Levomekol ointment helps with hemorrhoids and other problems, as it is a universal remedy. Many argue that this external drug copes with various skin ailments quickly and effectively, removing acute symptoms. Is it really so?
The remedy is often used externally for purulent inflammation, but not everyone knows that it is also used for such a delicate problem as the formation of knots around the rectum. Does Levomekol ointment help with hemorrhoids? It is worth looking into why this question arose.
Ointment has excellent antibacterial and bactericidal action. Often hemorrhoids are accompanied by infection. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon, since the intestines and feces contain manymicroorganisms. Bacteria enter the hemorrhoids, thereby provoking an infectious process.
Levomekol ointment for hemorrhoids (reviews below) really helps, as it has an antibacterial, healing, adsorbing, anti-inflammatory effect and a dehydrating effect. This remedy contains levomecithin, an antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action. However, its concentration in the ointment is such that it does not have a negative toxic effect on the body, so Levomekol is used much longer than conventional medicines.

Due to the composition, the healing processes in the walls of the rectum, the mucous membrane occur faster, therefore, during periods of exacerbation of the disease, doctors advise using Levomekol. The use of ointment for hemorrhoids is effective, because the remedy cleanses the wounds from decay products that appear as a result of inflammation. The ointment prevents local intoxication and other complications arising from the expansion of inflamed veins.
With external hemorrhoids, Levomekol ointment is really the most in demand, since it is a topical agent. It easily eliminates the infectious reaction, reduces or completely removes swelling, as well as unpleasant sensations - pain, itching, burning. The tool has an anti-inflammatory effect on the hemorrhoids, as well as a drying effect. After applying the composition, the risks of infectious processes are reduced, experts recommend using it whenweeping hemorrhoids.
According to numerous reviews, Levomekol hemorrhoid ointment helps, but it is also considered universal. This means that the tool has a wide spectrum of action. The ointment has an antibacterial, regenerating, anti-inflammatory effect. It is prescribed for injuries of the skin, disorders of the mucous surfaces, which are accompanied by purulent-inflammatory processes. So, it is recommended in the following cases:
- for hemorrhoids;
- ulcers, purulent wounds on the skin;
- for healing sutures after operations;
- second and third degree burns;
- inflammatory skin diseases;
- trophic ulcers;
- necrosis, bedsores, diaper rash;
- eczema;
- to eliminate itching, burning, dry skin.
The ointment is quickly absorbed, providing the desired therapeutic effect.

Instructions for use
When hemorrhoids ointment "Levomekol" is used carefully, following certain rules. This drug is for external use. There are several options for applying this remedy to the affected areas (not just hemorrhoids and fissures).
- Apply a thin layer to the damaged area of the skin once or twice a day until complete recovery. The maximum course is one week. The place is covered with a sterile bandage.
- Swabs soaked in "Levomekol" are applied to deep wounds. Ointmentpreheated. The surface is then fixed with a bandage or bandage. They change it depending on the filling with purulent masses.
- In narrow but deep wounds, the ointment is injected with a syringe, then fixed with a bandage on top.
- In case of skin lesions of bacterial etiology, cotton swabs are impregnated with ointment and applied to the surface.
For hemorrhoids, the instructions for the "Levomekol" ointment do not say how to apply the remedy. But there are general recommendations for the procedures for this disease. First, the anal area should be thoroughly cleaned with warm water, dry the skin with a soft towel. Apply the composition before going to bed on the hemorrhoids. The anus area is covered with a clean cloth, fixed with tight panties. The course of treatment is ten days. During this period, the disease goes into remission, the patient's condition improves markedly, even if hemorrhoids are chronic.
Longer use of "Levomekol" is possible only after consulting a doctor. Many experts advise using the ointment in combination with other drugs, gels, creams.
When used correctly, "Levomekol" does not penetrate into the systemic circulation, acting only locally. As part of the ointment, the active substances provide the desired therapeutic effect in the fight against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, staphylococci. The tool also has an anti-catabolic, anabolic effect, regenerates damaged tissues, improves immunity, reduces swelling and inflammation.

Can I use Levomekol ointment for hemorrhoids? As already found out, this is an excellent remedy for eliminating a delicate problem. The composition includes several active substances, each of which has its own effect on inflammation.
- Levomycetin. It is an antibiotic that is prescribed for inflammatory and infectious diseases. With its help, a persistent antimicrobial effect is determined; as part of the ointment, it is not addictive.
- Ethylene glycol. Removes dead tissue cells, promotes regeneration.
- Methylarucil. It has wound healing properties, therefore it shows its activity during the period of exacerbation of the disease. It is a mild immunomodulator, increases the number of leukocytes in the blood, stimulates the production of interferon and protein.
It is important to note that the action of each component is enhanced at the expense of each other. Together, the composition has a therapeutic effect, so the result is noticeable after several applications. With regular use, a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect is achieved. Auxiliary substances that are present in the composition are polyethylene oxides. They provide easy and quick penetration of the ointment into the deep layers of damaged skin. In addition, they do not cause itching and burning, other unpleasant symptoms and reactions.

According to reviews, Levomekol ointment for hemorrhoids cannot be used if there are certaincontraindications. Due to the fact that this remedy contains an antibiotic, it is not recommended for treatment for women during pregnancy and lactation. A contraindication is an allergic reaction to the components, as well as individual intolerance. To check if there is an allergy to Levomekol, apply a little ointment on the inside of the bend of the elbow joint.
Side effects
Despite the positive reviews, Levomekol ointment for hemorrhoids can also cause unpleasant phenomena after use. If you use this remedy for a long time, then changes in the composition of the blood may occur, that is, the number of white and red blood cells will decrease. One of the main side effects is an allergy that occurs after the ointment. It is not advised to use "Levomekol" for people who suffer from a fungal infection or psoriasis. Prolonged use may cause dysbacteriosis.

When Pregnant
This is a special condition during which you need to take any medication only as directed by a gynecologist, after consulting with him. As already found out, with hemorrhoids in pregnant women, Levomekol ointment is not the only remedy that can alleviate the condition or get rid of the problem. The instructions indicate that the product is not recommended for women who are carrying a child, as well as lactating. But it is permissible to use it under the supervision of a doctor if the benefit to the mother outweighs the harm to the fetus. Most often, this toolprescribed in the last trimester of pregnancy.
What are hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids is one of the most common intimate diseases. Almost no one is immune from it. This disease can be provoked by a sedentary lifestyle, a sharp change in habits (good to bad), the abuse of alcoholic beverages and junk food. As a result, a person is disturbed by various unpleasant symptoms, which are accompanied by severe discomfort. It should be noted that during the period of an exacerbation of the disease, doctors often prescribe Levomekol ointment, but it does not cure the disease completely, but only guarantees a stable remission.
Hemorrhoids is a disease of the anus, in which degenerative-dystrophic changes occur in the venous network of the rectum. Hemorrhoidal bumps, that is, nodes, are also formed. They are further able to inflame, bleed, fall out. All this leads to severe suffering, even life threatening. Most often, hemorrhoids occur in men aged 20 to 50 years, the elderly, and also in women who have given birth again.

Often, chronic constipation, diarrhea, physical inactivity, hard physical labor, malnutrition, systematic hypothermia, obesity, oncology, pregnancy lead to the appearance of hemorrhoids. So, there are internal, external and combined hemorrhoids. The first type is a hypertrophy of the venous plexus of the rectum. It is impossible to recognize the disease on its own, only in the later stages, whenbumps fall out. The second type of hemorrhoids is varicose veins in the anal area, the patient complains of bleeding. The third type combines the features of the first two.
How to treat?
There are two ways to treat hemorrhoids: conservative and surgical intervention. If the patient is prescribed medication, then most often these are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that stop pain and inflammation (Nise, Diclofenac, Analgin). Also among the drugs are venotonics (Detralex, Troxevasin, Venoton), hemostatics (Vikasol, Dicinon). The therapy is supplemented with ointments and gels based on antibiotics, including Levomekol. Assign patients and laxatives to normalize the stool. Surgical treatment is indicated if medication has failed.

Analogues of "Levomekol"
The drug in question is not the only one that contains a similar active composition. The analogues of "Levomekol" include "Netran", "Levomethyl", "Fastin", "Lingezin", "Streptonitol". These are quite effective remedies that can adequately replace the ointment.
How much does Levomekol cost in pharmacies? A huge advantage of the tool is that its cost is quite budgetary. The price of 40 grams of ointment is about 130 rubles. Pharmacies also sell special dressings that are already impregnated with"Levomekol". Their cost depends on the size.
What do the doctors say?
How to apply Levomekol ointment for hemorrhoids, we found out, but what do experts advise? Should I take this drug? If there are no contraindications, then many people recommend Levomekol for use, since it has regenerative properties. As already mentioned, the ointment stimulates the healing of cracks, disinfects, and eliminates acute symptoms. It is advisable to use it in case of exacerbation of the disease, to improve the general condition, as a preventive measure. Doctors say that Levomekol ointment can be used for hemorrhoids.
It is also worth considering what users write about this tool. The instructions for the "Levomekol" ointment (it is also used for hemorrhoids) do not say how to use the remedy when such a delicate problem occurs. However, many who used the ointment claim that it copes 100% with the task. According to patients who experienced hemorrhoids, Levomekol was prescribed to them as an additional or main remedy, which well eliminates the symptoms of the disease, and also promotes remission.
Positive feedback about "Levomekol" and women after childbirth who have hemorrhoids. They note that after three procedures, the condition noticeably improves, the hemorrhoidal bumps disappear, the nodes dissolve. But patients also claim that the ointment is not a panacea, much easierto prevent the disease than to treat it later. In addition, some people have to use Levomekol regularly to avoid relapses.