Zdrenko antitumor collection: application, composition, reviews

Zdrenko antitumor collection: application, composition, reviews
Zdrenko antitumor collection: application, composition, reviews

Medicinal herbs are always present in our lives. Even if you are not a supporter of herbal medicine, you probably remember the fragrant oregano tea that your grandmother treated you for a cold, with sore throat, chamomile infusion helps many people relieve sore throats, many know the soothing properties of motherwort, and sage decoction is indispensable for toothache.

When doctors make a serious diagnosis to a patient, for example, oncology, few people first of all think about the use of medicinal herbs - as a rule, in such a situation, it is primarily about modern surgery and the latest traditional medicine. Meanwhile, there are unique collections of herbs that, even with such a formidable diagnosis, help to support and restore the body. One of them, undoubtedly, is the collection of Zdrenko herbs. What is treated with this herbal remedy? Is its use really effective, and in what cases? There are many questions about this tool and we will tryin this material to answer the main ones.

History of the creation of the collection

It should be recognized that there are many “blank spots” in the history of the creation of this unique complex. The authorship of Zdrenko's antitumor collection remains unclear. Some sources attribute it to the doctor Maria Ivanovna Zdrenko, who allegedly developed and successfully applied it. And here the first inconsistency arises - the drug is registered in the name of M. N. Zdrenko.

In other sources, the herbalist Mikhail Zdrenko is called the author. However, information about his medical practice has not been preserved. It is known for certain that the herbal complex began to be developed even before the Second World War. In the late 50s, Maria Kovrigina, who at that time held the post of Minister of He alth of the Soviet Union, gathered outstanding scientists and doctors and sent them to the Rostov region to study and evaluate the medicinal properties and safety of the developed phytopreparation. As a result of this expedition, the herbal collection was included in the State Register (1957) and recommended for use.

Gathering Zdrenko
Gathering Zdrenko

The role of medicinal herbs in oncology

In the treatment of these diseases, complex therapy is used. Chemotherapy "breaks" the tumor and destroys cancer cells, during surgery, the damaged organ is removed and the spread of metastases is prevented. And herbal preparations and supportive drugs help the body recover and fight neoplasm cells.

But the main effect of anticancer preparations is to increase immunity and improve the work of all internalorgans, which with such a diagnosis often fail. The ideal collection has the following requirements:

  • he should increase the body's resistance;
  • should be a hepatoprotector (support the liver, working for wear and tear with the constant intake of potent drugs);
  • having a slight laxative effect, improve the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • relieve spasms and pain with anti-inflammatory effect;
  • increase the number of leukocytes, improving blood composition;
  • reduce the toxic effects of drugs.

With these requirements in mind, oncologists and phytotherapists remind patients that more than one poisonous (conditionally) plant should not be present in the collection of herbs. The best phyto-collection is considered to be a composition that contains safe and well-known herbs (motherwort, chamomile, nettle, etc.). Judging by the reviews of doctors, the Zdrenko collection, the composition of which was thoroughly studied by pharmacists, chemists and biologists, perfectly meets these requirements.

It contains non-toxic clover and chamomile, cornflower and mint, etc., and the percentage of potent plants (comfrey, elecampane, etc.) is minimized.

Anticancer herbs
Anticancer herbs

Who will the phytocollection help?

Due to its unique composition, Zdrenko's collection has a general antitumor effect. But it is especially effective in the treatment of hormone-dependent tumors. These include benign neoplasms (fibromas, fibroids, prostate adenoma, etc.), and malignant tumors (cancer of the breast, uterus, prostate).

Collecting M. N. Zdrenko has, in addition to antitumor, soothing, wound healing, mild choleretic, immunostimulating, laxative and diuretic properties. Many patients note in their reviews: Zdrenko's collection shows good results in the treatment of stomach ulcers, gastritis, intestinal and stomach polyps.


It should be noted that today in pharmacies it is quite difficult to purchase this complex, which includes rather rare herbs. Much more often, special online he alth stores are engaged in its implementation. This fact is somewhat alarming for representatives of official medicine, since in this case, as a rule, there is no information about where the raw materials were collected and packaged.

However, today you can find two options for collecting Zdrenko. The most effective is the herbal base for the preparation of the mixture. To purchase it, you need to visit portals where they offer to buy a complex of herbs packaged in two bags: collection No. 1 and No. 2. Zdrenko collection No. 1 includes (20 grams of each ingredient):

  • air;
  • meadowsweet six-petal;
  • barberry roots;
  • Marshmallow;
  • elecampane;
  • valerian roots;
  • roots of white and yellow capsule;
  • Ire yellow;
  • horse sorrel roots.
Meadowsweet six-petal
Meadowsweet six-petal

And also 7 grams each:

  • annual dried flowers;
  • juniper berries and joster;
  • grass knotweed.

The second package contains the following components (7 grams each):

  • spring adonis;
  • small cornflower;
  • Laxman's tenacious grass;
  • nettle nettle;
  • prickly prickly;
  • silver cinquefoil;
  • peppermint leaves;
  • May lily of the valley flowers;
  • chamomile and tansy inflorescences;
  • five-lobed motherwort;
  • podbel officinalis;
  • two types of sage (Ethiopian and officinalis);
  • inflorescences of immortelle sandy;
  • three-part sequence;
  • wormwood;
  • horsetail;
  • Avran officinalis (3 g),
prickly prickly
prickly prickly

Indications for use

There are no narrowly targeted medicinal plants on our planet. There is no cure in nature for a cough, for the stomach, or just for the nerves. Due to the unique composition, the collection of herbs, which we are talking about today, is indicated for the general improvement of the body in various ailments and pathological conditions.

According to official instructions, Zdrenko's collection is recommended for use when:

  • various malignant neoplasms (melanoma, leukemia, sarcoma, etc.);
  • benign tumors (cysts, polyps, adenomas, fibroids);
  • polyposis of the intestine and bladder;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer;
  • cervical erosion, menstrual disorders;
  • infertility and impotence;
  • general intoxication of the body.

Does the collection combine with other herbs?

Only after the appointment of a doctor, it is possible to apply the Zdrenko fee. Oncologists in most cases welcome the use of herbs in complex therapy: they make up an individual course, select the dosage. Herbal treatment can continue for several years, even when tests indicate a stable remission.

Sometimes, on the advice of doctors, it is required to alternate the collection of Zdrenko with other antitumor complexes. This is necessary to increase efficiency and prevent addiction. Today in pharmacies you can buy various complexes of anti-cancer herbs. They can be designed to treat a specific type of tumor, such as the effective "Recipe of 16 Herbs" or a complex of general action - the collection "Secrets of Altai Herbs".

Collection "16 herbs"
Collection "16 herbs"

Use of herbal tea

To prepare a medicine from the Zdrenko collection, it is necessary to pour a spoon (tea) of a mixture of dry herbs with boiling water (200 ml). The composition should be prepared in a glass or porcelain dish with a tight-fitting lid. The medicine is infused for 12 hours. After this time, the composition is filtered, the raw materials are carefully squeezed out. Thus, you will prepare a daily dose of infusion. Take it three times a day, 70 ml half an hour before meals. Treatment continues for three months. But every 10 days, treatment should be interrupted for two days.

If this medicinal compound causes a weakening of the heart function or a decrease in blood pressure, you should inform your doctor and stop using it.

Collection Zdorenko: infusion
Collection Zdorenko: infusion


BIn the classic recipe for preparing a potion, potassium nitrate is used as a preservative, since an impressive volume of the drug is obtained - 6 liters. This, judging by the reviews, is the most effective drug. Cooking it is quite troublesome, but the result is worth it.

Pour 270 g of herbs from collection No. 1 into a large enameled pot, pour raw materials with four liters of water. Bring the composition to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer it under a closed lid for half an hour. Then add half of the collection package No. 2, boil for another five minutes, strain through cheesecloth. Set aside the broth, add 3.5 liters of water to the cake and simmer for another half an hour on low heat.

Pour in the rest of collection No. 2 and leave on the stove for another 30 minutes. Filter the composition and combine with the first part of the drug. To maintain such a volume of the drug, salicylic acid (1.5 g per 1 liter) and potassium nitrate (0.5 g per 1 liter) are added to it as a concentrate.

Potion without preservative

Many patients prefer to prepare the formulation without preservatives. In this case, it is prepared every week, and the mixture is stored in the refrigerator. It is necessary to separately grind the contents of the package of fees No. 1 and 2. Mix the herbs thoroughly and transfer them to glass jars with ground lids. Label the containers and place them in a dry, dark place.

Measure 1/12 of the collection number 1. Quite often, the grass is laid out in 12 paper bags immediately after grinding. Load the measured part of the herbs into an enamel bowl and pour warm water (350 ml), on a weakbring to a boil and simmer for half an hour with the lid closed. Add 1/24 of collection No. 2 to the broth and continue to simmer over low heat under the lid, avoiding open boiling. The composition is filtered through cheesecloth.

Pour cake again with warm water (300 ml) and simmer for another half an hour, add the same amount of collection No. 2 and leave on the stove for 30 minutes. The second solution is filtered as the first, and both decoctions are mixed. As a result, 600 ml of the finished product is enough for six days. The composition is taken twice a day, 50 ml, adding hot water to a comfortable temperature. The result is achieved not by a loading dose of the drug, but by a long-term intake. The potion is stored in the refrigerator with a closed lid.

Reviews from patients and doctors

The collection of medicinal herbs Zdrenko has established itself as an effective remedy for the treatment of benign and malignant neoplasms in complex therapy, has shown excellent results in the treatment of fibroids, even in advanced cases, with prostate adenoma, intestinal polyposis, cysts in gynecology.

Used in the treatment of oncological diseases, and of different localization, Zdrenko's collection (doctors' reviews confirm this) makes it easier for patients to endure the effects of chemotherapy, patients are more prepared for surgery, tumor markers are stabilized.

What does the Zdrenko collection treat?
What does the Zdrenko collection treat?


It should be understood that the collection of Zdrenko is not an alternative to other methods of treating neoplasms (chemotherapy, surgery). At the same time, it goes well with them, complementstreatment and relieve negative consequences. Oncologists believe that even with a favorable outcome of surgery and chemotherapy, the use of Zdrenko's herbal collection is a good basis for achieving stable remission.
