Thanks to the widest selection of orthodontic devices that have the ability to correct bite in childhood, each patient can easily find the appropriate device. All of them are united by their purpose - to return the anatomically correct position of the teeth and establish the correct bite.
Orthodontic bite treatment
Differing in principle of action, frequency of use and method of fixation in the oral cavity, many of them have been in demand for more than a dozen years. One of the most common today is rightfully considered the patented by a German professor of the same name development of a multifunctional action - the Frenkel apparatus. The purpose of the device is the therapy of developmental anomalies and the formation of occlusion in children of the younger age group (from 4 to 11 years old).
The Frenkel apparatus was created in the middle of the last century.

Immediately after the effectiveness of the development was confirmed in countless laboratories, it was proposed for use in the mass treatment of children. ApparatusFrenkel (the photo is presented below for clarity) is used, as a rule, to eliminate a mesio-occlusion defect.
Indications for using the device
The ideal period for the treatment of this pathology is the phase of active growth of both jaws. Its principle of action is to completely eliminate the pressure of the cheeks and upper lip on the dentition in underdeveloped areas, as well as to stabilize the closing of the lips, normalize the position of the tongue, their contact and functional features.
Rolf Frenkel proposed the above orthodontic appliance. Its difference from analogues of that time was the location in the anterior part of the oral cavity of the upper labial pads and buccal shields. This made it possible to securely fix the position of the tongue, as well as return its missing functions.

If we talk about how the type III Frenkel apparatus helps in the treatment of pathologies, it is worth noting the main indications for the appointment of wearing such a dental structure:
- abnormal position of front teeth;
- mesioocclusion;
- shortening and narrowing of the upper row of teeth;
- retrusion of maxillary anterior teeth;
- malocclusion in vertical order;
- failures in the process of growth of both jaws.
What does the device look like?
Frenkel's orthodontic apparatus (patient reviews have repeatedly confirmed the effectiveness and efficiency of the device) consists of two cheek shields, which are connected by a special palatal clasp. In turn, two upper labial pads are locatedside by side and combined with brackets and brackets.
In combination with the basic structure on the upper jaw, the vestibular arch, which is put on the lower incisors, is also obligatory. These specific features of the device, according to patients, produced the maximum effect, despite minor discomfort during the treatment.
Noticeable result
When using the described product, not only the appearance of the jaw can change in a positive direction. Indeed, the closing of the upper and lower teeth, the lengthening of the upper dentition often becomes noticeable to others: an attractive smile and an even oval of the face become the main objects of praise and compliments.

At the same time, soon the patient will begin to feel the entire therapeutic effect of the use of such a device, because the correct bite is a fundamental condition for clear diction, better chewing of food. By the way, research by scientists was able to confirm the relationship between the quality of crushed foods and diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems.
Type III Frenkel apparatus (the reviews of parents whose children were treated according to this method are mostly positive) are often combined with therapeutic exercises. In addition, in order to achieve myodynamic balance in the maxillofacial zone, procedures with a physiotherapist and special massage of the facial muscles can become effective. That is, underdeveloped areas of the jaw begin to grow more actively, and the growth of the lower jaw remains slightlybraked.
Features of adaptation of the dentition to the device
Entering the oral cavity, the type 3 Frenkel apparatus (the photo below demonstrates this) contributes to a visible reshaping of the face to the naked eye, improving lip closure.

In fact, this regulator is designed for training sessions. It perfectly copes with the task of providing neuromuscular functions of the maxillofacial zone, allowing the patient to adapt to new sensations in a short period of time.
Finding out what the Frenkel apparatus is, feedback from young patients and their parents will also be helpful. Despite the wide age range proposed by professional doctors, users of the device believe that the most optimal age for undergoing such treatment by an orthodontist is 7-8 years. This period is considered the most suitable for the treatment of mesio-occlusion. Although in modern practice there are many cases when children under 15 years of age undergo treatment.
Usage feedback
Most often, doctors in practice use the two-jaw Frenkel apparatus. Reviews of the device confirm the positive impact on the harmonious development of the dentoalveolar system. In addition, parents note that with the help of an orthodontic device, children were able to get rid of habits that significantly affected their lives: thumb sucking, putting the tongue between the teeth, etc.

Patients,those who have tried the action of other devices, for example, the traumatic uncomfortable Angle device or vestibular plates, speak enthusiastically about the convenience of the Frenkel device, its versatility. Getting used to wearing a dental appliance in children, as a rule, occurs quite quickly, although many young patients experience considerable difficulties at the initial stage of treatment.
The choice in favor of the Frenkel apparatus
Basic recommendations for the care and wearing of an orthodontic appliance are provided by the dentist at the reception. The specialist will independently determine the required duration of treatment using this method. In many ways, the duration of the course of using the Frenkel apparatus is determined by the individual characteristics of the child, and on average ranges from 1 to 1.5 years.
Often the doctor prescribes wearing it only at night and for a couple of hours during the day. Only a qualified approach to treatment will help to find the right he althy bite.

The Frenkel apparatus helps to achieve excellent results by restoring the aesthetics of a smile, eliminating bad habits and preventing the likelihood of the need for surgical treatment in the future.