After giving birth, legs hurt: causes and methods of treatment. Foot massage

After giving birth, legs hurt: causes and methods of treatment. Foot massage
After giving birth, legs hurt: causes and methods of treatment. Foot massage

In the article we will talk about why legs hurt after childbirth. We will look at possible causes, as well as talk about what pain is and how to deal with it. We will also learn about whether to see a doctor and in which case medical assistance is simply necessary.

What does pregnancy have to do with it?

The fact is that bearing and giving birth to a child is a rather difficult test for the female body. This is a strong load, after which the girl must recover. Most women who have become mothers know what it's like to feel overwhelmed.

The fact is that in addition to stress, the body feels physical discomfort. Very often, internal tears and sprains occur, which continue to torment the young mother for some time after she has given birth. Many women find it rather difficult to move at first, so they try to walk as little as possible. Very often, legs hurt after childbirth, but few people know what the root causes are, what problems may arise in the future, and how to rid yourself of the disease.

afterchildbirth sore legs
afterchildbirth sore legs


The causes of pain in the legs lie in the fact that during the exit of the baby from the mother's body, she is stretching the spine, pelvic muscles and ligaments in the pubic area. Initially, all these sprains are given to the lower back, but gradually the pain "moves" to the legs. At the same time, it is aching in nature and entails general weakness. You should carefully consider this symptom, as it may indicate that varicose veins are beginning. This is a very common ailment that occurs in young mothers due to the fact that during pregnancy the volume of blood increases, which presses on the veins, expanding them.

At the same time, if a woman has a weak vascular system that cannot provide a fast enough outflow of blood, this leads to stagnation in her legs. Against this background, the overall blood flow slows down, which can contribute to the occurrence of various abnormalities. So, let's say you have varicose veins, but then what to do? Firstly, you need to see a doctor and follow all his appointments, and secondly, you need to understand that most women have pain in their legs and feet after childbirth, and use special stockings that can alleviate discomfort. At the same time, they must be put on in the morning, while the legs are still swollen.

sore feet what to do
sore feet what to do

Other deviations

We have already figured out the reasons why women's calves hurt, and now let's talk about what we can do for our legs so that they are he althy and strong. If you do not respond to problems in any way, then you canvery quickly earn thrombophlebitis. That is why it is worth using special creams that partially relieve swelling and facilitate the treatment of varicose veins.


Many mothers complain of night cramps. This problem is due to the fact that the body lacks calcium. This disorder is called restless leg syndrome. Against its background, there is a lack of iron and anemia in the body. Seizures most often torment women at night.

In this case, you should not self-medicate, because you still cannot establish the true cause. It is better to immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary drugs to restore the balance of vitamins that are lacking in your body. After completing the course of treatment, you will forever forget about cramps.

Also, problems with legs after childbirth can occur due to the fact that a woman wore a very large fetus. In other words, every day I had to live with a load of 10-15 kg, which naturally affected the legs.

foot massage
foot massage

Symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders

When a woman's calves hurt, in any case, this indicates a violation of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, in order to effectively deal with any ailments, it is necessary to recognize them at an early stage. Let's say a woman has severe pain in her legs. What to do with it, she decides only after she feels discomfort. In fact, it was necessary to pay attention to the condition of your legs immediately after childbirth. In this case, it would be much easier to find out why the legs hurt. Anxiousbells:

  • Feeling heavy.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • The appearance of spider veins.
  • Redness of the legs.
  • Itching.
  • Puffiness.
  • Pain of a aching nature.
  • Infrequent seizures.
  • Aches.
  • Inability to actively bend the knees.
  • Increased temperature in some parts of the legs.

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will help determine what causes the legs to hurt, and if the cause is obvious, he will prescribe a course of treatment. If it is not possible to establish a specific cause, you will have to take care of the he alth of your legs yourself. To do this, you need to practice foot massage, as well as take care of them in other ways, which we will discuss below.


This is another reason why legs hurt after giving birth. While the woman is in the hospital, such phenomena are monitored and treated, but if the pain continues even after discharge from the hospital, then it is imperative to make an appointment with a doctor. Phlebitis is an inflammation of the walls of a vein. It may be acute or chronic. There are a lot of reasons for its development, and not the last place among them is occupied by generic loads.

legs hurt after giving birth
legs hurt after giving birth

If the doctor has not found an inflammatory process, then you should contact a kinesiologist or a chiropractor. Manual therapy will quickly restore joints and muscles, as well as improve the functioning of the whole organism. It is a special effect of the hands,which harmonizes the work of muscles and joints. The chiropractor will work on diseased areas through he althy muscles, helping the body restore mobility, the correct position of the composition and vertebrae, and also improve its functioning.

Separately growing to consider kinesitherapy, which is exercise therapy. It is aimed at strengthening the musculoskeletal system. This is a great option for new mothers, as the exercises are quite simple and do not require much labor. In doing so, they engage the spine, thus strengthening the entire body.

Edema and how to avoid it

In the body of any woman at the end of pregnancy, an excess amount of fluid accumulates. This is the answer to the question of why the joints of the legs hurt after childbirth. The most interesting thing is that there is nothing wrong with fluid accumulation. This is a natural process that is necessary for the normal course of the birth itself. The condition of a woman is normalized after the birth of a child, if she has a he althy vascular system. If there are problems in this area, various pathological conditions can occur. Sometimes the situation is very aggravated, which leads to an increase in weight, and this gives an additional load on the legs. Of course, first of all, all elements of the musculoskeletal system suffer, and pain in the knees and joints occurs. Let's say your legs hurt a lot. What to do in such a situation? First you need to remember the simple rules:

  • Don't drink too much liquid at night.
  • Wear underwear that reduces stress on the body.
  • Exclude froms alt in your diet, as it retains fluid in the body.
  • When your legs are in a horizontal position, put them on any elevation to improve blood circulation.

Prevention exercises

Let's say your legs hurt after giving birth. What to do in this case, if the doctor did not reveal pathologies? Naturally, there are violations, but, most likely, they are not significant enough to start treatment. In this case, pain can occur due to physical stress, which means that they are temporary. Moreover, if your legs began to hurt after childbirth, then you are able to help yourself. To do this, you should perform simple exercises that will allow you to relax your limbs.

why do leg joints hurt after childbirth
why do leg joints hurt after childbirth

Always stretch your legs when you lie down to rest. After 10 minutes of this rest, do the exercise. Lower your feet to the floor and start pressing on it with your toes. After that, bend your leg at the knee and continue with the exercise. At this point, you will feel a slight tension in the foot. Hold your position for 5-10 seconds. Then repeat with the second leg. In total, it is enough to do three sets a day.

The second exercise is also very simple. Every time you sit or lie down, try to stretch your fingers as far as possible. It is enough to do this exercise every day, spending 3 minutes on it.


Several times a week, take a foot bath with sea s alt. This will relax the feet, relieve fatigue and relieve discomfort. After the bath, be sure to do a light relaxing massage. Very good reviews have a bath with the addition of sea s alt, table s alt, a slice of lemon and mint leaves.

It is recommended to scrub the surface of the legs weekly. To do this, it is not necessary to buy ready-made products, you can prepare the scrub yourself. Mix sugar, lemon and almond oil to a scrub consistency. Remember that after the procedure, be sure to moisturize the limbs.

what causes leg pain
what causes leg pain

Simple fitness

If you have a tennis ball, be sure to use it for exercise. Sit in a comfortable position and with your bare feet roll the ball across the floor in different directions. Repeat the exercises about 12 times. This is the simplest massage that can bring great benefits to your feet. By the way, if you don't have a tennis ball, you can use a container of water.

Also try to walk barefoot as often as possible, this is an excellent prevention of any diseases, as well as a great hardening for the feet. Get a special mat, consisting of small needles that stimulate blood flow. This is a very simple and effective way to keep your feet in good shape.

pain in legs and feet after childbirth
pain in legs and feet after childbirth

Professional Services

If possible, visit a professional massage therapist as often as possible, and do not neglect spa treatments. Remember that a young mother needs to recover in order to become a strong young woman again and a reliable support for her baby.

Summing up the results of the article, we note that discomfort in the legs after childbirth is quite normal. Another question is how long it lasts and how you deal with it. Remember that after giving birth, the legs of many women hurt. But the most important thing is a timely appeal to the doctor. Also, do not neglect foot massage and other elementary procedures that will relieve fatigue and relax your feet after a long day. Remember that your he alth largely depends on you. Small things like massages and baths, with daily use, can very quickly return strong he althy legs.
