Cough is a symptom of many ailments of the respiratory system. This is the natural defense of the body. Minor coughing several times a day is normal. But sometimes people are tormented by dust bronchitis. Its causes and treatment are described in the article.
What is this?
Dust bronchitis is a type of disease of the bronchial tree, in which inflammation does not appear from infection, but from the chemical or mechanical effects of dust microparticles. Usually the disease is detected in people who have to work in conditions of increased dust and pollution. Therefore, dust bronchitis is called an occupational disease.

There are many industries where there are conditions for the disease of dust bronchitis. Usually the problem occurs with:
- miners;
- metallurgists;
- builders;
- miners;
- textile workers;
- cotton and linen processors;
- woodworkers.

It turns out that the main cause of dustbronchitis is dust. If you identify the disease in a timely manner, as well as change jobs, you will be able to avoid complications.
Development of the disease
After the air enters the body before entering the lung tissue, it is cleared. This process is carried out in the bronchi. On the tubular walls of the organ there is a mucous membrane with cilia and villi. When a person inhales dusty air, the dust settles on the cilia, is enveloped in mucous contents and is coughed out.
If there is a lot of dust, it is not removed in a timely manner and therefore accumulates. Coughing requires smooth muscle contraction. But when the dust content exceeds the norm, it settles so tightly that the ciliary epithelium is blocked and cannot contract.
As a result, mucus cannot be produced normally. The contents will be thick, irritation appears, and a cough begins. With the defeat of many tissues, the bronchial passages are able to overlap. In this case, we are talking about bronchial obstruction.
Professional dust bronchitis is divided into:
- dusty;
- toxic dust.
Both ailments have their own characteristics. These are chronic dusty bronchitis. In the dust form, pathology begins due to the high dust content. With the toxic-dust form, there are toxic components in the air that adversely affect the respiratory system.
It is important to beware:
- metal oxides;
- ethylene glycol;
- nitrites;
- formaldehyde;
- sulfur compounds.
Symptomsdust bronchitis appear faster if a person stays in dusty conditions on hot and humid days. They also occur when smoking, overwork or congenital anomalies of the respiratory system. Dust and toxic-dust bronchitis is difficult.
Symptoms of dust bronchitis may vary depending on the stage of the disease. There are 3 stages of the course of the disease. The first symptoms of chronic occupational bronchitis occur a few years after the start of work in negative conditions. But the disease manifests itself strongly in some only after 10-15 years of pathological exposure.

Chronic dust bronchitis at the 1st stage manifests itself as:
- periodic bouts of dry cough;
- presence or absence of sputum;
- exacerbations 1-2 times a year;
- shortness of breath when doing physical work;
- harsh breathing when listening to the device, and sometimes dry wheezing appears.
If, according to these signs, it was possible to identify the disease at the initial stage, it will be possible to successfully cure the disease. When chronic dust bronchitis progresses to the 2nd stage, the appearance is likely:
- prolonged bouts of coughing;
- small amount of sputum;
- frequent seizures;
- suffocation;
- shortness of breath;
- prolonged exacerbations;
- increased sputum production;
- pus;
- expiratory discomfort.
You can detect dust bronchitis at an average degree usingx-ray study. The picture will show an increase in the pattern of the lower parts of the lung, thickening of the walls of the bronchi, swelling of the mucous membrane, symptoms of emphysema. When the state of the respiratory system changes, processes will also start in the heart. Probably the expansion of the departments of the body and the occurrence of other signs of cor pulmonale.
Professional chronic dust bronchitis can be at the 3rd stage. This stage develops when the pathology has not been previously identified and cured. In the severe stage, the following symptoms are observed:
- lots of phlegm;
- shortness of breath - not only during hard work, but also during normal activities;
- on the X-ray, a strong selection of the basal pattern of the lungs is noticeable;
- asthma attacks;
- some sections of the bronchial tree are impassable;
- frequent exacerbations;
- decrease in blood oxygen levels.
General symptoms are noticeable in the last stage. There is weakness, drowsiness, high sweating. There is also discomfort in the chest, tension in the neck veins.
Symptoms of toxic-dust form
This is a type of occupational dust bronchitis that is caused by dust particles mixed with toxic ingredients. This ailment manifests itself in the form:
- increased body temperature;
- purulent discharge;
- presence of chemical components in sputum;
- changes in the biochemical composition of the blood.
Symptoms that will be revealed only by X-ray are not much different from the signsordinary dust bronchitis.
Diagnostic measures should be performed by a qualified doctor, as he is able to differentiate dust bronchitis from asthma and other pathologies of the respiratory system. This usually requires doing:
- general and biochemical blood tests;
- urinalysis;
- biochemical and bacteriological examination of bronchial mucus;
- X-ray.
Depending on the results of the tests, an appointment is allowed to clarify ailments:
- spirography, which determines the air capacity of the lung;
- spirometry - shows forced expiratory volume;
- capnography, which measures the content and pressure of carbon dioxide;
- electromyography - shows the ability of the muscles of the bronchi to contract;
- bronchography;
- MRI of the bronchi.
These manipulations are needed to exclude such pathologies as tuberculosis, oncology, chronic pneumonia. Procedures allow you to accurately determine the type of ailment.
Who should I contact?
A pulmonologist deals with diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. Not every clinic has this doctor. At the first symptoms, you should consult a therapist and undergo a diagnosis.

The sooner an ailment is detected and treated, the more likely it is to eliminate the ailment. Therefore, you need to undergo medical examinations on a regular basis.
Danger of disease
Chronic dust bronchitis is a seriouspathology that can lead to irreversible processes in the lungs. As the disease develops, it leads to a state of cor pulmonale, when the right sections of the organ increase. This condition makes the prognosis of therapy pessimistic.
Cor pulmonale with progression becomes the cause of irreversible degenerative destruction of the muscle tissue of the heart. In difficult cases, a chronic illness can lead to disability and disability.
Treatment of dust bronchitis is prescribed by a doctor after laboratory tests and confirmation of the diagnosis. effective drug therapy. Its goal is to restore bronchial patency, normalize the condition of the mucous membrane and remove accumulated sputum.
Drugs can reduce symptoms and speed up the process of sputum removal. The following means are commonly used:
- "ACC".
- "Lazolvan".
- Ambroxol.
- "Acetylcysteine".
- Bisolwon.
Coughing fits need to be eliminated. To do this, prescribe means that eliminate spasms. Drugs such as Teopek and Terbutaline are effective.
In the presence of this disease, you must adhere to several rules for the regime:
- With an exacerbation of the disease, you need to drink plenty of water. An adult person should consume it in the amount of 3-3.5 liters per day. Useful alkaline fruit drink, hot milk with Borjomi in the amount of 1:1.
- You need a complete diet, which is rich in proteins and vitamins. Eat more fruits andvegetables.
- You should get rid of the physical and chemical factors that lead to coughing - dust and smoke.
- When the air is dry, the cough will be more pronounced, so you need to humidify the air in the room. To do this, you need to use an air purifier and a humidifier. It is advisable to perform daily wet cleaning of the patient.

Other methods
Treatment of dust bronchitis is also performed with the help of auxiliary procedures - physiotherapy. Helps UHF and electrophoresis. During therapy, you must adhere to a balanced diet. Use vitamin complexes to strengthen the immune system and activate the body's natural forces.
Folk remedies are also allowed. To get rid of the symptoms allow infusions and decoctions based on licorice root. You can make a composition based on coltsfoot and marshmallow root. Alkaline inhalations have a beneficial effect. They are able to soften the mucus and remove it easily.
Although this disease is serious, with timely therapy it will be possible to complete the pathological process. Running cases negatively affect the heart and blood vessels. Without qualified assistance, there can be absolute disability and disability.
The essence of the procedures is the impact of physical types of energy on the tissues of the body, which provides positive effects. For bronchitis, experts prescribe:
- Ultrahigh frequency therapy (UHF). It involves the impact of a high-frequency electric field onfor 5-15 minutes. The generated energy is absorbed by the tissues of the body, which leads to a positive result. There is an improvement in microcirculation in the bronchopulmonary system. The course of therapy is 7-10 procedures. They are performed every day or every other day.
- Super high frequency therapy (SHF). Exposure to ultrahigh electromagnetic oscillations improves microcirculation, relaxes bronchial muscles and expands the bronchial lumen. The course consists of 8-12 procedures, which are done every day for 5-10 minutes. If necessary, the course is repeated in a month.
- Electrophoresis. This method is based on the fact that when in an electric field, drugs move from one electrode to another, penetrating into tissues and organs. For bronchitis, calcium iodide or calcium chloride preparations are used, as well as anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. The procedure is 15-20 minutes, and the course includes 7-10 sessions, which are carried out every other day.
- Ultrasound therapy. Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, fluctuations appear in bronchial mucus and mucous plugs. This is how the mucus is separated and excreted.
Which procedure to use is up to the physician. The method of therapy is selected based on the condition of the person, the diagnosis.
Breathing exercises
Therapeutic exercises allow you to learn how to breathe correctly. Inhalation is performed sharply and deeply. The air is drawn in by the nose actively, with noise. Exhalation is done through the mouth, slowly and quietly.
It is important that air enters through the respiratory tract freely. Rhythm is necessarycontrol the score that corresponds to the march step pattern. Exercises are performed sitting or lying down, it all depends on the severity of the disease.
Is the disease contagious?
If the mucous membrane is inflamed from an infection, then it can be transmitted to people who are in contact with the patient. But the cause of contagiousness in this case is considered not so much the ailment itself, but the underlying infectious disease, such as tonsillitis.

Infection is transmitted to he althy people by airborne droplets. The contact route of infection is considered less common, when people become infected through direct contact with the things or personal items of the patient. To reduce the risk of infection, the patient must follow the rules of personal hygiene.
While talking, wear a mask. After visiting the room where the patient lives, you need to wash your hands. Do not use the things of a person who has bronchitis.
A nebulizer is a special device that sprays the drug into microparticles, which are then inhaled. This method of drug administration is considered effective. Use with nebulizer:
- Expectorants ("Fluimucil"). They thin the mucous plugs and make them easier to remove. Adults for 1 inhalation session (5-15 minutes) need 3 ml of the drug, which is diluted in a 0.9% sodium chloride solution (the same amount). The finished solution is added to a special compartment of the device, after which it turns on. Procedures are performed 2 times a day. The dose for children is setbased on age and body weight.
- Bronchodilators ("Berodual"). With them, the relaxation of the muscles of the bronchi occurs and their lumen expands. This relieves shortness of breath and other symptoms of respiratory failure in bronchitis. Adults require 3 ml of sodium chloride, in which 40 drops are diluted. Children under 6 require 10 drops per 3 ml of saline.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs ("Rotokan"). The preparation contains extracts of calendula, chamomile and yarrow. Procedures slow down the progression of the disease. To obtain a solution, you will need 1 ml of the drug, which is diluted with 40 ml of sodium chloride. Then the agent is added to the nebulizer in 4 ml of the prepared solution for 1 procedure. The session should be performed 3 times a day.
- Immunostimulating agents ("Interferon"). Procedures increase the protection of the body. The product is produced in powder in ampoules. To obtain a solution, you will need to open the ampoule and add 2 ml of distilled water. 1 ampoule is needed for 1 procedure. Sessions are performed 2 times a day.
Before starting any treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Only a doctor is able to prescribe therapy that will bring positive results. Before taking any medication, you need to read the instructions, which contain information about the dosage, duration of treatment.
Prophylaxis of dust bronchitis is needed to protect against the disease. It consists in refusing to work in hazardous industries. If this is not possible, then the respiratory system and body should be protected from exposure to dust.pollution.

You need to use protective masks and special clothing. With the help of scheduled medical examinations, pathology is detected at an early stage and assistance is provided in a timely manner. It is important to prevent the development of a cor pulmonale picture, as in difficult cases this leads to death.
When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. With the rapid pace of development of the disease, you should change your place of work. With the help of correct and timely treatment, it will be possible to maintain the normal condition of the lungs and bronchi, as well as to prevent complications.