Doctors state the fact: in the last few decades, the number of infertile couples has been growing. Today, about 15% of married couples cannot have children for various reasons. In cases where all tests are normal, the cycle is in order, and there are no visible causes of infertility, the first thing doctors pay attention to is the patency of the fallopian tubes. If there are adhesions or other problems, the process of conception becomes impossible.
One of the main causes of female infertility is obstruction of the fallopian or fallopian tubes. In the presence of adhesions or other problems, the process of conception becomes impossible. It is possible to identify such a pathology using a simple HSG procedure. We will tell you more about this procedure, the features of the procedure and the reviews of women in this article below.

The role of the fallopian tubes in conception
Let's remember the human anatomy, in particular - women. In order for conception to occur, that isIf an egg and a sperm have merged, they must meet first. And this event occurs precisely in the fallopian tubes, which are small processes 10-12 cm long and 0.5 cm in diameter.
A mature egg leaves their ovary and moves through the fallopian tubes, but if they are impassable for any reason, there will be no long-awaited meeting, therefore, pregnancy will not occur. Or, alternatively, conception still occurs, but due to the obstruction of the tubes, the fertilized egg cannot move further and is forced to attach itself to the wall of the tube, that is, an ectopic pregnancy occurs. Therefore, the role of the fallopian tubes cannot be underestimated.
What is the GHA?
Inflammatory and infectious processes in the pelvic area, as well as surgical interventions, can provoke adhesions or damage to the ciliated epithelium. This type of pathology cannot be diagnosed using conventional ultrasound.
HSG in medicine stands for hysterosalpingography. This complex word actually means the usual X-ray. Such a procedure is carried out in order to identify pathologies and to find out whether the patency of the fallopian tubes is sufficient. The whole process takes place in a hospital and under the supervision of a doctor. Thanks to the GHA, you can get answers to many exciting questions, for example, to see the presence of an adhesive process.

Indications and contraindications for HSG
A woman is referred for HSG by a gynecologist after a thoroughexaminations. In what cases can a doctor prescribe an HSG of the fallopian tubes? Indications for the procedure:
- Infertility of unknown origin. If a couple cannot have children for a long time, and there are no apparent reasons for this, the specialist refers the patient to the HSG of the fallopian tubes.
- After an ectopic pregnancy, there may be a suspicion of obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
- Inflammatory diseases in the field of gynecology suffered by the patient.
- Suspicion of neoplasms, polyps, genital tuberculosis.
- Having a chronic disease.
Each of the above points can push the attending physician to refer the woman for a more thorough x-ray examination. But on the other hand, there are a number of contraindications, in the presence of which, HSG of the fallopian tubes is not recommended. Namely:
- If a woman is pregnant or suspected of being pregnant.
- Tubal HSG is not done during spotting.
- If there are infectious diseases during an exacerbation.
- The tubal HSG procedure is prohibited in acute infectious diseases.
- Presence of severe somatic diseases.
- Lactation period.

Tubal HSG preparation
First of all, a woman who is preparing for such a procedure should be mentally prepared for this. No need to be afraidpain or poor result, the internal mood is very important in the treatment of infertility. As for the physiological plan, here doctors present the following requirements to their patients:
- One week before the proposed procedure and within three days after, all vaginal remedies and douches should be discontinued unless directed by a doctor.
- Abstain from sex 3-4 days before the HSG and 2-3 more days after the test.
- Do not eat foods that can cause intestinal disturbance, bloating, gas formation. It is advisable to do a cleansing enema before the procedure.
- Temporarily give up intimate hygiene products and intravaginal suppositories.
Before referring the patient to the HSG, the doctor will first examine her on the gynecological chair and prescribe the necessary tests to clarify if there are any contraindications. Judging by medical reviews, HSG of the fallopian tubes is best done in the first half of the menstrual cycle, so the likelihood of accidental pregnancy is minimized.

How the HSG is done
Hysterosalpingography is performed only in stationary conditions under the supervision of the attending physician. Usually, the study is prescribed in the first half of the menstrual cycle, the fact is that at this time the endometrium of the uterus is not yet thickened, and the exit from the fallopian tubes is not closed. In addition, in the first 2 weeks of the cycle, pregnancy is practically excluded.
So, step by step procedurelooks like this:
- The patient lies down on a special chair, similar to a gynecological one, but designed for x-rays.
- The doctor examines the woman again with a mirror.
- Next, a special tube (cannula) is inserted into the cervix, which is connected to a syringe.
- The uterine cavity is filled with a contrast-colored substance using a syringe. The injected drug will fill the uterus and go through the fallopian tubes.
- Next, X-rays are taken, which clearly show the passage of the substance through the tubes.
- The doctor removes the tube from the cervix and gives his recommendations for the next few days. On this HSG of the fallopian tubes is considered completed.
Transcript of results
After the HSG was done and the doctor had pictures in his hands, we can draw conclusions. If the pictures clearly show how the coloring preparation filled the fallopian tubes, then the patency is good. If there are adhesions in the tubes, this will definitely be reflected in the pictures. Also, with the help of this study, the doctor receives more information about the structure of the uterus itself. According to medical observations, after the procedure, the probability of becoming pregnant increases several times.

Pregnancy after tubal HSG
Usually, after the HSG procedure, the doctor recommends that the patient take at least one cycle of contraception, after all, this is an x-ray that can adversely affect the fetus.
But often women who don'tcan become pregnant, do not listen to the doctor's recommendations, believing that pregnancy will not occur anyway. But according to statistics, the probability of conception after the HHA increases many times over.
The fact is that if the woman's fallopian tubes were initially passable or there were small errors, then after the passage of the radiopaque fluid, the mucus formed during the sluggish inflammatory process is washed off, and the condition of the epithelium improves, "loose adhesions" are destroyed.
According to numerous reviews, HSG of the fallopian tubes, carried out before conception, does not affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development. Many women have given birth to wonderful children, having become pregnant immediately after the HSG.
In most cases, the procedure is well tolerated by patients. However, there have been cases when some women had allergic reactions to the drug injected into the uterine cavity. Especially at risk are women suffering from bronchial asthma, allergic to chemicals or iodine. Such patients can undergo tubal HSG when all relevant tests have been completed.
In very rare cases, uterine perforation and profuse bleeding are possible. In cases where the instruments are not properly disinfected, infection can enter the uterine cavity and, as a result, acute inflammatory diseases occur.

Feelings after the HHA
Many women before a significant day ask themselves the question “does it hurt to do the HSGfallopian tubes. The procedure itself is painless, except for a slight discomfort during the insertion of the catheter. Otherwise, the woman simply lies still during the picture.
Many representatives of the weaker sex noted after the procedure slight pains in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of menstruation. In addition, dark discharge may appear - the remains of the substance and a small layer of the endometrium. It’s not worth worrying about such discharges, it’s another matter if the patient finds spotting resembling menstruation in a day. In this case, you need to see a doctor.
How much?
The price of the procedure depends on many factors, and each clinic has the right to set its own prices for the service. The total cost of the GHA will be formed based on factors such as:
- catheter cost (depending on manufacturer);
- cost of the administered drug;
- cost of consumables;
- doctor services.
Thus, depending on the region of location and the specific clinic, the procedure for checking the fallopian tubes can cost from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles.

To summarize the above, tubal HSG is an extremely useful and necessary procedure in the treatment of infertility and many other diseases. According to the numerous reviews of women who have experienced such a procedure, it can be concluded that most patients did not experience any pain or severe discomfort. Others, on the contrary, noted that it was quite painful and even had to be anesthetized.
This suggests that the body of each woman is individual, and the pain threshold, respectively, too. In any case, HSG of the fallopian tubes is a very effective method for diagnosing pathologies and, with timely access to a doctor, will help you recover quickly and without complications.