He alth care in the city of Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region, is represented by 12 municipal medical institutions. Medical centers, dental clinics and offices successfully operate here. The Constellation Medical Center, opened in August 2014, is popular with the townspeople
Constellation Family Medicine Center (Zlatoust)
Obtaining high-quality medical care, consultations of experienced doctors, accurate diagnosis of diseases using modern sensitive equipment, reliable results of ongoing tests - these are the advantages that patients choose the new Constellation Medical Center (Zlatoust) for.
The polyclinic facility is located on V. I. Lenina Street, 18 - in the area of the city where historical buildings have been preserved. Despite the considerable age of the building, the interior decoration of its premises is modern.
To realize the main goal of their work - the care and protection of the he alth of the whole family - the employees of the Constellation Center (Zlatoust) apply their professional knowledge, experience and warmth. Achieve goodresults in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.
Prices for services are within the boundaries of the average income level in the city. Discounts are provided to patients, payment by installments is possible, promotions are held regularly.

Outpatient appointment at the Constellation Medical Center (Zlatoust)
Adult patients and children are admitted by highly qualified doctors with extensive practical experience.
Parents bring babies and teenagers to the "Constellation" (Chrysostom) for consultation, confirmation of the diagnosis, appointment of effective treatment.
Little patients are first seen by a pediatrician, who conducts a general examination of the child, gives the necessary recommendations and, if necessary, refers to colleagues of a narrow specialization here at the Center:
- cardiologist;
- neurologist;
- endocrinologist;
- nephrologist.
Adults receive and consult doctors of the highest category in 10 areas:
- therapist;
- cardiologist;
- neurologist;
- endocrinologist;
- gastroenterologist;
- nephrologist;
- pulmonologist;
- traumatologist (orthopedist);
- rheumatologist;
- psychotherapist.
The massage room offers a wide range of healing and restorative sessions. Any patient, regardless of age, will receive a massage course, individually selected from a large program.

Methods of diagnosing diseases in the medical center
For quality andto accurately determine the causes of a he alth disorder, the Constellation Diagnostic Center (Zlatoust) uses modern methods and highly sensitive equipment of a new generation:
- ultrasound examination machine (ultrasound);
- magnetic resonance tomograph;
- multispiral CT scanner;
- low dose digital x-ray unit.
Ultrasound examines female and male reproductive organs, abdominal cavity, heart and blood vessels, muscles, bones. A safe technique has been shown to monitor fetal development during pregnancy.
Magnetic resonance imaging is used to detect and monitor the dynamics of brain and spinal cord tumors. It forms a 3D image.
Multispiral computed tomography makes it possible to obtain reliable layer-by-layer images of many organs using X-rays. The doctor sees a detailed picture of the condition of the examined areas and can make an accurate diagnosis.
The low-dose digital x-ray is equipped with a reliable degree of protection against negative radiation exposure. Allows you to perform fully informative studies of skeletal, cranial bones, all systems and organs. Indispensable for trauma diagnosis.
Traditional functional diagnostics in the form of electrocardiography is practiced.

Laboratory base of the medical center
Center "Constellation" (Zlatoust) has 3 fully equipped laboratories. Qualified staff has extensive experiencework. Samples of human biological samples are checked on modern laboratory research equipment: blood, urine, feces, etc.
Before sampling, visitors can consult about the analysis register. They are given an explanation of possible restrictions that must be observed before collecting materials in order to obtain a reliable result.

Work of the treatment room
Patients of the Constellation Center (Zlatoust) are given a convenient opportunity to make the prescribed injections in its treatment room.
Skillful hands of junior medical staff will give an injection - intravenous and intramuscular. They will carry out a drug blockade to alleviate the condition with neurological disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The chipping of problem areas is aimed at suppressing acute pain, removing swelling and inflammation of tissues, and restoring them.