Contusion of the cervical spine: causes, symptoms, consequences and treatment

Contusion of the cervical spine: causes, symptoms, consequences and treatment
Contusion of the cervical spine: causes, symptoms, consequences and treatment

Contusion of the cervical spine (ICD 10 S10) is considered a rather dangerous injury that can have serious consequences for the body. It can block normal muscle function and limb mobility, as well as impair blood circulation.

Injuries like this should be taken very seriously, as even the slightest bruise can lead to serious damage to the spinal cord. Such damage is quite common. In most cases, these injuries occur in men aged 35-45.

Features of violation

Contusion of the cervical spine (according to ICD 10 S10) is an injury of the spinal column, in which there is damage to the nerve endings, muscles, as well as tissue necrosis while maintaining the integrity of the vertebrae and spinal cord. Damage can occur in patients of any age. Neck injuries can be complicated or uncomplicated. The most severe cases of cervical injury are accompanied by:

  • pinched nerve endings and spinal cord injury;
  • hematoma formation ondamaged area;
  • impaired circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, provoked by compression of the spinal cord.
Feature of injury
Feature of injury

Injuries in which there is a deformation of the spinal column and bruising of the lymph node have an ambiguous prognosis. Mortality with such injuries is more than 35%. The prognosis of life for surviving patients depends on how correctly and quickly medical care was provided.

Bruises. Species

Contusion of the cervical spine (ICD code 10 S10) refers to a dangerous injury. It is divided into such types as:

  • compression;
  • no spinal cord injury;
  • damaged.

When a compression injury of the spine occurs compression of the vertebrae, which leads to compression of the spinal cord. There are many reasons for the occurrence of such an injury, but often a bruise is provoked:

  • car accident;
  • osteoporosis;
  • fall;
  • bad landing on feet.

Compression injury is characterized by sharp and severe pain, weakness, numbness, squeezing of nerve endings. The consequences can be very serious, leading to the development of osteochondrosis, kyphoscoliosis.

Bruise of the spine without damage to the spinal cord is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • soft tissue swelling;
  • pain;
  • hematoma and bruising.

The prognosis is quite favorable and often the signs of injury disappear in 2-3 weeks. Sometimes the consequence may be post-traumatic osteochondrosis.

Contusion of the cervical spine can lead to various injuries of the spinal cord, namely:

  • squeezing;
  • concussion;
  • gap;
  • hemorrhage.

Symptomatology can be different, it all depends on the severity of the injury. The rehabilitation period can last up to 6 months, but residual effects persist for life.


Traumatologists bruise the cervical spine are divided according to the severity of the injury:

  • Lung is characterized by the fact that damage mainly affects nearby soft tissues. There are no neurological changes. Recovery takes approximately 45 days.
  • The average degree is diagnosed with bruised vertebrae with concussion of the spinal cord. This condition is accompanied by neurological changes that adversely affect the mobility of the affected area. The rehabilitation period takes approximately 4 months.
  • Severe degree of damage to the spine is combined with a contusion of the spinal cord. Subcutaneous hemorrhages provoked by trauma cause necrosis. In this case, there is a violation of the normal microcirculation of the cerebrospinal fluid, as well as a strong squeezing of the nerve endings. At the same time, neurological symptoms are pronounced. Rehabilitation takes 6 months, and then pathological abnormalities may occur.

Causes of injury

The main cause of cervical contusionof the spine is considered any mechanical impact, namely:

  • mechanical shock;
  • hitting the head on the bottom while diving;
  • household and sports injuries;
  • injury from car accident;
  • fight.
Main reasons
Main reasons

The severity of the injury is largely influenced by the age and weight of the victim, his state of he alth, as well as the strength and intensity of the mechanical impact.

Main symptoms

The main signs of a bruise of the cervical spine are:

  • pupil constriction;
  • swelling of soft tissues in the affected area;
  • hematoma formation;
  • dizziness and loss of consciousness;
  • spinal deformity.

In case of severe injuries, accompanied by ruptures of the spinal cord and its compression, the patient experiences loss of sensation in the limbs, complete cessation of breathing, respiratory failure. If you do not provide urgent assistance, the patient may simply die.

bruise symptoms
bruise symptoms

If there is severe pain and crunching in the affected area, then this can eventually lead to very serious consequences. This may be a restriction of movement up to disability.

First Aid

If a person has a bruise of the cervical spine, then it is imperative to give him first aid. To do this, lay the victim on a flat, hard surface. If possible, fix the neck with a splint or with an orthopedic collar. This is necessary in order toto prevent rupture of the artery, the risk of which increases significantly with trauma to the cervical spine.

It is very important to immediately call an ambulance, as well as notify exactly how the person was injured and what condition he is in. Examine the victim carefully. If he has a hematoma, then you need to apply cold to it.

First aid
First aid

If the person's condition is critical, then it is important to carry out resuscitation measures, including chest compressions and mechanical ventilation.

If it is possible to independently deliver the victim to the hospital, then during transportation it is necessary to ensure the immobility of the affected area. For this, it is recommended to use the Shants collar. Violation of this requirement can provoke serious complications.


A contusion of the cervical spine can be diagnosed only after a series of studies. These should include:

  • general inspection;
  • neurological tests;
  • x-ray;
  • tomography.

Initially, the doctor examines and interviews the victim, palpating the damaged area. Research helps to establish the cause of the injury, to detect chronic diseases that need to be considered when choosing a therapy strategy.

Carrying out diagnostics
Carrying out diagnostics

Neurological examination helps to track the violation of the sensitivity of the limbs, their mobility, as well as the deterioration of reflexes. X-ray is used to diagnose the condition of the vertebrae. It helps to identify cracks, fractures and dislocations. MRI allows you to determine the damage to the membranes of the spinal cord, blood vessels, as well as the condition of the intervertebral discs.

Features of therapy

Cervical spine injury is treated in the Department of Neurosurgery or Traumatology. Anti-shock therapy is carried out with constant pressure control, and it is also required to maintain the functions of damaged internal organs. Anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics will help relieve painful manifestations. In addition, anticoagulants and angioprotectors are prescribed.

Depending on the existing symptoms, many other drugs and procedures are prescribed. Basically, patients are shown massage courses, physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises and wearing a corset. As prescribed by the doctor, for some time the site of the bruise is lubricated with warming and anesthetic ointments. At the end of the acute period, rehabilitation measures are carried out. The operation is scheduled in exceptional cases.

Drug therapy

Since there can be quite serious consequences of a bruised cervical spine, treatment must be started immediately after the onset of symptoms. The main therapy is medication. In the acute period, solutions such as "Polyglukin" or "Reopoliglyukin" can be prescribed. Be sure to use calcium supplements.

Medical therapy
Medical therapy

It is undesirable to use narcotic drugs for pain relief, since with this type of injury they can provoke even more severe damage to the respiratorycenter. Therefore, doctors prescribe mainly the drug "Ketorol" and its analogues. Occasionally, Promedol may be allowed.

To normalize blood circulation, as well as prevent the occurrence of puffiness, "Etamzilat", "Prodectin", "Heparin" can be prescribed. To prevent the occurrence of necrosis, intravenous administration of glucose with such medicines as Cavinton, Actovegin, Cinnarizine is required. Antibacterial drugs are used to prevent inflammatory complications.


Having achieved stabilization of the patient's condition, he is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures, in particular, such as massage and therapeutic exercises. Be sure to need general strengthening exercises that are performed while lying in bed. They help strengthen muscles and normalize blood circulation.

Massage is carried out with moderate intensity, without active movements and strong pressure. To eliminate the symptoms and consequences of a bruised cervical spine, the doctor prescribes physiotherapeutic methods, in particular, such as magnetotherapy, laser treatment, wave exposure.


If the hematoma at the site of the bruise does not resolve for a long time, then it is emptied surgically, namely, by puncture. Radical measures are applied only in the most exceptional cases, if the pathological process is associated with damage to the spinal cord.


The operation is performed as soon as possible after the injury. Delay can lead to irreversiblechanges or even death of the patient.

Why is timely therapy important?

The consequences of a bruised cervical spine can be very serious if not treated in a timely manner. In the long term, they can cause very serious neurological complications. The most common are such as:

  • paralysis of limbs;
  • loss of skin sensitivity;
  • paresis;
  • curvature of the spine.

Sometimes the consequences of serious injuries and bruises of the cervical spine can be very dangerous, up to coma.
