Zhivokost ointment, reviews of which are presented in the article, will come in handy if there are problems with the joints or an injury has occurred that has led to a violation of the integrity of the bone tissue. This inexpensive remedy is popular because it is effective for joint and muscle pain, as well as for inflammatory processes in the organs of the musculoskeletal system.
Ointment "Zhivokost Siberian He alth", reviews of which are only positive, is a remedy that accelerates the healing of wounds, ulcers on the skin, stimulates the processes of epithelium restoration, accelerates the growth of bone tissue, and relieves pain. "Zhivokost" is a medicinal product, it contains the comfrey plant.
The anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties of Zhivokost ointment are widely known. Reviews confirm this. Often it is used for fractures, bruises, injuries. They release the ointment in pharmacies without a prescription, but the use and duration of treatment is betterdiscuss with your doctor.

According to the instructions and reviews, Zhivokost ointment helps well with the following problems:
- Neuralgia.
- Lumbago.
- Myalgia.
- Arthritis.
- Long non-healing wounds.
- Sciatica.
- Rheumatism.
- Osteochondrosis.
- Bruises.
- Skin surface irritation.
- Closed fractures.
- Dry skin.
- Cracks.
- Trophic ulcers.

Instructions for use
In reviews of Zhivokost ointment, people note that the drug is easy to use. It is used only externally. It is necessary to apply the ointment in a thick layer on the painful area, then rub it thoroughly into the skin. This procedure is carried out two to three times a day.
You can also apply ointment at night under a bandage. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, so the duration is determined by the doctor. Do not use the ointment for more than four to six weeks in a row. If Zhivokost is used in increased dosages, then adverse reactions may occur. If signs of allergy appear, the drug is canceled, and the remnants of the product are washed off the skin.
What is comfrey (larkspur)? It is a plant that has been used in medicine since ancient times. It is used externally for fractures, injuries, wounds, that is, in all cases where rapid healing and elimination of discomfort is required. It makes sense to be treated with livestock-based products if there are cracks and trophic ulcers on the skin.

Ointment for joints "Zhivokost", reviews of which are presented below, is a remedy of light brown or beige color. It has a characteristic smell. It contains active ingredients:
- Comfrey tincture.
- 40-% ethanol.
- Vitamin E oil solution.
It also contains additional substances:
- Soft white paraffin.
- Corn oil.
- Glycerin.
- Emulsifier T-2.
- Fragrance.
- Water.
- E-218.
Sold ointment in cardboard packaging in tubes or jars.

There are very few contraindications for Zhivokost ointment. User reviews confirm this. It should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to the components, as well as in children under the age of twelve. In addition, you can not use this medicine during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, as the composition of the ointment can tone the uterus.
Side effects
In reviews of the Zhivokost ointment, it is said that it practically does not cause unwanted reactions. Side effects that are extremely rare include the following manifestations of an allergic reaction:
- Itching.
- Edema.
- Burning.
- Fever.
If appearedsimilar symptoms, the ointment should be discontinued.

There are many analogues in the Zhivokost ointment. In the reviews, patients mention this. If for some reason the agent in question is not suitable, it can be replaced with any drug that includes comfrey. The following products are available on the pharmaceutical market:
- Cream-balm "Zhivokost with chondroitin". This drug activates the regeneration of bone and cartilage tissues, restores local immunity, relieves inflammation, pain in the back, joints, muscles, ligaments, lower back. Used for sprains, bruises and fractures.
- Balm "Lagwost (comfrey)". This is a natural multi-component remedy that has a different effect on the joints, taking into account the disease. Comfrey in the composition restores damaged tissues, regenerates, improves the quality of synovial fluid, heals microtraumas, accelerates bone fusion in case of fractures.
- "911 Zhivokost" - gel-balm. It is used as an additional remedy in the treatment of joint diseases (gout, sciatica, arthritis, arthrosis). The gel restores damaged tissues, relieves swelling, muscle spasms.
- "Larksuckle Bee Venom" - body balm. Normalizes the functional state of the musculoskeletal system, has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, anti-edematous properties, improves blood circulation, prevents the formation of s alts, reduces the risk of developingjoint diseases.
- "The Larkspur of Boswellia". The tool has a versatile effect on the joints. Boswellia in the composition has antiseptic and decongestant properties, relieves inflammation in the joints, restores damaged skin, improves their nutrition.
- "Warming Larkspur". The balm eliminates inflammation, swelling, regenerates damaged tissues. The composition includes capsicum, golden mustache, chondroitin sulfate, mummy, comfrey.
- "Larksuckle with camelina oil". Cream-balm is used as an aid in the treatment of osteochondrosis, sciatica, arthritis, arthrosis. Restores damaged tissues, removes swelling, spasms, heals fractures and bruises. Camelina seed oil (this is not a mushroom) contains beneficial trace elements that increase the energy potential of body cells, eliminate discomfort, and nourish connective tissue.
- Balm "Zhivokost Bishafit". Relieves inflammation, relieves pain, regenerates, activates metabolic processes. The composition includes a golden mustache, marsh cinquefoil, tea tree oil, formic alcohol, mummy, burdock, d-panthenol, medicinal plant oils.
In the instructions and reviews for Dr. Theis ointment with live cost, it is described in which cases it helps. This drug contains ethanol, comfrey and vitamin E. The same components are included in other ointments based on comfrey. However, the auxiliary substances of this particular ointment are corn oil, coniferous fragrance and preservatives. Use it for pain in the joints, in different parts of the musculoskeletalof the motor apparatus, with injuries, bruises and sprains, closed fractures.
The action of this tool is determined by what is included in its composition. Comfrey root has healing properties that have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, they contribute to the formation of callus, regenerate tissues. Vitamin E nourishes cells and prevents their destruction. To avoid unpleasant side reactions, it is necessary to apply a small amount of ointment to the skin and wait a while. If there is no redness, no itching, then the remedy can be used.
Do not apply ointment if there is an allergic reaction. In addition, you should avoid getting it on the mucous membranes, open wounds. Do not allow the product to get into the eyes and nose. If symptoms worsen during treatment with ointment, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Reviews of Dr. Theis ointment with larkspur "Comfrey with Vitamin E" say that its main advantage is its affordable cost. In pharmacies, the average price is 165 rubles. It all depends on the volume and packaging. There are also cheaper alternatives. So, comfrey balm (50 ml) can be purchased for only 82 rubles, Zhivokost Bee Venom (50 ml) costs 85 rubles, and Zhivokost with camelina oil (100 ml) is sold for 108 rubles.

As for the reviews, then about the ointment with comfreyopinions are mixed. Consider the advantages of the tool. Users who use it for joint pain and other musculoskeletal problems report the following effects:
- Heals small wounds, promotes rapid regeneration of large ones.
- Relieves pain.
- It has a pleasant smell and a comfortable texture.
- Contains natural ingredients;
- Reduces inflammation in the skin and joints.
- Does no harm.
- Does not burn the skin.
- Can be used for kids.
- Minimum chemistry in the composition.
- Absorbs well and leaves no residue on clothes.
Despite the large number of advantages, Zhivokost ointment has disadvantages. Some users report such cons of the tool:
- Does not relieve pain.
- To get the ointment treatment, you need to buy several jars.
- With severe pain, it only relieves the condition a little.
- the base of the ointment is oily;
- You need to wait a while for the ointment to work.
- There are cheaper analogues.
- Not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation.
- Specific smell of pine (some products with comfrey).
- Does not help with back pain.
In general, the product is good. It has a pleasant texture, the most natural composition, a wide spectrum of action.