Treatment with flax seeds: methods and properties

Treatment with flax seeds: methods and properties
Treatment with flax seeds: methods and properties

Flax is said to be the first plant used by man as a cultivated crop. The ancients carried out treatment with flax seeds in a variety of cases. They have almost no contraindications, and those that are are insignificant. For example, with radiculitis, steamed seeds were once applied.

Let's consider how flax seeds are treated in folk medicine today.

flax seed treatment
flax seed treatment

Linen composition and use

Official science began to study this plant in terms of its medicinal qualities only recently. First of all, interest was caused by the search for natural remedies for the treatment of oncology. Previously, its use was recommended only for obtaining additional fiber. However, recently it was found that the seeds of the plant have a large amount of proteins, phytoestrogens, omega acids and lignans, as well as many vitamins, micro and macro elements.

The most common treatment is with flax seeds, but there are also recipes that involve the use of flowers and even stems. But definitelythe seed is the most useful and vital for the human body. Only such a well-known and valuable acid as omega-3 is contained in seeds three times more than in fish oil.

Useful properties

So, most often the treatment with flax seeds in traditional medicine is prescribed:

  • for constipation, to calmly and gently normalize the stool without causing addiction;
  • for pain and against worms;
  • in violations of metabolic processes;
  • with high cholesterol;
  • for obesity;
  • to treat wounds and inflammations.
bowel treatment with flax seeds
bowel treatment with flax seeds

But also with their help you can alleviate the condition with atony, paresis and intestinal obstruction, muscular dystrophy and myopathy. In Germany, they were treated for dry cough, bronchitis and asthma.

But there is still no consensus about contraindications. Some consider acute diarrhea to be the only barrier to seed use.


However, like any medicinal plant, instead of benefit, the plant can cause harm. To prevent this from happening, you should take into account the peculiarities of its action, as well as your body.

Due to the large amount of phytoestrogens and bioactivity, women during pregnancy and lactation should use it with caution.

It is forbidden to take it with cholelithiasis and acute cholecystitis.

In addition, poor blood clotting is also a contraindication for the use of seeds as a medicine.


treatment of the pancreas with flax seeds
treatment of the pancreas with flax seeds

Seeds are ground or used whole. You can prepare a decoction, mucus or infusion. To improve the taste, the remedy is drunk by dissolving a couple of spoons of honey in it, adding lemon juice or a decoction of wild rose and chokeberry.

To get the infusion, the seeds must be ground. After that, take a tablespoon of powder, pour a glass of boiling water and leave it for an hour.

Whole seeds are used for slime. A teaspoon is poured with half a glass of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes, shaking. Strain the mucus before drinking.

Decoction is prepared as follows. 2 tablespoons pour a liter of water and bring to a boil. Cook for another quarter of an hour on the slowest fire, then insist for an hour. In this case, it is not necessary to strain it before use.

How to prepare a remedy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Like no other, folk treatment with flax seeds is beneficial for the digestive tract. The first is the pancreas. In this case, a decoction of seeds is suitable. The recipe is prepared as follows.

Half a liter of boiling water pour 30 grams of seeds. It is tormented for 30 minutes, then cooled, poured and taken in several sips. To restore the pancreas, treatment with flax seeds is carried out for a long time. But this is a simple and very cheap way to improve not only this organ, but the whole organism as a whole.

It is quite common to use seeds for gastritis. Treatment helps withthe presence of mucus, which, getting into the stomach, gently envelops it and relieves pain. In addition, it remains on the walls of the esophagus for a long time, and the healing qualities are preserved all this time. Therefore, regardless of whether there is increased or decreased acidity in the stomach, the treatment of gastritis with flax seeds will be successful.

The recipe for making medicine is simple. Seeds are poured with boiling water (1/30), left on the smallest fire for a quarter of an hour, cooled, filtered and drunk half an hour before meals, a quarter cup. This remedy will also help in the treatment of stomach ulcers.

But with this disease, a decoction prepared in a different way will be even more effective. To do this, boil a tablespoon of seeds in boiling water until the water becomes thick. Then filter through gauze in several layers and drink a spoon thirty minutes before meals.

Treatment of the stomach with flax seeds

pancreas treatment with flax seeds
pancreas treatment with flax seeds

As already mentioned, the seeds have an enveloping effect. Therefore, they are effective in inflammation of the digestive organs. Decoctions and infusions will be successful in treatment. The main thing is to cook as much each time as you can drink in a day, that is, the remedy should always be fresh. To add a pleasant taste to the medicine, honey is dissolved in it or rosehip syrup is diluted.

For infusion, pour a tablespoon of seeds into a thermos, pour up to half a liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for several hours. For a day, the dose is distributed in several doses of half a glass.

For broth also take a canteenspoon, pour a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for thirty minutes. The finished product is drunk before meals in half a glass.

The destructive effect of gastric juice is weakened, pain and inflammation are softened. This is how the pancreas is treated with flax seeds. With increased acidity of the stomach, it is better to use mucus, which will remain on the walls the longest and protect the esophagus from hydrochloric acid.

Prepare it like this: take one tablespoon of whole seeds, pour 200 milliliters of water, boil and filter. Drink the remedy one tablespoon 4 times a day thirty minutes before meals.

From heartburn and pancreatitis

There are a huge variety of medications for these painful conditions. However, flax seeds can be used instead. To normalize the acid balance, one tablespoon per day is needed. To do this, pour it with a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours, shaking occasionally. Then the cake is squeezed out and the infusion is drunk before meals, 50 milliliters each. The course is one month.

treatment of gastritis with flax seeds
treatment of gastritis with flax seeds

As a prophylactic, ground seeds are used, simply adding them to food, such as cottage cheese, porridge, pastries. It is important not to forget that flax has a laxative effect and a lot of calories.

Excellent will be both treatment of the intestines with flax seeds, and the removal of inflammation in pancreatitis.

Excellent results can be achieved if you use herbs with flax seeds. The following combinations will be most successful:

  • flax seeds with plantain and dandelion leaves and burdock root;
  • flax seeds with wheatgrass and boletus;
  • flax seeds with knotweed, buckthorn, clove and sage;
  • flax seeds with blueberry leaves and St. John's wort.

In a thermos one spoonful of the mixture is brewed in the evening and taken starting in the morning every six hours. The course must last at least two months.

folk treatment with flax seeds
folk treatment with flax seeds

For chronic pancreatitis, a collection of 4 plants is taken: flax seeds, blueberry leaves, bean leaves and oat straw.

Ingredients are taken in equal proportions and mixed. Take a tablespoon of the mixture, pour a glass of boiling water and leave in a steam bath for 15 minutes. Then the remedy is insisted for another half an hour. Take half a glass before meals.

For constipation

Various he alth troubles modern medicine offers to treat with a variety of drugs aimed at suppressing certain symptoms. However, most of them do not solve problems, but only cope with the consequences.

Medicinal plants, on the contrary, help to take a comprehensive approach to getting rid of the disease.

The composition of flax seeds includes a large amount of fiber of plant origin. It stimulates intestinal motility, and constipation goes away in a gentle and natural way. At the same time, the body as a whole is being healed.

Treatment with flax seeds recipes include different. But there is a simple and very effective way to fix this problem.

Flax seeds are soaked in water for two hours. Then put on fire and remove the broth, not bringing to a boil. After cooling down, a pack of butter and 200 milliliters of honey are added to the broth. The remedy is taken before meals three times a day until the symptoms completely disappear.

Other uses of seeds

There are completely conflicting opinions today about taking seeds for lactation when breastfeeding. Animal experiments have shown a negative effect. And mothers who nevertheless tried flax seeds speak extremely contradictory about it. Therefore, to drink or not to drink a decoction, each woman must decide for herself.

It is known that there are excellent alternative recipes for both increasing and decreasing milk production. But when milk stagnates, flax seeds will be indispensable.

Besides, they are widely used in gynecology, endometriosis and diabetes.

treatment of the stomach with flax seeds
treatment of the stomach with flax seeds

It is easy to get rid of flax seeds even from such an unpleasant phenomenon as parasites. It is known that 70% of the population today are infected with these "guests". Flax seeds will easily help to remove them from the body. And for prevention, you can use ground seeds as a dietary supplement.
