Symptoms of laryngeal cancer and stages of the disease

Symptoms of laryngeal cancer and stages of the disease
Symptoms of laryngeal cancer and stages of the disease

Cancer is a disease that got its name because of the similarity of the resulting tumor with the representative of the fauna of the same name.

throat cancer symptoms
throat cancer symptoms

It can be localized in any organs and tissues of the body. Today, medicine is able not only to determine the presence of a tumor at the earliest stage of its inception, but even to predict how prone a person is to developing an oncological disease. Unfavorable environmental conditions, smoking, heredity can provoke the development of education in any part of the body, but among smokers, throat damage is most common. Symptoms of laryngeal cancer, like other oncological diseases, can be conditionally divided into systemic, affecting the entire body, and local, localized at the site of the tumor. Usually the very beginning of the disease goes unnoticed. In order to make a diagnosis in time, each person should regularly take tests for tumor markers and consult with specialists.

System-wide symptoms of laryngeal cancer

throat and larynx cancer symptoms
throat and larynx cancer symptoms
  • Feeling of increasing weakness, extreme fatigue, sometimesdizziness.
  • Fever, unmotivated decline or rise in temperature.
  • Feeling of a "foreign" object in the throat.
  • Dramatic weight loss.
  • Deterioration of hair, skin, nails.

It is noticeable that the symptoms of laryngeal cancer are similar to many other diseases. As the disease progresses, they increase. To catch the disease at the very beginning, it is worth asking the attending physician for a referral for specialized tests. Laryngeal cancer, which may not show symptoms for a long time, can only be cured in stages 1-2.

Local symptoms of cancer of the throat and larynx

They can be different, depending on where exactly the tumor is located. Symptoms of laryngeal cancer that has arisen in the region of the vocal cords may begin with aphonia - gradually increasing hoarseness. In severe cases, the voice may disappear altogether. If the tumor originates in the upper part of the pharynx, then it can cause pain similar to sensations in sore throat. They may not increase, but they may not disappear.

laryngeal cancer symptoms photo
laryngeal cancer symptoms photo

Gradually they are joined by toothache, difficulty in swallowing. Symptoms of advanced stage laryngeal cancer: cough, pain when swallowing, streaks of blood in saliva and when coughing. This malignant tumor, like others, has four stages of development. The first does not give mestastases, it is localized only in one area of the pharynx: on the mucous membrane or under it. Cancer of the larynx, the symptoms (photo) of which are barely noticeable at this stage, is cured quite quickly. usually no surgery is required. In the second stage, the tumorincreases, occupies the entire department (ligamentous, sub- or supra-ligamentous), but does not go beyond it. Healing is also possible. Grade 3: The tumor has metastasized to other organs. In this case, doctors usually prescribe complex treatment, which may include surgery, drug therapy, treatment with radio waves, X-rays, and the like. At the fourth, last stage, tumors appear in different organs, even remote from the larynx. Most often, the disease at this stage is incurable.
