Every dog or cat owner is well aware of how dangerous tick bites can be to the he alth of their pet. For safety reasons, the animal must be regularly treated with antiparasitic drugs. One of the most effective means is "Bolfo" (spray). Instructions for its use will be discussed in today's article.
Composition and pharmacological properties
This drug is a liquid with a slight specific odor. One hundred milliliters of the product contains 0.25 grams of propoxur, which is the main active ingredient. Spray "Bolfo" is sold in metal bottles with spray nozzles. The volume of one cylinder leaves two hundred and fifty milliliters.

This aerosol belongs to the category of insect-acaricidal preparations. It is effective against external parasites including ixodid ticks, lice, fleas and lice. The agent is considered moderately toxic to warm-blooded animals. If it is used in strictly recommended doses, then it does not have a sensitizing and skin-resorptive effect. Spray "Bolfo", caught on the surface of the mucous membranesmembranes, causing slight irritation.
Indications and contraindications
This drug is intended to get rid of ixodid ticks, withers, lice and fleas that parasitize on our smaller brothers. They are prohibited from handling sick and recovering animals, pregnant and lactating females, and animals under six weeks of age.

When used correctly, Bolfo spray does not cause side effects. If symptoms of poisoning appear (muscle weakness, diarrhea and increased salivation), it is necessary to stop treating the animal with an aerosol and provide him with appropriate assistance. If necessary, the pet must be shown to the veterinarian.
“Bolfo” (spray): instructions for use
It is recommended to treat an animal with this drug outdoors or in a well-ventilated room, away from heating appliances and open flames. Before using an antiparasitic agent, it is necessary to remove cages with birds from the room and cover aquariums with fish. Immediately before the procedure, the bottle should be shaken well and, by pressing the sprayer, direct it to the body of the animal for several seconds. In the process, it is important to ensure that the aerosol torch hits the pet's body against the growth of its coat and slightly moistens it. It is advisable to direct the jet from a distance of about thirty centimeters from a cat or dog.

First, the ears and chest of the animal are treated,making sure that the spray "Bolfo" from ticks does not get into the eyes of a pet. Then the jet is directed to the neck, body, paws and tail. The coat around the eyes and nose is gently treated with fingers, on which a small amount of the drug is applied.
Repeated use is carried out exclusively according to indications. It is recommended to do this no more than once a week. In order to completely destroy external parasites, it is desirable to treat not only the animal itself, but also its care products, including blankets and bedding. A couple of hours after treatment, all surfaces must be vacuum cleaned.
“Bolfo” (spray): reviews
Those who have ever tried this drug on their four-legged pet assure of its high efficiency. According to many cat and dog owners, it really does a great job of killing external parasites and preventing them from reappearing.

The only thing that consumers recommend remembering is the safety rules when working with this tool. Despite the fact that Bolfo spray does not belong to highly toxic agents, violation of the instructions can lead to unpleasant consequences, manifested in the form of allergic reactions. Therefore, when treating a pet with an antiparasitic aerosol, it is imperative to wear gloves. Upon completion of the manipulations, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water under a stream of warm running water. In addition, it is undesirable to stroke a four-legged pet during the day after the procedure.and keep close to small children.