Medicine is now perhaps the most dynamically developing branch of science. This is due to its enormous social significance.
Why is there so much innovation in medicine?
This is primarily due to the fact that the quality of life of absolutely every person depends on its development. A huge amount of money is annually invested in this branch of scientific knowledge. As a result, innovations in medicine appear almost on a weekly basis.

The high rate of new discoveries in this field is also due to the large number of enthusiasts who work not only for money, but also to make people's lives easier, better and longer. Among other things, medicine does not have any one priority area, and the science itself is very, very extensive. Therefore, no matter how numerous innovations in medicine are, scientists will still have just a huge field for activity.
Innovations in medicine: examples of discoveries
Over time, the number of serious achievements in this field is growing inexorably. Currently, scientists are already beginning to approach the solution of the issue of donor organs. It's been a long timeit is announced that this problem will be eliminated on its own after the equipment for growing organs in the laboratory is created. And now it already exists. Moreover, at present, the first data on the practical use of such equipment are already available. Not so long ago, relevant studies have already been carried out in China. Their result was the creation of a mouse liver rudiment. Subsequently, an operation was performed to implant his animal. After a few days, all the vessels fused properly, and the liver itself began to function adequately.

Vision is considered one of the five basic senses and the supplier of approximately 90% of all information for the human brain. As a result, the eyes and their functioning will always play a huge role. It is no wonder that many achievements of science in medicine are aimed at maintaining normal or correcting decreased vision.
One interesting invention that has seen the light of day is the so-called individual telescopic lens. The very principle of their action was developed a long time ago, but they have never been used specifically to improve people's vision. The high cost of the material from which the product is made hinders the mass introduction of such an innovation in medicine. The current plan is to replace it with a cheaper one to make the development available to the general public.

Fight against cancer
To dateit is customary to cope with this most dangerous pathology with the help of surgical treatment, chemotherapy, or with the use of rays that are detrimental to tumors. All these techniques bring not only getting rid of the disease (and not always 100%), but also serious problems for the body as a whole. The fact is that all these methods of treatment have a detrimental effect not only on the sick, but also on he althy tissues. So today, many innovations in medicine are aimed at finding an effective, fast and harmless way to overcome tumor processes.
One of the latest developments is the creation of experimental equipment, the main operating part of which is a kind of needle. It is brought to the tumor and emits special micropulses that cause pathologically altered cells to start the process of self-destruction.

On the role of science in the medical field
It should be noted that modern medicine has made a huge step forward over the past few decades. Without the countless achievements of scientists, this would simply be impossible. The role of science in medicine is currently difficult to overestimate. Thanks to modern technological advances, there are now such diagnostic techniques as endoscopy, ultrasound, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging.
Without the development of biochemistry, serious innovations in medicine in the field of pharmacology would be impossible. As a result, physicians would still have to use experimental approaches to the treatment of variousdiseases.
What has been achieved?
The achievements of science in medicine are truly enormous. First of all, doctors were able to successfully treat those diseases that previously did not leave patients a chance for a normal life. In addition, many ailments have now become possible to diagnose at the earliest stages of their development. Also, innovations in medicine have helped to significantly increase the life expectancy of many patients. Over the past century, this figure has increased by about 20 years. At the same time, it is constantly growing at the present time.
Complete diagnosis in minutes
For a long time, scientists had an idea to create equipment that would quickly determine the presence and nature of microorganisms that affected the human body. Currently, such a study often takes not even days, but weeks. Recent innovations in medicine provide hope that this state of affairs will not last long. The fact is that Swiss scientists have already been able to invent and create a prototype of an apparatus capable of identifying a microorganism in a particular environment in a few minutes and determining its belonging to a particular species. In the future, this will make it possible to almost accurately prescribe rational treatment of any infectious diseases. This will not only reduce the duration and severity of many serious illnesses, but will also avoid numerous complications.

New in medicine appears almost every week. Scientists are now closeto serious discoveries that will allow people with disabilities to regain a sufficient level of social activity. And we are not talking about any technical means. Today, there are already methods that can restore the integrity of a previously destroyed nerve. This will help patients with paralysis and paresis to restore their motor abilities. Now such methods of treatment are still very expensive, but in 5-10 years they will become available to people with quite ordinary incomes.