Mountain thyme: useful properties and contraindications

Mountain thyme: useful properties and contraindications
Mountain thyme: useful properties and contraindications

Thyme is mainly used in the kitchen as an aromatic herb. However, not everyone knows that this plant has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, so it can be used to treat various diseases. Consider what are the benefits and harms of mountain thyme for the human body.


Thyme (thyme) is a plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Currently found in Eurasia and North Africa on dry, sunny, limestone mountain slopes. It is also grown in Russia, most commonly in home gardens, for medicinal and cosmetic uses, or as a spice in the kitchen.

The benefits and harms of thyme
The benefits and harms of thyme

Mountain thyme (pictured) - perennial, low bushes, have straight or partially creeping, highly branched stems with oval-oblong leaves. Small pink-purple to light purple flowers adorn the plant from May to September. The characteristic feature of the herb is its spicy aroma and slightly pungent taste.

Propertiesmountain thyme properties were appreciated in antiquity. The Egyptians used it as a food preservative and also as a main ingredient in embalming mixtures. The Romans willingly used thyme infusion for bathing - they believed that in this way their bodies gain strength. The ancient Greeks, in turn, used herbal tea as a diuretic and disinfectant.


Among the active ingredients contained in the mountain thyme herb are:

  • essential oils, especially thymol, a substance with a strong antibacterial and expectorant effect;
  • flavonoids are compounds with antioxidant and antifungal properties;
  • minerals - mainly iron, calcium, selenium, manganese, potassium and magnesium;
  • vitamins – beta-carotene, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin C, niacin, folic acid.

Healing properties

herb thyme
herb thyme

The richness of active ingredients makes thyme a popular remedy for the treatment of various diseases. Among the most important beneficial properties of mountain thyme stands out above all:

  • expectorant action,
  • antibacterial effect,
  • anti-inflammatory effect,
  • antifungal activity,
  • diastolic effects,
  • sweating effect,
  • calming effect.

Thyme - use in medicine and cosmetology

thyme herb
thyme herb

The herb effectively supports the work of the respiratory and digestivesystems.

  • Respiratory system. Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, the herb is effective in relieving sore throats associated with a cold or flu. Ready-made preparations containing plant extract are available in pharmacies. You can also use homemade medicines (infusion, rinse, tincture). Thyme can be used to treat coughs, it is expectorant and antibacterial, so it is best used in the treatment of wet coughs.
  • Digestive system. Grass facilitates the work of the digestive system. A tea or infusion from the plant can be used as a natural remedy for constipation or diarrhea. Herbal preparations are designed to treat gastritis, relieve intestinal irritation and liver problems.
  • Thyme for acne and oily skin. An infusion of the herb applied to blemished skin can greatly improve its condition. Thanks to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, the plant soothes the symptoms of acne, prevents their formation and development.
  • Thyme for dandruff and oily hair. To improve the condition of your scalp and hair, you can buy ready-made shampoos and other herbal cosmetics. You can also try homemade recipes such as hair rinse.
  • Thyme for inflammation of the teeth. This plant is a component of many herbal toothpastes because it helps repair damaged gums. Mouthwash with herbal tincture is especially recommended in case of irritated gums andopen tooth necks.

Using thyme in the kitchen

Use in the kitchen
Use in the kitchen

Mountain thyme is a well-known spice that pairs well with other herbs such as parsley, bay leaf or mint. It can be used in the preparation of many dishes. It is great as an accompaniment to meats as well as salads.

Adding one teaspoon of the herb as a seasoning to heavier meals reduces stomach problems and improves digestion. Thyme pairs well with fish and homemade sauces. Some even add it to herbal liqueurs. However, don't use too much thyme because it is bitter on its own and too much can change the flavor of the dish.

Contraindications and side effects

thyme oil
thyme oil

Consider, in addition to the above useful properties of mountain thyme, contraindications and side effects when taking this herb. Too high or frequent therapeutic doses of thyme extract can cause food poisoning. This is manifested by nausea, vomiting, gastritis. Do not take herbal oil orally - the poisoning caused by it is very dangerous and can even lead to death. One of the essential oils contained in thyme, namely thymol, is responsible for such reactions in the body. Its consumption in large quantities leads to damage to internal organs, including the liver and heart, and paralysis of the central nervous system.

Pregnant women should avoid taking mountain thyme. The oil of this plant may have adverseimpact on the development of the fetus, lead to premature birth, stimulating the uterus to contractions.

Thyme Expectorant Syrup

To prepare cough syrup, put 1 tablespoon of dried thyme, 1 chopped onion in a small container and pour everything with 1 glass of water. Cover with a lid and cook for half an hour. Then you should cool and strain the broth. Add 5 tablespoons of honey to the resulting mixture and mix well. This syrup should be stored at room temperature for three days. It is taken three tablespoons 3-4 times a day. Do not give to children under 3 years old.

Mountain thyme tea

herbal tea
herbal tea

Drink herbal tea to improve digestion and use as a mouthwash for inflammation of the teeth and gums.

To prepare it, a stem of fresh thyme is poured into a glass of boiling water and left covered for about 15 minutes. After brewing, the stem should be removed. Honey and lemon can be added to tea. When used as a mouthwash, wait until the infusion has cooled.

Thyme for hair

Infusion of thyme (without honey and lemon), you can rinse your hair immediately after washing (do not rinse). You can also apply a few drops of herbal oil to a special comb to massage your scalp and distribute the product into your hair.

Face Tonic

A quarter tablespoon of dried thyme, pour 1/4 cup boiling water and then boil for 20 minutes. Cool the tool and strain. The resulting tonic is impregnatedcotton swab and wipe the problem skin of the face twice a day. Store in refrigerator for up to three days.
