In one of the most charming corners of the Stavropol region, there is a he alth resort with a perky and optimistic name - the Salyut sanatorium (Zheleznovodsk). The photos placed in the article give an idea of the level of comfort of the institution, as well as the beauty and picturesqueness of the area in which it is located.

Sanatorium "Salyut" (Zheleznovodsk) is located near the entrance to the city. It is located on the slope of Iron Mountain. Nearby there is a medical park with mineral water. The sanatorium occupies an area of 5.9 hectares. This is a large green, guarded area around the clock, equipped with children's and sports grounds. Children are brought to the medical park with mineral water springs "Smirnovskaya" and "Slavyanovskaya" on modern buses. Sanatorium "Salyut", which Zheleznovodsk can be proud of, is an institution of six buildings:
- administrative;
- dining-club;
- healing;
- sleeping.
Cases are connected by warm transitions.
His story began in 1963. Then in the middle of an emerald green natural forest park, in a place where the air is clear as crystal, and springs of extraordinary healing water gush from the ground, the children's sanatorium "Salut" was opened. Zheleznovodsk saw it then in all its glory. The first patients were children with metabolic disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Later, children who suffered from the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant began to be treated here.
Zheleznovodsk, children's sanatorium "Salyut": climate
Zheleznovodsk is one of the small and cozy resort towns of the Caucasus, famous for its mineral waters. The city is surrounded on all sides by mountains and forests. This ensures comfortable climatic conditions of the area. The air here is ionized and saturated with oxygen. It is surprisingly easy to breathe in the city itself and its environs. The weather here is mostly sunny. There are no industrial enterprises in Zheleznovodsk. This explains the ideal purity of air and water. The city is very beautiful at any time of the year. Winter here is moderately cold.

Natural Healing Factor
The basis of the resort resources of Zheleznovodsk is mineral springs. Their presence is due to the development of a balneological resort in these places, which is one of the oldest in Russia. There are 20 sources of mineral water in Zheleznovodsk. Basically, they belong to sodium-calcium and carbonic bicarbonate-sulfate. Mineralization: 3.1-3.8 g/l, carbon dioxide concentration: 0.4-1.1 g/l. The temperature of high-thermal waters is over 42 degrees, thermal waters - up to 42. A number of springs have a temperature of 20-35 °C. The rest are considered cold (below 20 degrees). High-thermal waters are used for baths, irrigations, inhalations, drinking cures and other medical procedures.
In addition to mineral waters, the Salyut sanatorium (Zheleznovodsk) uses silt (sulfide) mud of the Tambukan Lake to treat its patients. The tool is used in the form of applications, and is also combined with electrotherapy. The conditions of Zheleznovodsk are ideal for carrying out climatotherapeutic procedures throughout the year. The mild mountain-forest climate, equated to the weather of the Middle Alps, is an important healing factor of the resort. The air here is highly ionized, clean, transparent.
Cultural and historical heritage
Zheleznovodsk is a city with a rich cultural and historical heritage. At one time it was visited by outstanding Russian writers, poets and composers: L. N. Tolstoy, A. S. Pushkin, M. I. Glinka. M. Yu. Lermontov often visited here. Many memorable places of Zheleznovodsk are connected with the life and work of the poet.
Salyut Sanatorium (Zheleznovodsk city, Stavropol Territory) welcomes children of all ages year-round:
- 7-14 years old (children's department). Unaccompanied adults.
- 4-17 years old (Mother and Child Department). Accompanied by a relative.
Children are given the opportunity to continue their studies at school (grades 1-9). In addition, they worksports and playgrounds, hobby groups, entertainment events are organized.

The sanatorium is departmental, belongs to the Ministry of He alth and Social Development of the Russian Federation. The institution operates all year round, except for the period from December 28 to January 10. Capacity - 310 seats.
Medical Profile
The he alth resort treats the following ailments:
- Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.
- Pathologies of metabolism.
- Diseases of the digestive system.
- Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
- ENT diseases.
Small patients with the listed problems are sent by specialists to Zheleznovodsk - the children's sanatorium "Salyut". Reviews characterize it as an institution that provides very effective treatment.

Diagnostic database
Salyut sanatorium (Zheleznovodsk city) is equipped with a rich diagnostic base. It includes:
- Laboratories: clinical, biochemical, bacteriological.
- Ultrasound and functional diagnostics.
- X-ray room.
- Sigmoidoscopy.
- Cystoscopy.
- Anthropometry.
List of medical services
It's wide enough. The following medical services are offered to guests:
- Water therapy: healing showers, underwater massage showers, mineral baths.
- Mud treatment: electric mud, mud applications.
- Intestinal procedures usingmineral water.
- Tyubazhi with mineral water.
- Physiotherapy.
- Climatotherapy.
- Oxygen cocktail.
- Healing souls.
- Oil, medicinal, mineral inhalations.
- Mechano-, laser- and magnetotherapy.
- Magnetic field apparatus.
- Cabinets: massage, gynecological, urological, dental, dental.
- ENT-office using the Tonsillor apparatus.
- Rehabilitation of teeth using modern methods and materials.
- Therapeutic gymnastics.
Procedures for Mom
Adult accompanying person must present a he alth resort card, according to which procedures are assigned to him. In addition to treatment, if desired, mothers can undergo SPA procedures in the "Princess Mary" (guest house) or in the balneo-mud bath. But this requires an agreement. The hospital is located on the street. Lenin, at the entrance to the park. You can inquire about the cost in advance and sign up for procedures or do it on the spot.

In the children's department, accommodation is possible in rooms:
- Single one-room. There is a refrigerator, TV, partial amenities.
- Double one-room. There is upholstered furniture, amenities are located on the floor.
- Triple one-room. There is upholstered furniture, partial amenities.
- Quadruple one-room. There is upholstered furniture. Facilities are on the floor.
In the "Mother and Child" department, guests will be accommodated in the followingrooms:
- Double one-room (refrigerator, TV, partial amenities).
- Double two-room suite (bedroom, living room, refrigerator, TV, all amenities).
The place where the Salut sanatorium is located is Zheleznovodsk, Stavropol Territory. The complex provides vacationers with dietary meals (four meals a day). The seven-day menu takes into account the age and nature of diseases. Throughout the year, the diet of children and adults includes fruits and berries, vitamin salads, natural juices, meat and fish. In accordance with the recommendations of doctors, vacationers receive dishes enriched with bran, as well as oatmeal.
Infrastructure characteristics
Arriving guests can have fun. For their active leisure there are all necessary conditions:
- Cinema Concert Hall (250 seat capacity).
- Play Library.
- Two libraries.
- Three gyms for physical therapy (a rich set of modern exercise equipment is provided).
- Sports fields.
- Two massage rooms.
- Playrooms.
- Mugs: macrame, modeling, technical creativity, soft toys.
- Disco.
In addition, you can arrange excursions. Guests can visit the resort towns of the Caucasus, Honey Falls, the Narzan Valley and other interesting places.
The sanatorium school organized training for children in grades 1-9 in accordance with the school curriculum. They work with young patients herehighly qualified teachers. Excellent conditions have been created in the institution for the education of young guests: bright, spacious classrooms are equipped with the necessary technical equipment and visual aids. If necessary, it is possible to conduct individual lessons. Students can borrow textbooks and other literature from the sanatorium library. The dormitories provide for the presence of classrooms for self-study. At the end of treatment, the child is provided with a certificate with current grades.

From the first minute of their stay in the sanatorium, children are surrounded by the attention and care of the staff. High qualifications, experience and knowledge of educators and medical workers are aimed at improving the he alth of vacationers. When treating children, the doctors of the sanatorium use advanced methods and modern recommendations. Their implementation is ensured by the long-term professional cooperation of the staff of the sanatorium with scientists from the Institute of Physiotherapy and Balneology in Pyatigorsk. Since the opening of the sanatorium, it has provided a basis for conducting scientific and practical work to study the effect of natural healing factors on the children's body.
Children and accompanying adults must provide the following documents upon arrival at the resort.
- Vaccination confirmation
- Document characterizing the epidemiological environment (reference).
- Original birth certificate.
- CMI policy.
Adults need to have:
- passport;
- voucher;
- he alth resort card;
- compulsory medical insurance policy.
Prices for 2016
The cost of living in a sanatorium (including meals (3 times a day), treatment): from 1,700 rubles. The price of standard double rooms with 2 separate beds is 2990 rubles per person. The cost of the entire room is 5980 rubles. Two-room double "suite" will cost 4380 rubles per person. The price of the whole room is 8760 rubles.
How to get there?
The sanatorium is located at: st. Lenina, 4, Zheleznovodsk, Stavropol Territory, 357413. The head physician of the institution is Ph. D. Medical Sciences: Pakhomov VN To get to your destination, you need to fly to the airport "Mineralnye Vody". From here to the sanatorium "Salyut" there is a regular bus No. 107, as well as express No. 107-E. You can also get to the Beshtau station by rail, and then by electric train, fixed-route taxi No. 10 or regular buses No. 10, 11 go to the stop. "Sanatorium" Salyut ", The distance from the railway station and the airport is 20-25 km. You can also order a taxi (tel.: 8 (928) 351-31-16, 8 (988) 743-39-16, 8 (906) 466-11-36). Cost: 350-500 rubles. (summer 2014). Transfer from the airport and from the railway stations to any KMV sanatorium - around the clock.

Salyut Sanatorium (Zheleznovodsk): reviews
The most complete picture of the work of any establishment is given by the opinions of visitors about it. The sanatorium "Salyut" (Zheleznovodsk) is no exception. Reviews of the stay in the boarding house eloquently testify tobehind the advertising façade. Users are unanimous in evaluating the effectiveness of treatment, mostly satisfied with the level of living here.
Many people praise the diet food organized in the sanatorium. According to the guests, everything is steamed here, there is nothing fried, as it is harmful for vacationers. However, all the dishes are really delicious. Canteen workers know how to diversify the diet menu. Casseroles, soups, cereals, fruits and vegetables, compotes are offered every day. Particularly, some reviewers liked the local dairy products that children are given for an afternoon snack and a second dinner: fermented baked milk, kefirs and yogurts.
Users are satisfied with the prescribed procedures, which they consider very effective. After staying in a sanatorium, many note an improvement in he alth. The authors of the reviews warmly thank the staff, note the high professionalism and goodwill of its representatives. Especially a lot of gratitude in the networks is expressed to the dietary sister Nina Dmitrievna (the authors of the reviews do not indicate the last name), who is called a bright, sunny person who knows how to find an approach to each of the guests: be it a child or an adult. From communication with her, as visitors note, mood rises, appetite and general condition improve.
Many reviewers rave about the miraculous effect of local water. A separate topic is admiring reviews of walks in the park. In the morning, if necessary, you need to get to the park on your own. And in the afternoon and in the evening, those who wish can drive up on the sanatorium bus. The park is very beautiful, there ismany wonderful buildings: a cascading staircase, a large fountain. Clean he althy air, the beauty of local nature, the fascination of excursions left an indelible impression on many users.
Users note that there is a lake not far from the sanatorium. You can swim there, but it's not for everyone. The bottom, as noted in the reviews, is bad in the lake, covered with slippery stones, the slope is very steep. Already a meter from the shore is too deep, the water is rather dirty. At the same time, the territory of the sanatorium, as the authors of the reviews note, is quite clean. There are four playgrounds. Kids have a place to run and play.
Netizens are reporting that the front desk (which they think should be called a checkpoint) provides guests with a kettle. So it makes sense to grab sugar from home and everything for tea. The room has a jug and glasses. Guests are provided with soap and toilet paper. The room is cleaned daily. Bed linen and towels are good, fresh.
Some guests were disappointed: they rated the accommodation as “satisfactory”. The rooms in the sanatorium, as they note, are designed for 6-8 people. Guests have to be content with broken furniture. The rooms are rarely cleaned, there is no sink, there is only one bathroom for the whole floor.
Users note that different buildings provide different levels of living comfort. Parents with children are advised to settle in the third building - it has been renovated and new furniture has been installed. Some of the authors of the reviews are unable to hide their insults due to a disrespectful relationship withside of the staff. This is especially true for those little vacationers and their parents who stay in the sanatorium on social vouchers. According to the authors of the reviews, nurses allow themselves to reproach children for being treated for free, to raise their voice at them. This, of course, negatively affects the mood and well-being of the guests of the institution. Moreover, such cases of rudeness and unprofessionalism of the staff are not isolated. As you can see, there are different opinions about this place. Therefore, it is up to you to decide whether to go here or not.