Medical Center "Doverie+" in Ryazan: services, reviews, contacts

Medical Center "Doverie+" in Ryazan: services, reviews, contacts
Medical Center "Doverie+" in Ryazan: services, reviews, contacts

Inconvenient working hours of doctors in public clinics and long queues make private medical centers more and more popular among people. The advantages of paid clinics include the provision of modern equipment, the presence of its own laboratory and an ultrasound diagnostic room, which allows you to perform a full examination right on the spot and at a convenient time for a person. In our article, we present an overview of one of these institutions - the Doverie + medical center in Ryazan. We will tell you in detail about the services provided by the clinic's specialists, dwell on the prices and indicate the contacts, using which you can make an appointment.

Features of work

trust medical center ryazan
trust medical center ryazan

"Doverie+" is a network of multidisciplinary medical centers located in different districts of Ryazan. Eachthe clinic provides patients with a wide range of services at affordable prices.

Features of the medical center "Doverie+" in Ryazan:

  1. Modern medical and diagnostic equipment.
  2. Highly qualified doctors, including candidates of medical sciences and leading specialists of the city, guaranteeing a professional approach to each patient. To improve their skills, they are trained in Russia and abroad, take part in conferences and seminars.
  3. A wide range of medical services and laboratory tests, some of which are carried out in leading clinics in Moscow and delivered to Ryazan by courier.
  4. Cozy and friendly atmosphere, reception by appointment and no queues in the corridors.
  5. Affordable prices.

One of the services of the medical center is to call a doctor to your home for the purpose of conducting diagnostic tests, consultations or taking tests.

List of services

You can contact the Center for Modern Medicine "Trust+" with almost any problem. The medical institution also has a small operating room equipped with modern equipment.

trust medical center ryazan reviews
trust medical center ryazan reviews

The Trust+ Medical Center in Ryazan provides the following services:

  • therapeutic;
  • gynecological;
  • urological;
  • dermatological;
  • orthopedic;
  • gastroenterological;
  • surgical;
  • neurological;
  • psychotherapeutic.

The following medical areas are no less developed:

  • mammology;
  • oncology;
  • venerology;
  • cardiology;
  • otolaryngology;
  • proctology.

Additional examinations and tests prescribed by a doctor can be performed right on the spot. In the center, you can undergo an ultrasound scan of the fetus during pregnancy, the thyroid gland, the urinary system and the abdominal cavity, as well as other organs. If necessary, general clinical, biochemical, allergological and hormonal studies are performed in the laboratory.

Complex diagnostic programs

Specialists of the Doveriye+ medical center in Ryazan have developed special complexes that allow for a complete examination of certain organs and systems of the patient.

trust medical center ryazan phone
trust medical center ryazan phone

The main diagnostic programs include:

  1. "Complex for women" - includes examination by a gynecologist, smears for flora and AK, ultrasound of the uterus, appendages and mammary glands.
  2. "He althy Thyroid" - a program to examine this important organ.
  3. "Digestion without problems" - conducted analyzes and studies will identify problems of the gastrointestinal tract and improve its work.
  4. "Complex for men" - a complete examination of the male reproductive system according to modern European standards.
  5. "Woman and Oncology" - a program specially designed for women over forty years old. Herthe goal is to detect cancer in the early stages, since only a timely visit to a specialist can save his life.

Doctors of the clinic have also developed other diagnostic programs, which can be found on the website or by phone.

Prices for services

The Trust Plus Medical Center in Ryazan positions itself as a modern multidisciplinary medical institution with an affordable cost of treating and diagnosing diseases. The most demanded among patients are therapeutic and gynecological studies.

As for prices, depending on the doctor to whom the appointment is made, the cost of a gynecologist's consultation varies from 550 to 990 rubles, and ultrasound of the pelvic organs will cost 700 rubles. Smear collection and other examinations are paid separately. An appointment with a therapist, as well as an ENT doctor, will cost 600-650 rubles. All prices for services are transparent. You can get acquainted with them on the official website of the network of clinics.

Reviews about the medical center "Doverie+" in Ryazan

trust plus medical center ryazan
trust plus medical center ryazan

After visiting the medical institution, not all patients have a positive opinion about his work. The highest number of reviews left about the medical center "Doverie+" (Novoselov) in Ryazan:

  • Ultrasound performed in haste without comment from a specialist;
  • prices do not match those in the price list;
  • receipt time does not always match recording.

Along with this,many patients liked the quality of service, for example, test results are sent by e-mail, and on the eve of the appointment, administrators call and remind about the appointment.


trust medical center ryazan new settlers
trust medical center ryazan new settlers

The network of medical centers includes three clinics, conveniently located and accessible by all means of transport. Addresses of medical and diagnostic institutions:

  • Pervomaisky prospect, house 76, building 3;
  • st. Novoselov, house 21A;
  • st. Narodny Boulevard, 11.

To avoid queues, reception specialists accept patients exclusively by appointment. Phones of the medical center "Doverie +" (Ryazan) are listed on the website. A person can choose a clinic that has the most convenient location for him and call one of the numbers. The clinic is open daily: from Monday to Friday - from 8 am to 8 pm, on Saturday - from 9.00 to 20.00, and on Sunday - from 9.00 to 18.00.
