable and depressive.
All of these lead to obsessive thoughts. Because of them, it is difficult to concentrate on work, attention is scattered, it is difficult to fall asleep. It turns out a kind of cycle. It goes a long way to explain why insomnia is a common part of depression.
Only competent and complex therapy can help get out of this conveyor.
Do-It-Yourself Methods

How to get rid of the psychosomatics of insomnia? There are following methods for this:
- Stay outdoors about 20-30 minutes before bedtime. A light relaxed run of no more than 1-1.5 km is allowed.
- Taking a bath or hot shower right before bed.
- A glass of relaxing tea at night.
- Listening to relaxing music.
Today, psychologists are often asked such a question, when insomnia from nerves appears, what to do first. The main task is to remove all disturbing thoughts. Further, the indicated four points play their positive role.
If the situation does not improve within a month, and these measures do not have the desired effect, then you need to contact a specialist.
Medical Therapy

The doctor first of all determines the causes of sleep disturbance. If the patient is aware of them, then medication may not be used in the treatment. And a man can fasterget he althier.
Otherwise, the therapist must identify the causes and circumstances of the failure. He selects the method of therapy, drugs and their dosage depending on the condition of the patient, his desire to be cured and awareness of the problem. Traditional medicine may be involved in the treatment. It can also go as far as the use of tranquilizers with a hypnotic effect.
If in a dilemma how to fall asleep quickly, if you can’t sleep, only the second option or similar drugs help, then the degree of the disease is serious. And treatment can be delayed. Its success largely depends on the effectiveness of eliminating the causes of the disease. Often, patients have to make major lifestyle changes.
After the course of treatment, the doctor gives recommendations of the following plan:
- Don't drink too much liquid before bed.
- No eating and watching scary movies in bed.
- Bedding should be soothing and pleasant. Therefore, it is worth using products only from quality materials.
- Don't force yourself to sleep if you don't feel like it.
How to fall asleep quickly if you can't sleep even for half an hour. You can do monotonous household chores, such as washing dishes. Eliminate any activity associated with increased emotionality, such as listening to energetic music. It is better to replace it with nature sounds or relaxing melodies.