What is meant by the concept of "normal temperature in an infant"

What is meant by the concept of "normal temperature in an infant"
What is meant by the concept of "normal temperature in an infant"

Video: What is meant by the concept of "normal temperature in an infant"

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From a very early age, we know that a hot forehead is a sign of fever and indicates the onset of the disease. This factor often makes caring parents worried. Especially when it comes to a baby.

Normal temperature in an infant
Normal temperature in an infant

But not everything is as scary as it seems at first glance. After all, there are many other reasons for the rise in temperature. For example, overheating. It is known that the baby does not have a well-established process of thermoregulation. Therefore, his mother is responsible for creating the thermal effect, which can sometimes get too carried away and simply overheat the baby. But as soon as she opens it a little, the temperature will drop. So what does a normal temperature mean for a baby?

Reasons for rising temperatures

If the childteeth erupt, the temperature may also rise. And although this circumstance is a fairly common cause of temperature deviations from the norm, there are more serious factors.

  1. Presence of viral, bacterial or other infections.
  2. Allergic reaction.
  3. Toxic condition.
  4. Intracranial injury.
  5. Presence of tumor and immunopathological processes.
  6. Use of muscle relaxants.

Although these are not all of the factors that contribute to a rise in temperature, they are the most common (including the causes previously mentioned).

What is meant by the phrase "normal temperature in an infant"

Do not forget about the imperfection of the thermoregulation system in an infant. And if, for example, 37 ° C is a cause for concern for parents of a three-year-old baby, then the normal temperature of an infant is often exactly this figure.

What is the child's temperature
What is the child's temperature

But gradually it will decrease and by 12 months it will stop at around 36.6°C. But how to determine what temperature a child is considered normal? To do this, it is necessary to measure it for several days. All readings must be recorded. They should then be compared to determine if there is cause for concern. If you measure it in the armpit, then the normal temperature in an infant should be between 36-37 ° C. When it comes to oral temperature, it ranges from 36.6 to 37.2°C. 36, 9-37, 4°C - acceptable rectal temperature.

Whatto do if the child has a hot forehead

If you notice that the temperature has risen or dropped, you must immediately take the necessary measures.

The child has a fever
The child has a fever

When it comes to simple overheating (the child has a hot forehead, but the temperature remains normal), there is no need to panic. Just contribute to the stabilization of children's heat transfer. To do this, open the child or dress him lighter, ventilate the stuffy room, after moving the child to another room so that he does not catch a cold. After a while, take the temperature and check the baby's head. If the thermometer shows the same value, and the child's forehead has cooled, then everything is in order. You were able to eliminate the cause of overheating. And since the baby's normal temperature has stabilized, you have nothing to worry about.

Please note an important nuance. If the child's temperature persists for some time or reaches 38.2 ° C, it must be brought down. It should also be borne in mind that its increase occurs at a very fast pace. Even with slight deviations from the norm, you should immediately consult a doctor.
