Ultrasound of the pancreas is one of the stages of echographic examination of the internal organs of the abdomen. The organ has a deep location in the abdominal cavity, therefore, when scanning with ultrasound, it is not possible to see it completely in all patients. In obese or flatulent people, the doctor may examine the gland in fragments (as a rule, only its head and body are visible).

An ultrasound of the pancreas is a diagnostic test performed using an ultrasound scan. Such a study allows you to visualize the organ under study in different projections. The pancreas is an organ located in the retroperitoneal space. It is hidden behind the rest of the internal organs. One of the most effective and simple non-invasive methods that allow you to see the clinical picture and assess the condition of the organ is ultrasound scanning.
What are the dimensions of the pancreas according to the norms on ultrasound, we will tell below.
Ultrasound technique is currently successfully used as the only and reliable method for non-invasive examinations of the pancreas. Thanks to modern technical capabilities, and at the same time, the vast experience and medical professionalism of the diagnostic departments of clinics, it is possible to obtain a highly accurate result necessary for the timely manifestation of pathological changes and evaluation of the effectiveness of the treatment being carried out in relation to a particular patient.

Why is an ultrasound of the pancreas done?
Ultrasound of the pancreas, as a rule, is included in complex sonographic studies, since the functioning of the organ is closely related to the activity of other systems of the abdominal region. Along with this scan, ultrasound monitoring of organs such as the liver, spleen, gallbladder, and sometimes the stomach is carried out. True, in urgent cases, ultrasound scans of the pancreas can be performed separately.
A sonogram (ultrasound result in the form of a digital image) can show the shape along with the size of the pancreas. Such visualization allows assessing the condition of the soft tissue (parenchyma), reveals a structural change and detects a pathological neoplasm. The method of ultrasound is simply indispensable when it is necessary to determine the area of tumor localization without performing surgery. Thanks to ultrasonicthe study of the pancreas can detect pathologies in the form:
- pancreatitis and scar tissue proliferation;
- cysts and pseudocysts;
- deposits of calcium s alts in soft tissue;
- lipomatosis (deposition of fat in organ tissue).
Pancreas: indications for ultrasound examination
An ultrasound of the pancreas is required, according to doctors, in the following cases:

- When the mucous membranes, and at the same time the skin, acquire a yellowish uncharacteristic color.
- Abdominal injury occurs.
- There is a sharp, and in addition, causeless weight loss.
- There is intermittent stool disorder along with bloating and food indigestion.
- When a patient is diagnosed with diabetes.
- There is constant pain in the abdomen along with the presence of discomfort.
- Laboratory studies indicate a possible pathological change in the pancreas.
- Pathological changes in the work of the stomach are detected, which are detected during gastroscopy.
- X-ray studies show pathologies of the intestines and stomach.
- There is a suspicion of the presence of tumor formations.

Contraindications and restrictions
Ultrasound of the pancreas does not have any contraindications or restrictions for patients. This technique is absolutely safe and does not carry radiation exposure.for the human body.
How to prepare for the study?
Ultrasound of the pancreas requires preparation. Preliminary preparatory measures are aimed primarily at increasing the accuracy and informativeness of the analysis. Preparation for an ultrasound scan should begin two to three days before the examination itself. At the same time, doctors recommend making adjustments to your diet, switching to a sparing diet. Forced measures will not affect the patient's well-being in any way, but rather, on the contrary, they will certainly improve it, as they normalize the functioning of the digestive system. Preparation for an ultrasound examination of this organ includes the following medical recommendations:
- It is required to completely exclude from your diet foods that provoke excess gas formation (we are talking about whole milk, food rich in fiber, yeast bread, and so on).
- One day before the examination, you should clean the intestines, in addition, drink a laxative. In the evening, a light dinner is recommended (the last meal should be taken no later than eighteen hours before the scheduled ultrasound examination).
- Immediately on the day of the test, it is not recommended to eat food along with certain medicines, in addition, drinking alcohol and smoking is prohibited.
At a preliminary consultation, the diagnostician will provide additional recommendations, based on the state of he alth. If necessary, the patient will be prescribed absorbents, whichrelieve flatulence and cleanse the body of all kinds of toxins and toxins.

The procedure for this study takes no more than fifteen minutes and causes absolutely no anxiety to the patient. Immediately before scanning, the patient needs to lie on the couch. In some situations, the study is carried out in the supine position, or standing.
A special acoustic gel is applied to the study area by a doctor, which enhances ultrasonic permeability. After that, the research itself begins. The diagnostician moves the ultrasound scanner over the abdomen, due to which he can see an informative image on the monitor, which is transmitted using special sensors. The ultrasound scanner serves both as a special wave emitter and as a converter of the reflected signal from different structures of the abdominal region, translating the received information into a digital image that is broadcast on the monitor.

Deciphering ultrasound of the pancreas
Graphic results of ultrasound scanning of the pancreas is a sonogram. This is a digital image in the form of a section of the abdominal region, where all the outlines are visible along with the size and structure of the pancreas. Based on the received sonogram, the doctor draws up a conclusion. In modern clinics, patients receive the results in the form of a snapshot and a transcript of the conclusion is provided, which reflects the morphological,topographic and functional characteristics of this organ. A qualified diagnostician describes the following when deciphering:
- Position of the pancreas in relation to the spine and blood vessels.
- The shape along with the contours and dimensions of the pancreas. Only a qualified specialist can determine the norm on ultrasound.
- The structure of the pancreatic ducts.
- Tissue echostructure.
- Feature of the structure of the head of the pancreas.
Norm parameters
The parameters of the norm of the pancreas on ultrasound are the following indicators:

- The contours of the organ should not be uneven.
- The outline of the gland must be clearly displayed.
- The length of the organ should be between 14 and 22 centimeters. The width in the area of the head is up to 3 centimeters. Thickness - no more than 3 centimeters.
- The length of the head should be between 2.5 and 3.5 centimeters.
The size of the pancreas on ultrasound may be different from the norm along with the presence of a neoplasm. Then the specialist will prescribe additional laboratory tests for the patient.