Each of us notices hair loss every day. However, if the hair falls out in large quantities, then this is an alarming signal about a possible serious disease - diffuse alopecia. What is the cause of sudden hair loss, how to properly treat, how terrible are the complications? There are many questions, we will understand each of them.
Feature of the disease
Diffuse alopecia is one of the most common forms of hair loss. At the same time, predominantly women aged 35 to 50 are subject to pathological changes.
Of course, a small amount of hair loss (almost imperceptible) is quite normal. The hair reaches a certain phase of development, after which it falls out, and a new one grows in its place. Up to 20 hairs can grow from one follicle. And the "life" of one lasts about 6 years. So, a person loses up to 100 hairs per day - this figure is considered the norm.
Alopecia is considered diffuse if a person loses more than 150 hairs within 24 hours. In runningcases, the indicator increases by 6.5 times - about 1000 hairs.
Diffuse alopecia, unlike other types of alopecia, affects the parting area, and in the future, the whole head lends itself to pathological changes.

With this disease, the hair falls out along with the bulb. And in the remaining strands, diseased follicles are observed. Accordingly, baldness gradually begins to appear. Moreover, cosmetic intervention in the form of using another shampoo or hair balm, including hair dye, can lead to profuse hair loss.
Classification of diffuse alopecia
Alopecia has two forms of manifestation: telogen and anagen.
Telogen hair loss is a separate form of baldness in which there is increased hair loss over a certain period of time. With this form of the disease, the hair follicle very quickly passes from the growth stage to rest, respectively, the follicle is in the so-called delay mode. The core of each curl is strongly separated from the root and gradually falls out.
At the stage of development of anagen alopecia, there is a sudden simultaneous loss of curls throughout the head. This is mainly due to the use of potent medications, as well as after radiation exposure and after the excess intake of vitamin A. Such negative consequences affect the hair shaft, it decreases and cannot fully form.
Most often the development of this formalopecia in a person is observed if he has problems with the thyroid gland or if he violates the daily regimen and the usual meal.
Causes of disease development
There is a fairly wide range of negative factors due to which diffuse alopecia may develop. Reasons:
- Diseases associated with the introduction of an infection or virus into the body. Thus, the weakening of hair strength is observed against the background of such diseases: malaria, influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, syphilis, HIV infection, etc.
- Due to the wrong diet of the day. Diffuse alopecia is often found in women who keep themselves on strict diets. Accordingly, microelements and proteins necessary for the body do not enter the body, and hair is a reflection of our state of he alth.
- During the disruption of our mental and psychological state. Stress and depression always affect all systems of our body. Subject to "suffering" and hair follicles.

- A large number of female baldness was recorded during the Great Patriotic War. Also, a sharp hair loss can be observed after severe stress or after an accident.
- After anesthesia or surgery.
- For chronic diseases: lupus, erythroderma, psoriasis, as well as a number of pathologies associated with problems of the endocrine system.
- Diffuse alopecia can begin to develop with a breakdown and severe fatigue.
- In case of skin injurieshead cover.
- The disease develops as a result of taking medications in a large dose.
In medicine, there are some cases in which it is impossible to determine the cause of hair loss. In this case, doctors suspect idiopathic alopecia. However, this is quite rare.
With the development of this disease, partial or complete baldness occurs, regardless of gender and age of the person.
Diffuse alopecia in women initially appears as a small strip at the parting. The process of baldness begins in the crown of the head. With the untimely intervention of a doctor, it will be very difficult to stop the process of baldness. The advanced stage of the disease resembles a transparent dandelion with single hairs sticking out in different directions. During the hormonal restructuring of the body, a woman not only loses her hair, but also the timbre of her voice changes, the level of hairiness of her hands and face increases, and in some cases her gait may also change.

Diffuse alopecia is more common in men than in women. Moreover, baldness is localized throughout the head, unevenly. In just a short period of time, a man can completely lose all his hair. Diffuse alopecia starts (photo below) from the parietal part of the head, after which it gradually affects the temporal.

It should be noted that the strand is completely amenable to change: it changes its structure and becomes brittle.
Children have itthe disease is much less common than in adults. Moreover, the first symptoms are difficult to identify in a child under 1 year old, since the hair is thin and does not cover the entire head.
First signs of disease
Most patients develop telogen effluvium. The first alarm signal is the abundance of hair on the comb. Also, this disease is characterized by the following first symptomatic signs:
- with the progression of the disease, the parting becomes noticeably wider;
- hair looks unhe althy (dull appearance and brittleness);
- straight hair becomes wavy and curls straighten;
- accompanying symptoms of anemia (increased levels of fatigue, weakness in the body and constant sleepiness);
- disruption of the sebaceous glands on the head.
There are also signs of thinning hair on the eyebrows and eyelashes.
An experienced doctor can recognize this disease during a visual examination, as well as taking into account the remaining hair on the comb. Accordingly, to make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a trichonogram of the head. It must be done on the 5th day after washing the hair. Sometimes a trichologist will refer a patient to donate blood for hormones (DHT).
"Not a verdict!" - doctors will say to a patient who develops diffuse alopecia. Treatment should be comprehensive and have the following targets:
- stop hair loss;
- strengthen the immune system and the whole body of the patient;
- destroy the toxins intissues and other organs of the patient;
- eliminate the lack of vitamins and essential trace elements.
Each treatment requires proper implementation of all doctor's recommendations and time to restore the normal condition of the hair.
Therapeutic method
There are quite a lot of medications, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the hair follicles, as well as improving their structure. Usually, the doctor recommends drinking a multicomponent vitamin complex, which helps to strengthen the body as a whole. List of the most effective vitamin supplements:
- "Fitoval" - if diffuse alopecia develops in women, treatment necessarily includes this particular drug. Its composition is based on biotin, vitamin B and amino acids. Usually this drug is prescribed by a doctor if the cause of the development of the disease lies in nervous strain or stress.
- "Rinfoltil" - this preparation contains a fairly large amount of essential useful trace elements and amino acids. Its action is to stimulate the awakening of "sleeping" follicles.

However, you should not self-medicate. The necessary drugs should be prescribed by the doctor based on the tests received.
Another effective procedure that a doctor can offer is darsonvalization or electrophoresis. However, the first procedure is contraindicated if the patient has dry scalp. Duringusing the second method, a medicinal solution is injected under the scalp. It is unacceptable to use it if there are abrasions or scratches on the treated area of the head.
Another way is available - laser therapy. Thanks to its infrared radiation, not only the scalp, but also the blood vessels are beneficially affected. The full course of treatment includes 10 procedures.

As an additional way, doctors recommend signing up for a neck and head massage.
Medication method
This traditional and obligatory method is used by the doctor to awaken and stimulate the growth of hair follicles. Proven and most effective drugs:
- "Minoxidine". The course of treatment is 1 year.
- "Finasteride" is a drug intended for use exclusively by men.
- "Esvicid" is presented in the form of a transparent liquid, which contains enzymes, biostimulants and vitamins. Applied externally.
- "Cromaclean" - this drug stimulates the process of cell synthesis and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair follicles.
You can't prescribe drugs to yourself. Take medications only when prescribed by a doctor.
Folk remedies
There are several popular ways to strengthen hair follicles if the patient is actively developing diffuse alopecia. Treatment, reviews of which are almost always positive, impliesthe use of various masks that contain irritating components. The most popular folk recipes include the following ingredients:
- mustard powder;
- red pepper;
- castor oil;
- bow;
- garlic.
Depending on the specific recipe, you can add homemade products that are always at hand. We should not forget about the medicinal properties of such plants: nettle, coltsfoot, burdock. It is recommended to use ordinary table s alt for this disease. Thanks to its properties, blood circulation is stimulated and hair growth is accelerated if there is a disease such as diffuse alopecia in women. Reviews of the beneficial effects of s alt on the scalp are left by many women. The effect is noticeable. Fine s alt must be rubbed into the scalp 15 minutes before washing. This procedure can be done every time only if there are no characteristic lesions on the scalp.
Prevention measures
Hair loss leads to the development of many diseases, diffuse alopecia develops. Reviews of many patients who were able to defeat this disease say that:
- It is necessary to adhere to the correct diet. The daily diet must be filled with such products: fresh vegetables and fruits, milk, carbohydrate-containing foods.
- It is important to remember about the drinking regimen. So, an adult he althy person needs to consume 1.5 liters of pure water every day. It is recommended to replace coffee, black tea with green tea, since the latter contributes tostrengthen hair follicles and tones the entire body.
- You need to limit your intake of spicy foods, fast food, alcohol, sweets and carbonated drinks.
When adjusting the diet of the day and regimen, the first results can be seen in just a month.
What could be the complications

The most terrible consequences are almost complete baldness. Due to the loss of a large number of hair, the skull is completely exposed, in a person this can affect mental and psychological he alth.
Even if the course of treatment is successful, a relapse can occur, and more than once. Hair transplant surgery may be needed.
That is why you should immediately consult a doctor in order to start fighting the disease at an early stage. Stay he althy!