How to remove the hump on the nose in different ways?

How to remove the hump on the nose in different ways?
How to remove the hump on the nose in different ways?

Unfortunately, not all young ladies are completely satisfied with their own appearance. Most often, they are interested in how to fix a not-too-beautiful profile. After reading this article, you will find out whether it is possible to remove the hump - the nose does not need it at all.

how to get rid of hump on nose
how to get rid of hump on nose

Causes of humpbacks

This protruding formation, localized on the back of the nose, consists not only of bone, but also of cartilage. It does not pose any threat to human he alth and does not impede the breathing process. Therefore, it is eliminated purely for aesthetic reasons.

Those who are interested in how to remove the hump on the nose, it will be useful to learn about the reasons for its appearance. Its presence may be due to a hereditary factor or an injury. For many peoples, the humpback is considered a distinctive national feature. This applies to Greeks, Turks, Arabs, Albanians, Dagestanis, Circassians, Georgians and Tajiks.

When the nose is bruised without violating its integrity, in 70% of cases the swelling disappears without a trace after a few days. As a result of violation of the integrity of the bone and cartilage, they cangrow up wrong. As a result, a thickening may appear on the back of the nose.

remove the hump in the nose of the house
remove the hump in the nose of the house

At what age is surgery allowed?

Those who don't know how to remove a hump on their nose will be interested that this can be done with the help of rhinoplasty, massages and makeup. Before deciding on a surgical intervention that once and for all gets rid of this feature of appearance, you need to figure out at what age you can resort to such a radical technique.

To see and comprehensively evaluate the future result, you need to visit a plastic surgeon who can perform computer modeling of the nose. It is recommended to do such an operation at the age of 18-40 years. Lying down on the operating table in younger years is not worth it because of the incomplete process of bone tissue growth. Rhinoplasty should not be performed on people over the age of forty. This is due to the fact that during this period the risk of postoperative deformities increases sharply.

how to get rid of hump on nose without surgery
how to get rid of hump on nose without surgery

How is the operation done?

Those who do not know how to remove the hump on the nose should understand that rhinoplasty is carried out in several stages. Its essence lies in the removal of protruding bone and cartilage. First, the surgeon makes incisions in the nasal passages. This is necessary to facilitate access to the operated area. In the process, the doctor separates the mucous membrane and skin from hard tissues, then gets rid of the cartilage and corrects the bone part. In the case of a small protrusion, it is advisable to use grinding. With a big humpexcision of excess cartilage is carried out.

Then everything is fixed in the desired position. After the soft tissues return, they are sutured, and a plaster cast is placed on the back of the nose. To stop bleeding, cotton turundas are inserted into the nostrils. For several days after rhinoplasty, the patient may experience difficulty breathing. This will disappear once the tampons are removed and the puffiness is gone. In the postoperative period, physiotherapy procedures are indicated. In addition, the patient will have to comply with a special regimen. These precautions will help you avoid possible complications.

remove hump on nose at home
remove hump on nose at home

Problems for Inexperienced Surgeons

A doctor who makes an incision in the wrong place takes a big risk. Such a mistake often causes the patient's nose to stagger in the future due to a violation of the connection of the lateral cartilages.

Excessive opening of the frontal sinuses is fraught with permanent infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. Any experienced doctor will do everything possible to avoid excessive grinding of the cartilage. Otherwise, the patient will have to re-lay down on the operating table to restore the back of the nose.

The final results of the surgery can be assessed after six months. Usually, patients are satisfied with the changed nose, since the above complications are extremely rare. A contraindication to rhinoplasty may be an allergy to medications, a mental disorder, or a serious chronicdisease.

is it possible to remove the hump of the nose
is it possible to remove the hump of the nose

How to remove the hump on the nose without surgery?

This can be done with the help of a special gymnastics developed by Carol Maggio. It will allow you to slightly correct the shape of the nose. All exercises are extremely simple. You can do them in any position that is comfortable for you. This can be done standing, sitting, lying down and even walking.

To remove the hump on the nose at home, you need to do gymnastics correctly, and most importantly, regularly. Press your index finger on the tip of your nose so that it rises slightly. Stretching the upper lip along the lower, try to lower the nostrils. Make sure that at this moment the tip of your nose moves down, resisting the finger. Hold this position for a few seconds.

It is important that the lips are as relaxed as possible. Breathing should not stray from the usual rhythm. You need to repeat the exercise 35 times. To quickly achieve the desired effect, you can do gymnastics twice a day.

How to fix a defect with makeup and massage?

To remove the hump in the nose, home efforts are not enough. In this case, you can visually disguise it with a make-up. Properly applied cosmetics can work wonders. To visually align the nose with a hump, you need to lighten the front of its back and darken the side surfaces. To perform these manipulations, you should stock up on powder of different shades in advance. For the perfect finish after makeup applicationit is recommended to matte the hump with special cosmetics.

You can also try massage. Those who have already figured out how to remove the hump on the nose will probably want to try this method as well. It does not require expensive devices and specific skills. To perform a massage, you will need a handkerchief preheated with an iron and folded several times. It must be placed on the hump and, pressing hard with the middle finger on the most convex place, wait half a minute. These manipulations are repeated six times. After two weeks of regular classes, you will be able to see the first results.
