Swamp cleaner is an annual or perennial herb. It belongs to the Lamiaceae family.

Swamp Cleaner: description
Distinguished by whole, serrated leaves, oppositely arranged. The flowers are quite beautiful, they are pink, lilac, white, yellow and purple in color, they can also form an inflorescence of spikelets.
Five-toothed calyx shaped like bells, sharp teeth. The fruit is a nutlet, which can be ovoid and oblong. The popular name of the plant is snake grass. It appeared due to the fact that its stem can be much higher than other herbs, similar to the head of a snake.
Swamp chistets in Russia usually grows along the banks of ponds and rivers, raised bogs, wet meadows, vegetable gardens. Periodically, however, it is also found in crops.

The swamp cleaner, the photo of which is presented in this article, contains a variety of useful substances:
- astringents;
- coumarins;
- pectins;
- flavonoids;
- essentialoil;
- organic acids;
- vitamin C;
- sugar;
- carotenoids.
The grass stimulates blood circulation, has anti-inflammatory and sedative effects.
Useful properties
Swamp cleaner has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. An infusion of it helps to facilitate the process of childbirth - to relieve the pain that occurs during contractions, speeding up the birth process. At the same time, official medicine recommends preparations from the plant in gynecology to stop bleeding.
The composition of the plant includes a large number of substances and chemical elements, which have already been mentioned above. The plant is rich in vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system.
Use in traditional medicine
The flowers of this plant are small in size, traditional medicine very rarely uses them for medicinal purposes, they mainly use another aerial part. From the plant, you can prepare infusions and decoctions, with which you can get rid of dandruff, acne and other inflammations of the dermis.

In order to make an infusion, you need to take 4 tablespoons of a chistetsa, a liter of water, mix everything, add some flowers, boil a little and remove for 9 hours to infuse. The product can be used for lotions, compresses and washing.
Application of cleaner
Marsh cleaner (photo can be seen in this article) in the treatment of various diseases is quite widespread. In this case, its aerial part is used, which contains various useful components,with their help, it is possible to get rid of various diseases. Raw materials must be harvested when the plant is still in bloom, preferably indoors or in the shade. It is recommended to use the infusion for diathesis, fainting, various skin diseases, nervous breakdown, scrofula, gout.
Cuts, abscesses, bruises, abrasions can be cured with fresh leaves, they must be applied fresh to the affected area.
Tincture is used to lower blood pressure, eliminate uterine bleeding, increase the number of heart contractions.
Swamp cleaner contains stachidrine, with which you can increase blood clotting. With it, you can tone up the myometrium, improve vascular contraction in the uterus, and resume it after childbirth. By its action, the plant resembles ergot, which has ergotoxin in its composition.
With the help of alcohol and water infusion of the plant, you can get rid of hysteria, nervous breakdown, in addition, it will help cure diathesis, lichen, gout, eczema, normalize blood pressure, and also cope with the symptoms of cerebral stroke.
It is necessary to understand that the marsh chistets is a poisonous plant. Be sure to follow the correct dosage, consult a doctor, and follow all his recommendations. You can not self-medicate, as this can lead to the most serious consequences. In addition, the cleaner should not be used during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Summing up all of the above, we can say that the cleaner belongs to the category of medicinal plants. It is very useful for girls, because with it you can significantly facilitate the process of childbirth, as well as recover from them much faster. But you must also not forget about the toxicity of this plant and all its contraindications, you must not exceed the recommended dosage.