In the article we will consider the symptoms and treatment of prolapse of the stomach (gastroptosis). When some adverse conditions occur, the stomach can change its normal anatomical position. In this case, its full or partial downward displacement occurs, which in medical practice is called prolapse of the stomach.
In the normal state, this human organ is located in the left hypochondrium of the peritoneum, and part of it is in the epigastric region. The stomach is covered on all sides by the peritoneum and is held by a special system of ligaments, which consist of the mesentery of the transverse colon and the peritoneal folds (greater omentum). Between these folds there is a layer of fatty tissue, which helps to fix the correct location of the organ.

What causes stomach prolapse?
Main causes of pathology
Gastroptosis or prolapse of the stomach is believed to be the result of a weakening of the abdominal muscles, especially its transverse, deepest muscle (transversus abdoninus). Maybealso be the result of excessive stretching of the ligaments that support it in its normal position. This is due to several reasons.
Prolapse of the stomach, like other internal organs, in some cases may be congenital (constitutional) or acquired. A congenital anomaly of this type is mainly characteristic of the asthenic somatic type of a person, which is distinguished by long limbs, leanness and a weak muscular system. In cases with this organ, a strong stretching of the weak gastrocolic ligaments occurs, which most often leads to the prolapse of the organ and disruption of its functionality, as well as to severe pain.
The main reasons for the acquired omission of this organ may be as follows:
- Significant weight loss.
- Permanent overstrain of the abdominal muscles (during heavy types of physical labor or when doing weightlifting).
- Removal of any large tumor from the abdominal cavity, as well as multiple births and pregnancies, as a result of which this disease is more often diagnosed in women than in men.

As gastroenterologists note, a complication of prolapse of the stomach and intestines can be expressed in a partial violation of their main functions - weakening of motor skills, difficulty in moving food through the stomach into the intestines, which is often observed when a certain part of the stomach is kinked.
In addition, there may be incomplete closure of sphinctersstomach, resulting in a large amount of air from the esophagus into it, which causes frequent belching. In case of violation of the functions of the pyloric sphincter, bile can come out into the stomach from the duodenum, which usually leads to heartburn and, in the future, to the development of gastritis and peptic ulcer.
Pelvic organ prolapse
Another common consequence of this pathology of the stomach, which develops due to its pressure, is the prolapse of the pelvic organs and the large intestine. With the development of such complications, patients have complaints about the occurrence of regular constipation, flatulence and pain in the lower abdomen. The bowel, whose position is disturbed, begins to put pressure on the bladder, in men - on the prostate, and in women - on the uterus and ovaries. Thus, the chain of pathological processes that are caused by gastroptosis, in some cases, leads to many equally serious diseases.
Consider the symptoms of gastric prolapse.
Depending on the levels to which the stomach has descended relative to the correct anatomical position, it is customary in gastroenterology to subdivide this pathology into three main degrees.
In the first two degrees, this disease in most cases passes without pronounced symptoms. In this case, suspicion should be caused by such manifestations of the pathological process as a feeling of discomfort, heaviness and "bursting" in the stomach, as well as aching or pulling pains in the upper abdominal region (especially often this occurs aftervarious physical activity or sudden movements). A pain syndrome of this nature and localization, as a rule, is rather short-lived.
Third stage
In cases where the prolapse of the stomach has reached the third, most difficult degree, patients, most often after eating, feel pulling pains in the epigastric region, which often radiate to the region of the heart. In this case, in a horizontal position of the body, the pain, as a rule, quickly subsides. In addition, with the constitutional form of gastroptosis, there are symptoms of gastric prolapse such as loss of appetite, nausea, belching, vomiting, as well as pain in the lumbar back and regular constipation.

Diagnostic methods
The characteristic clinical picture in the event of gastroptosis resembles, as a rule, the symptoms of many pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, diagnostic measures for prolapse of the stomach imply a whole range of instrumental and laboratory studies that help to assess not only the presence of a problem, but also its consequences.
After collecting anamnesis, the specialist conducts a physical polypositional examination of the abdomen, when the initial position of the stomach is determined in the abdominal cavity during palpation, while the patient is in a horizontal position, and probing in a standing position can allow the specialist to determine the level of retraction of organs in the epigastric region, as well as protrusions in the suprapubic area of the abdomen.
To determine the adequatethe following methods are also used to diagnose gastric prolapse:
- Radioscopic examinations of the stomach and esophagus using a contrast agent.
- Endoscopic studies of the functional qualities of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS).
- Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy of the esophagus, duodenum and stomach.
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Treatment of a pathological phenomenon
The treatment of this problem generally accepted in medical practice is conservative, and the key place in the treatment of gastric prolapse is given to special physiotherapy exercises and proper diet.
In case of severe pain in this pathology, a variety of analgesics are prescribed, which help to quickly relieve pain and spasms, and in case of constipation, laxative drugs.
Surgical treatment
As for the surgical treatment of prolapse of the stomach, specialists resort to it extremely rarely due to the high probability of recurrence of such a disease. Operative correction of the omission of the second and third degree can be carried out with some other pathologies that complicate this process. For example, with the reverse movement of the contents of the stomach through the lower esophageal sphincters into the esophagus, with the so-called gastroesophageal reflux.
As a result of fundoplication - a surgical intervention to eliminate this pathology - the organ is sutured todiaphragm around the opening of the esophagus with its fixation to the wall of the peritoneum, due to which the stomach begins to pull up.
Effective exercises for prolapse of the stomach. There is a specially designed set of exercises that are aimed at increasing the tone of the muscles of the abdominal wall. In such a set of exercises, there are no sharp torso forward bends and jumps, that is, movements that provoke displacement of internal organs.
Such exercises during prolapse of the stomach are designed in such a way that the loads are suitable for absolutely all patients, regardless of the degree of pathology and age, and all such exercises in the initial periods of therapy are performed exclusively in the supine position.

Gymnastic techniques for prolapse of the stomach are carried out as follows. The starting position of the patient is lying on his back, legs are straightened, and arms are extended:
- Take the deepest possible breath, which will require "squeezing" the air through the tension of the abdominal press (repeat 10 times).
- Alternate straight leg raises (repeat 10 times).
- Take a deep breath, while bending one leg at the knee and, clasping it with both hands, press it to the chest. After that, the same is done with the second leg (the exercise should be repeated 5 times with each leg).
- Similar leg movements as in the previous exercise, but they are performed by simultaneously bending both legs.
- Both legs should be bent at the knees,at the same time, the pelvis must be raised with the support of the body on the legs, the occipital region of the head and the elbows (it is necessary to repeat 5 times).
- Bend your knees and raise your legs, after which movements are made that imitate cycling (repeat 10 times).
- Straighten your legs, stretch your arms along the body, after which - raising straight arms up while inhaling, planting them behind your head, and as you exhale - return to the starting position (repeat 10 times).
After each of the above exercises, pause for rest. And at the end of the whole charge, you need to lie down a bit, placing a pillow or roller under your feet.
Specialists also recommend special massages for stomach prolapse. To do this, the palm is placed on the epigastric region, and light stroking of the abdomen is performed in a circle - 10 times clockwise, after which - in the opposite direction. These movements when stroking, as if in a spiral, must be brought closer to the navel, and then expanded again.
With severe forms of gastroptosis, doctors also recommend wearing special bandages that should be worn lying down (in the morning, on an empty stomach) and removed before bed.
When symptoms of gastric prolapse appear, treatment is a lengthy process.

Recommendations from gastroenterologists are as follows:
- During the day, you should eat small meals up to six times. This is necessary in order to maintain the normal size of the stomach, and since a largethe amount of food stretches it, it is required to take it in small portions so that it does not stay in the stomach for a long time. It is also advisable to eat at the same time, in order to accustom the stomach to proper work. Food should be light, but at the same time quite high in calories and rich in essential substances.
- Everything eaten at one meal should contribute to the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal system as a whole, therefore, dietary nutrition for stomach prolapse should include cereals (with the exception of rice and semolina), vegetables (stewed and raw), lean meats (veal, beef), poultry and sea fish, fruits and dairy products.
- To combat constipation, you should fill salads with vegetable oil, exclude mayonnaise from your diet, drink kefir, eat several pieces of dried prunes daily. It is also necessary to abandon white bread and rich yeast pastries, replacing them with bread made from wholemeal flour, as well as various dietary breads and biscuits.
In severe forms of gastroptosis, experts also advise taking a horizontal position of the body after each meal - at least an hour. This contributes to the fact that food does not put pressure on the lower parts of the stomach, as a result of which prolapse does not progress, and the ligamentous apparatus inside the abdominal cavity is gradually strengthened by performing gymnastic exercises.
Treatment of pathology in folk ways
In the absence of appetite, which often accompanies stomach prolapse, it is recommended to prepare an infusion from medicinalplants: calamus, wormwood, yarrow, centaury, chicory root or dandelion.
For this, a tablespoon of the collection is taken, poured with boiling water, brewed for thirty minutes and filtered. Take this medicine one spoonful before meals.

To produce a sufficient amount of gastric juice, decoctions of plantain leaves, rhizomes of Potentilla (galangal) are used.
Treatment of pathology by folk methods also involves the use of clay applications. For this, a steep mass of clay and water is used, from which a cake is made and applied to the stomach area for several hours.
Now we know how to treat gastric prolapse.