Treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies at home: reviews

Treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies at home: reviews
Treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies at home: reviews

Epilepsy requires comprehensive treatment, taking into account the causes of the disease. It is possible to correctly establish the cause of seizures only after a comprehensive examination of the patient within the walls of a medical institution. Is it worth relying on folk remedies?

Treating epilepsy with folk remedies without taking into account the recommendations of traditional medicine would be irresponsible. However, healing herbs can help eliminate cramps, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, remove excess fluid and, in general, strengthen the body.

Some information about the disease, causes and symptoms

Epilepsy is a neuropsychiatric pathology. In general, it is secretive, but seizures can be observed quite often. From a medical point of view, they are characterized by short failures of mental, vegetative and motor functions. It is generally accepted that the disease is incurable, but modern medicine makes it possible to suppress epilepsy as much as possible in 63% of patients, and in 18% to significantly reduce the number of seizures.

treatmentepilepsy folk remedies
treatmentepilepsy folk remedies

The main causes of epilepsy are:

  1. Genetics. Close relatives of patients who, on this basis, doctors classify as an idiopathic group, also have epilepsy. Sometimes the disease manifests itself through several generations. In this case, unusual reactions from the neurons may be observed, but the patient's brain is not damaged, the attacks may be rare and causeless.
  2. Tumor, intoxication, malformations, injuries, cysts and more. Patients in whom seizures develop against the background of the listed pathologies are treated by physicians as a symptomatic group. The frequency and causes of seizures in these patients is very difficult to predict, any irritant can act as a provoking factor.
  3. The special structure of membranes or atypical reactions to stimuli, which is caused by unfavorable heredity. In this case, there is no brain damage.
  4. Complication of alcoholism. Alcoholic epilepsy is characterized by sudden seizures that occur when drinking alcohol-containing beverages or abrupt withdrawal from alcohol.

In addition, there is a group of patients for whom it is not possible to establish the causes of epilepsy. This is a cryptogenic group.

Epilepsy most often begins to manifest during puberty. It is a disease of the young, as 75% of patients are under the age of twenty. In adults, the development of epilepsy is usually the result of a stroke, trauma, and the like. Particular attention should be paid to the grouppeople over 60 years of age, since such a disease in old age can be very difficult to tolerate.

General advice on alternative medicine treatment

Treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies at home is possible only in addition to the main therapy prescribed by the attending physician. The disease can be caused by various reasons, so the approach in each individual case should be appropriate.

It is important to remember that therapy is a long process, you should not expect instant results. In addition to drug therapy and the use of folk remedies, the patient needs physical activity, adherence to the daily regimen, and a balanced diet. Seizures can be triggered by nervous tension, chronic sleep deprivation, alcohol intake and other factors.

epilepsy treatment in adults at home
epilepsy treatment in adults at home

Treatment of epilepsy by folk methods should be part of complex therapy, since a combination of all factors affects the positive result. If the disease is chronic, and not acquired (for example, due to an accident or other illness), then a complete cure can be very difficult to achieve. However, the use of folk remedies in the treatment of epilepsy will significantly extend the time of remission.

Prevention of epileptic seizures

What are the traditional ways of treating epilepsy in adults? Regardless of the type of disease and the reasons that caused it, baths have a beneficial effect. Therapeutic bath should be taken no more than fifteen to twenty minutes, and the temperaturewater should not exceed 40 degrees Celsius. Baths with calamus root, aspen, willow, infusion of forest hay, pine buds are considered effective. Raw materials need to be poured with boiling water and infused for ten to fifteen minutes, then added to bathing water.

treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies reviews
treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies reviews

Healing herbs work gently but effectively if you fill the pillow of a person suffering from epilepsy with them. You can also make sachets. To do this, take pyrethrum, marigold flowers, creeping thyme, sweet clover, dried mint, lovage, hop cones.

Homemade ointment will help prevent epilepsy attacks. To prepare it, chop the lovage root (100 grams) and pour it with pork fat (0.5 l). In a liquid state, the ingredients must be mixed well. The patient should be rubbed with this mixture once a week.

Patients with epilepsy are advised to eat more spinach, onions, and drink fresh juices to prevent another attack. Physical activity is especially important. It will help to cope with the disease and physical labor, but it is important to prevent severe overexertion and chronic fatigue.

Treatment of alcoholic epileptic seizures

The first epileptic seizure in alcoholics usually occurs as a result of prolonged and / or severe alcohol poisoning. After the first seizure, there will definitely be the next one, since the reason lies in pathological changes in the structures of the brain. In the future, the disease can manifest itself regardless of whether the patient drank inrecent or not.

Alcohol in the treatment of this type of epilepsy must be abandoned, there are no other options. Even a minimal amount of alcohol-containing drinks against the background of successful therapy can provoke another attack. In addition to traditional medicine, folk remedies can be used in the treatment of alcoholic epilepsy at home. For example, the following is recommended:

  1. Take 0.5g angelica powder thrice daily.
  2. Drink an infusion of wormwood.
  3. Break oats, dandelion root, chicory, barley, rye, peeled acorns with boiling water. Drink the drink three times a day.
  4. Rubbing your feet with lemon juice helps.
treatment of epilepsy in children with folk remedies reviews
treatment of epilepsy in children with folk remedies reviews

Folk remedies for symptomatic epilepsy

The symptomatic form of the disease appears against the background of other concomitant pathologies. Attacks can become a complication of meningitis, encephalitis, vascular diseases, malignant neoplasms, abscess, inflammatory processes. It is necessary to begin treatment with finding out and eliminating the cause of epilepsy, but it is also necessary to prevent seizures.

Proven ways to treat epilepsy in adults at home - black tea, dried wormwood, chamomile flowers. You need to mix three tablespoons of herbs and pour the mixture with a liter of boiling water. The medicine should be infused for four hours. Then it must be passed through cheesecloth, folded several times. A liter of such a healing infusion should be drunk throughout the day. Medicineyou need to take a month, and then take a month break. There are three courses to complete.

Effective treatment of nocturnal epilepsy

Nocturnal epilepsy is usually the easiest to treat. Often, self-healing occurs as you grow older, if the causes of seizures are unfavorable heredity and began in adolescence. But seizures can happen at regular intervals, even every night. They can be provoked by overexertion, nervous excitement or alcohol intake.

What does traditional medicine recommend? Treatment of epilepsy at home is possible if you take a healing infusion. It is made from valerian root and cold water. A tablespoon of raw materials should be poured with a glass of pure mineral water without gas and infused for eight hours. After that, it is necessary to strain the remedy and take one tablespoon three times a day. Children can be given a teaspoon at the same frequency.

treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies for vanga
treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies for vanga

The smell of myrrh resin will help prevent seizures. You can buy resin in church shops. This aroma helps to relax, so that the patient will rest easy. It is necessary to dispel the smell of resin in the room before going to bed for at least a month.

Therapy with decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs

Treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies in adults is possible with the help of medicinal herbs. Many years of experience of herbalists has made it possible to determine fees that will eliminate cramps, strengthen blood vessels and improve overall he alth. For the treatment of severe seizures in adult patientsthe following recipes will work:

  1. Calamus root, elecampane and goose cinquefoil (one part each), white mistletoe (two parts). Mix and put in a water bath. Consume half a glass three times a day.
  2. In equal parts take motherwort, valerian root, add to them two parts of wormwood root and angelica. Insist on a water bath. Drink half a glass in three doses throughout the day.
  3. Medicinal lemon balm, common wormwood, white mistletoe, licorice root and horsetail. Mix raw materials in equal parts, add water and insist on a water bath. Take half a glass three times a day.
  4. Add a teaspoon of lavender flowers and herbs to boiling water and leave on low heat for one to two minutes. After removing the infusion in a warm place for 30 minutes. Drink one or two tablespoons. The first dose should be after dinner, the second - before bedtime. You need to continue taking the composition for one to two months, then take a break for two weeks and repeat the course again.
  5. White mistletoe, lemon balm, linden, marsh cudweed, veronica officinalis. Take herbs in equal parts and brew one tablespoon of the collection with a glass of freshly boiled water. For 30 minutes, remove the composition in a warm and dark place. Take 100 ml one hour before meals twice a day.

"Drink 1000" based on herbs and propolis

A good option for the treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies is Drink 1000, which was developed by Skvortsov A. V., the founder of the Center for Energy Structuring Technologies Nectar. The composition is prepared on the basis of propolis andmedicinal plants. The drink has a general strengthening effect, as well as:

  • improves vision, smell and hearing;
  • speeds up metabolic processes;
  • stimulates blood circulation in the brain;
  • increases efficiency;
  • helps to improve the conduction of nerve impulses to all organs and tissues;
  • improves all brain processes, especially memory;
  • restores strength and relieves stress;
  • serves as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases, reduces the risk of stroke;
  • helps relieve VSD symptoms and lowers blood pressure.

Among the contraindications is intolerance to the components of the product, namely: propolis, nutmeg, thyme, dietary supplement "Alpam 7". Caution should be given to children under 7 years of age.

As far as dosage is concerned, adults and children over 7 years of age should take 10 drops of the product with their main meal. For babies up to 12 months old, one drop of the drink is diluted in 20 ml of water and given one teaspoon each. The maximum dosage per day is four teaspoons. Children from one year and seven years old should be given one drop for each year, that is, five drops are enough for a five-year-old, and three for a three-year-old baby.

Recipe for the treatment of epilepsy from the healer Vanga

The well-known healer Vanga (Vangelia Panleva Gushterova), who is credited with the gift of clairvoyance, spoke about the treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies. There is a story according to which a young man suffering from epilepsy once came to Vanga. The healer said that he had an infringementnerve due to injury. This is what she advised him: soak the canvas with a mixture of olive oil, foundation and melted wax, attach along the entire spine. The young man's seizures then stopped. You can try this treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies. Of course, you need to make allowance for the fact that the method is unlikely to help, for example, with seizures caused by alcohol. It must be remembered that the method of therapy largely depends on the causes of the development of epilepsy.

home remedies for epilepsy
home remedies for epilepsy

What else can help prevent seizures

Epileptics leave good reviews about ordinary vegetable oil. To reduce the number of attacks, you need to take a tablespoon of oil into your mouth and dissolve it without swallowing, concentrating near the front teeth. Spit out the oil after fifteen to twenty minutes. The procedure should be performed twice a day: in the morning (before breakfast) and in the evening. This method is not suitable for children, as they will not be able to keep the oil in their mouth for a long time. Even in ancient times, the effectiveness of copper was also noticed. The patient needs to acquire jewelry made of this metal, and when an attack approaches, rub it with your palms.

Treatment of epilepsy in children with folk remedies

Drugs prescribed by doctors as part of conservative therapy adversely affect the liver, so it is especially important to treat seizures in children with mild methods. Of course, before taking herbs or using other methods of traditional medicine, you should consult your doctor. Moreover, in young patientsseizures are often caused by congenital factors, so the treatment of epilepsy in children with folk remedies, as a rule, does not bring the first positive results very soon. But this, of course, does not indicate that such methods should be abandoned altogether.

You can use apricot kernels to treat epilepsy in children with folk remedies. Reviews about this method are mostly positive. It is enough in the morning to give the child as many apricot seeds as he is old. On an empty stomach, you need a month to eat apricot pits, then you should take a break for the same period and repeat the course. In some reviews, parents note the complete disappearance of seizures after such treatment.

treatment of epilepsy in children with folk remedies reviews
treatment of epilepsy in children with folk remedies reviews

As part of the complex therapy of the disease in children, marin root is used, it is also called the forest peony. To prepare the drug, you will need the root of the plant, which must be washed, poured with vodka (0.5 liters of vodka per 50 grams of raw materials) and insisted for three weeks. It is necessary to give the solution to the child in accordance with age. So, for a three-year-old, three drops of the composition are enough, which must be dissolved in a glass of water. This drug can also be taken by adults - this is a fairly effective (according to reviews) treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies.

What patients say about traditional methods of treatment

Most patients in reviews of the treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies note a persistent positive result. True, for a positive effect, it is necessary to drink healing decoctions or do rubbing with drugs.pretty long. Some even managed to completely get rid of the disease, in combination using centuries-old methods and the achievements of traditional medicine.
