In medicine, ozone began to be used at the beginning of the 20th century. Every year, information was accumulated about the miraculous effect of ozone on the body, which served as the prerequisites for the emergence of ozone therapy in various branches of human life.

Intravenous and local ozone therapy allows you to increase the protective functions of the body, improve metabolic processes, cleanse not only the skin, but the entire body.
Ozone destroys all known fungi, viruses and bacteria. Under the influence of ozone on the cells of the human body, they are not only not destroyed, but, on the contrary, receive additional energy.
Ozone acts as a very strong antiseptic, much more powerful than any antibiotic. Therefore, the use of ozone in various branches of medicine and cosmetology is quite common today.
Ozone therapy in gynecology occupies a significant place in the complex therapy of variousdiseases of the appendages, accompanied by inflammation. The use of ozone therapy is effective for the treatment of endometritis, colpitis, vaginosis, adhesive processes of the pelvic organs, in order to restore and preserve female reproductive function, as an additional component in the treatment of salpingo-oophoritis (both acute and chronic).

Ozone therapy in cosmetology
Most of the skin problems associated with a lack of oxygen in its cells. That is why ozone therapy in cosmetology is just a godsend. After all, it is ozone (aka active oxygen) that saturates the cells of the body with vital oxygen and thereby saves the skin from hypoxia. Moreover, under the influence of such a cosmetic procedure as ozone therapy, a general improvement, toning and cleansing of the skin is achieved, and not a temporary effect. There is an effect not only on the skin or its individual parts, but also on the body as a whole. Thus, the result is stored for a long time.
Ozone therapy in cosmetology is an excellent way to prevent and treat a number of problems with the help of an ozone-oxygen mixture. Indications for the use of this procedure are age-related skin changes, acne, acne, spider veins, cellulite and much more. Facial ozone therapy is carried out by injecting ozone at the site of skin aging with a microscopic needle.
Ozone therapy of the body is carried out through injections into the abdomen, thighs and buttocks subcutaneously. This procedure is non-traumatic and painless. With its help, you can fight stretch marks,scarring, cellulite and spider veins.

Ozone therapy is used in cosmetology in different concentrations: a high concentration is used for disinfection, an average concentration of ozone is used to reduce inflammation and pain, and a low concentration is used to rejuvenate and heal the skin.
Ozone therapy in cosmetology, reviews of which speak for themselves, still has contraindications. These include poor blood clotting, allergic reactions to ozone, and a tendency to hyperthyroidism or seizures.