Neuroblastoma - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of the disease

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Neuroblastoma - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of the disease
Neuroblastoma - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of the disease

Video: Neuroblastoma - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of the disease

Video: Neuroblastoma - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of the disease
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Oncological diseases can hardly be considered a rarity. And, unfortunately, even newborn children are often exposed to them. Why does neuroblastoma occur? What it is? What are the symptoms of the disease? Are there effective treatments? These questions are of interest to many.

Neuroblastoma - what is it?

what is neuroblastoma
what is neuroblastoma

Today, neuroblastoma is considered one of the most common types of tumors found in children. It is formed from cells that are the precursors of neurons during fetal development. Most often, the disease is diagnosed at an early age - the first symptoms appear at 1-3 years. Neuroblastoma is much less common in children over the age of ten.

The causes of tumor formation are currently unknown. Numerous studies have shown only that the genetic heredity of the baby is extremely important. Some scientists believe that the abnormal development of neuroblast cells is associated with the impact on the fetal body of negative factors of the external and internal environment. Most often, this formation is malignant, and far fromeach case is treatable.

Neuroblastoma: what is it? The main forms of the disease

Depending on the location, the nature of growth and the specifics of cellular processes, such tumors are usually divided into several main groups.

  • Sympathoblastoma is a malignant tumor, which, as a rule, is formed during fetal development. It typically affects the sympathetic nervous system and adrenal glands.
  • Melulloblastoma - such a neoplasm is located deep in the tissues of the cerebellum. The tumor quickly metastasizes to neighboring organs and is not amenable to surgical treatment due to its specific localization.
  • Neurofibrosarcoma affects parts of the sympathetic nervous system located in the abdominal cavity.
  • Retinoblastoma is a neoplasm that affects the retina of the eye and quickly metastasizes to the brain.

Neuroblastoma and stages of its development

neuroblastoma grade 4
neuroblastoma grade 4

At the first stage of development, the tumor is located in the zone of the primary focus. As the neoplasm grows, it spreads beyond the focus - this is the second stage. In the future, the tumor increases in size and affects the nearby lymphatic vessels. Grade 4 neuroblastoma metastasizes to various organs, including the skeletal system, soft tissues, and lymph nodes. As a rule, this spread of malignant cells leads to the death of the child.

Main symptoms of neuroblastoma

The first signs of a tumor can hardly be called specific. At the initial stages, there islack of appetite, nausea and constipation. The skin has a pale tint. Sick children are capricious. As the disease progresses, increased sweating, increased heart rate, and hair loss begin.

Further symptoms depend on the location of the tumor and the presence of metastases. For example, the growth of a neoplasm in the abdominal cavity is accompanied by a protrusion in the lumbar region or costal arches. Melluloblastoma causes incoordination.

Treatment of neuroblastoma

neuroblastoma causes
neuroblastoma causes

Of course, at the first suspicions it is worth contacting a qualified pediatric oncologist. Only a specialist knows how neuroblastoma is formed, what it is and how to properly diagnose it. For treatment, standard methods are used - surgical removal, radiation and chemotherapy. The prognosis for children with neuroblastoma of the first and second degree is quite good - the correct treatment allows you to achieve a long stage of remission.
