Natural remedies that are developed for weight loss have been in vogue for years. Unfortunately, a significant part of the world's population is overweight. Traditional medicine is characterized by the selection of the most bizarre recipes that allegedly allow you to get rid of excess fat. But, of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to prepare fat-burning drugs on your own. It will be easier to buy a finished product on the Internet, there are a lot of them now. One of these means is fat-burning drops for weight loss "Bee Spas". According to reviews, they were developed on the principles of traditional medicine. The main components of these drops are various plants and dead bees. Let's try to figure out what this remedy is, consider its effectiveness and find out what doctors and buyers who have already had a chance think about it.use it.

Description of drops
“Bee Spas” acts as a fat-burning product that allows a person to lose ten kilograms in just a month, and, as the developers assure, people do not even have to think about a diet. Manufacturers also guarantee the complete safety of this product for human he alth and call its advantages such as:
- presence of exclusively natural ingredients in the composition;
- no need for any diet;
- independence from the desirability of physical activity and sports;
- convenient dosing;
- Guaranteed no risk of side effects;
- very fast weight loss;
- Saggy skin protection guarantee;
- low price;
- he alth safety.
This is confirmed by the "Bee Spas" weight loss drops reviews. The price is interesting to many.
Ease of use
If we compare the use of the drug with exercise, we can safely say that it absolutely does not overload the joints and does not contribute to an increase in body volume through muscle mass growth, and also does not require prolonged effort for several years. It will be enough for patients to use "Bee Spas" for weight loss, according to reviews, only for one month. This will guarantee not only weight loss, but also make it impossible to return extra pounds.
The drug is quite easy andtake and dose. It should be used in ten drops, which are calculated for one dose. They can also be diluted in any liquid, for example, in water or juice. The drug should be taken twice a day, and directly during the treatment itself, a person is absolutely not required to comply with any diets, lifestyle changes, and even more so physical activity.
Fat Burner Ingredients
Four active ingredients are included in the composition of fat-burning drops for weight loss "Bee Spas"

This is:
- bee death;
- guarana berry;
- grapefruit extract;
- L-carnitine.
Bee Podmore
Podmore bee acted as an ingredient that gave the name to this product. It includes an extract that is extracted from dead bees. Experts believe that dead bees serve as a direct source of such elements as chitosan, amino acids, melatonin and bee venom. This is confirmed by the drug "Bee Spas" for weight loss reviews.
Guarana Berries
Guarana berries have a restorative effect on the energy balance of the human body, which helps to rejuvenate it. This ingredient burns fats thanks to the caffeine contained in the composition, as well as xonate.
Grapefruit extract
Grapefruit extract includes a large number of biologically active compounds. The most important of these are flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties. Therefore, fat-burning drops "Bee Spas" work. Their composition is unique.

L-carnitine is a component that transports fatty acids. Experts have found that its deficiency in the body is one of the main causes of obesity.
Reviews of doctors about the effectiveness
No matter how positive the descriptions are, some doctors in their reviews claim that "Bee Spas" will not be able to help patients get rid of extra pounds. Doctors explain this primarily based on the composition of the advertised product. And besides, they name the following dubious points regarding the effectiveness of this drug:
- lack of highly effective elements that should be contained in the product;
- dose size of only ten drops;
- advertising positioning, i.e. the sky-high promises that are typical of most of these products, designed not so much to help patients, but to benefit and profit financially from their problematic situations.
So, according to the reviews of the Bee Spas weight loss product, the effects promised by the seller of fat burning drops are simply unrealistic. It is impossible to lose significant body weight by using any means or dietary supplements without doing sports at all. They also report that there are no drugs in the world that can guarantee a weight loss of as much as ten kilograms in just one month.without causing harm to he alth and even more so with the absence of side effects. It also seems impossible to give guarantees to a person about the lack of weight gain after the course of treatment with the "Bee Spas" for weight loss. Feedback on this is available.

Component Analysis
With a detailed analysis of the components that make up the composition, doctors note that chitosan is able to reduce the degree of absorption of fats by the intestines. But there are several nuances that the product manufacturers either forgot to mention, or are simply silent:
- The therapeutic efficacy of chitosan has not been proven to date.
- If this substance really works, then its effectiveness is possible at least given the dosage of five or more grams per day, and the single dose recommended by sellers is only ten drops.
- Chitosan is obtained synthetically, and it does not occur in nature at all, thus, this component cannot be in the composition of dead bees. It is likely that manufacturers are simply playing with the words "chitosan", "chitin".
As for amino acids, they are the components of any protein food. These substances do not affect the reduction of human body weight. That is, if they reduced it, then in such microscopic dosages they would hardly be able to act. Feedback from real buyers about "Bee Spas" for weight loss is presented below.
Bee venom is the same as amino acids,absolutely no effect on body weight. This substance is commonly used in homeopathy for a wide range of purposes. In reality, if taken orally, any noticeable therapeutic properties and results are unlikely.
Melatonin is one of the human hormones that is produced in the pineal gland. It is very unlikely that dead bees could be its real source. Melatonin is widely sold in tablets, and you can always buy it in pharmacies. But this hormone is absolutely not capable of affecting weight, regulating only the daily rhythm of a person. In addition, melatonin has several other minor effects, but weight loss is not related to this list. This is confirmed by the doctors' reviews of the "Bee Spas" for weight loss.

The caffeine found in guarana berries is likely to have a minimal effect on weight loss in humans, but only under the following conditions:
- its use should be along with physical training;
- must use specific dosage.
The amount of caffeine contained in ten drops of "Bee Saver" is not said. Doctors doubt that the suggested dosage is sufficient. This, for example, is evidenced by at least the absence of certain side effects. That is, caffeine certainly has them, but “Bee Spas” is no different. It follows from this that the dosage of caffeine is scanty and has absolutely no effect onfor weight loss. Reviews and price of "Bee Spas" for weight loss - the subject of discussion in many forums.
Xonat is a component not known to science at all. It is possible that he was invented by the sellers of fat-burning drops "Bee Spas".
Flavonoids enter the human body from grapefruit seed extract. The official website of the drug contains information that they are characterized by the presence of antioxidant properties. This is true. But, as has already been found out, antioxidants do not affect body weight in any way.
L-carnitine is a substance that has a minimal effect on body fat during sports, but only if the dosage is equal to two grams per day. And a single dose of "Bee Spas", as noted earlier, contains only ten drops.
So doctors in their comments explain the reasons why buyers are unlikely to get at least minimal results from taking Bee Spas drops. Their weight will definitely stay the same.
How to distinguish fake drops "Bee Spas"? The price may not always help to figure it out. Sometimes a fake is worth more than the original.
Customer Reviews
Customers who have used drops say in their reviews that after a week of use they experienced a weight loss equal to only one kilogram, and they are sure that this was not so much due to taking the product, but due to the fact that they completely refused sweets. Therefore, some write that they are dissatisfied with the effect, having read positivereviews, they expected more.

Scam and cheat
People also note that they are not advised to spend money on this remedy, they call it another divorce for overweight people. Even those who drank the full course report that the loss of the advertised ten kilograms is out of the question.
Real reviews of "Bee Spas" for weight loss are presented in large numbers.
Some people receive a completely different composition instead of the one stated on the site, people receive 30 milligram bottles containing some kind of water with vitamins. This is further evidence of defrauding customers for profit.
In their comments, people also say that there are cases when they receive a remedy not for 30 milligrams, but for 10, which means that quite often fraudsters send out fakes of an already suspicious remedy in its effectiveness. Of course, this is very frustrating for customers, which explains such a large number of negative reviews.
Positive comments
In addition to frankly negative opinions, you can also find more positive comments. A number of satisfied customers report that already on the third day of use they managed to lose two kilograms, and, in addition, three centimeters from all problem areas.
Some share that against the background of the weekly use of fat-burning drops "Bee Spas" they do not lose weight, but instead there is some lightness, which is why it developsthe impression that a person has lost a couple of kilograms.
A number of buyers write that, against the background of using the product, they felt that excess weight from problem areas really left. They share that they noticed how their stomach, hips and arms became smaller, as a result of which they confidently report visual results, as well as that they are satisfied with the purchase of drops. Here are some reviews about fat-burning drops "Bee Spas"

The cost of this drug is 990 rubles. It depends on the region and on the pharmacy chain.
Thus, as is usually the case with such drugs, the opinions found on the World Wide Web about the product "Bee Spas" are quite contradictory. The composition of the product is rich in useful substances, but doctors express strong doubts about their effectiveness in getting rid of excess weight. Therefore, perhaps it is really worth considering whether the “Bee Spas” is not just another dummy, developed solely for the purpose of financial profit. Be that as it may, it remains for potential buyers to decide whether to purchase this tool or not. After all, if you believe the reviews, it helps someone, but not someone.