Clinical Hospital No. 83 of Moscow accepted its first client on August 23, 1985. Many years have passed since then. Medicine has come a long way. New technologies for diagnosing and treating diseases have emerged. Today, the specialists of this medical center are ready to provide highly qualified medical assistance to both residents of the capital and its guests. Clinical Hospital No. 83 is located at the following address: Moscow, Orekhovy Boulevard, 28. Every year, thousands of patients receive medical care here. This is truly a great institution. The admission department is designed to admit up to 160 patients to the clinic daily.
How to get there?

Getting to this medical center is easy. Clinical Hospital No. 83 is located on Orekhovy Boulevard. If you go by car, then you need to turn onto it from the Kashirskoye highway and further to the hospital itself. If you get to the clinic by public transport, then the easiest way is to take the metro to the station"Red Guard". Then you should get off and take a bus or fixed-route taxi No. 704 or No. 694. The stop at which you will need to get off is called either “Federal Clinical Center” or “Hospital 83”.
From the history of the hospital
As mentioned above, this scientific and medical center was opened on August 23, 1985. The history of its origin and development is connected with the Ministry of He alth of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Medium Machine Building. Moscow Clinical Hospital No. 83 was built at the expense of the entire industry. Dozens of enterprises participated in the financing of the project. On September 21, 2011, this institution, by order of the Ministry of He alth and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 1060, was transformed into the "Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency" or abbreviated FSCC FMBA of the Russian Federation. Today, the clinic provides medical services to the population on a paid basis. The price list can be found by contacting the help desk by phone 396-83-96 or 725-44-40. The hospital has a capacity of 810 beds. About 1500 employees work in the center. Reception is conducted by highly qualified specialists. Among them, 18 doctors and 74 candidates of medical sciences. sciences, more than 140 are doctors of the highest and first categories.
Clinical Hospital No. 83 (Moscow) is divided into the following departments:
• Research Institute of Surgery;
• Research Institute of Cardiology;
• Research Institute of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine;
• Research Institute of Space Medicine;
• Clinical Research:
• medical technology center;
• laboratory;
• hospital;
• consultative and diagnostic center;
• spec. centers.
Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory

Moscow Hospital No. 83 offers its clients a wide range of diagnostic services to identify certain ailments. In the clinical diagnostic laboratory of this medical center, you can take a paid blood test, including the detection of various infections. The department's arsenal includes the following research groups:
• general clinical;
• on hormonal composition;
• tumor markers;
• markers for the detection of various infectious diseases;
• biochemical;
• coagulation.
Here you can also undergo PCR, diagnostics for the detection of autoimmune diseases, the presence of drugs in the blood. The department conducts histological, bacteriological and cytological studies. The successful work of this laboratory is evidenced by the fact that it has been participating in FSVOK (stands for the Federal System for External Assessment of the Quality of Conducted Research) for more than 10 years.
Computed tomography

Moscow Hospital No. 83 (Orekhovy Boulevard, 28 - we remind you of its address) declares that here you can undergo an examination on a powerful X-ray multispiral tomograph Aquilion 64 of the Japanese company Toshiba. The department has 4 rooms with similar equipment. The accuracy of these studies may be for somevital patients. Therefore, it is so important to pass them on time using modern equipment - such as is installed in the diagnostic department of the 83 hospital in Moscow. Highest quality images, virtual endoscopy programs, a large selection of programs for cardiac examinations, the experience and skills of the clinic staff - all this is an advantage in this kind of research.
Magnetic resonance imaging
Clinic of the City of Moscow No. 83 (hospital on Krasnogvardeyskaya, as many others call it) is pleased to offer its clients an MRI examination here. The center has 2 rooms equipped with high-conductivity magnetic resonance tomographs. These devices serve not only for neuroimaging (study of the spine and head), but also for studying the state and functions of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and other organs. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of MRI examination for the detection of cancer. Prices for services can be found by calling 8 (495) 395-64-98. There is no need to prepare in any way for the procedure. But for some categories of patients, this type of study may be contraindicated (people with pacemakers, hearing aids, implants).
Other types of diagnostics
What other types of research can 83 Hospital offer? The official website of the clinic reports that they are held here:
• Radioisotope diagnostics. These are methods such as bone scintigraphy, static nephroscintigraphy, lung perfusion scintigraphy, thyroid scintigraphy, mammaspectrometry, myocardial perfusion scintigraphymany more.
• X-ray diagnostics. There are five classrooms equipped with the most modern equipment.
• Ultrasound diagnostics. Here you can make an ultrasound of any organ or organ system (cardiovascular, broncho-pulmonary, gastrointestinal, and so on). This type of research is often used to identify urological and gynecological diseases, ailments of the nervous system, and others.
• Endoscopy. This is a gentle form of diagnosis. It is done using a special device - an endoscope. With its help, chromoscopy, videocolonoscopy, polypectomy, endoprosthesis replacement of the esophagus and intestines, cryodestruction and more.
Ambulance on a paid basis
What to do if in a difficult situation the ambulance called does not go for a long time? Contact the paid help of doctors who will quickly come to the rescue. Moscow Hospital No. 83 (Orekhovy Boulevard, 28) is ready to provide such services. You can call an ambulance by calling 8-(495) 344-44-22. The main directions for the provision of such services in this center are as follows:
• calling an ambulance in a situation that threatens the he alth and life of people;
• hospitalization in the FSCC FMBA hospital or other medical centers in Moscow;
• doctor's house call.
All services are provided for a fee.
Outpatient services

Where to start the treatment of the disease? Of course, from a visit to a specialist doctor who will determine the methods of necessary research to detect an ailment and prescribethe right treatment. Hospital No. 83 (Moscow) is ready to offer all this. The official website of the clinic reports that highly qualified doctors who have extensive experience in the practice of managing patients are receiving here. The consultative and diagnostic center of this clinic is divided into the following departments:
• therapy room;
• surgical profile room;
• cabinets spec. reception;
• dental office;
• treatment room;
• ozone therapy room;
• Department for detecting occupational pathologies of exposure to noise and vibrations on the human body.
Medical specialists here provide all types of outpatient care, including at home.
Dental office

Doctors of the department have extensive experience in dentistry, regularly attend trainings and seminars to improve their skills. The office is equipped with the latest equipment. You can sign up for a consultation with a dentist by calling 8-495-396-83-96.
Mammology Center
World medical statistics say that the first place among women's diseases with a fatal outcome is breast cancer. Therefore, it is so important to regularly undergo a mammological examination to identify it. Moscow Hospital No. 83 is a place where you can not only undergo it, but also get advice from a competent mammologist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Reception is conducted by the most experienced specialists of this profile:
- Merkulov I. A.
- Karpova V. B.
- Brusovanskaya G. G.
Department of Hematology
Everyone knows that hematology is a special branch of medicine that studies the composition and functions of blood. Why do we need it? Changes in the circulatory system can signal the presence of a dangerous disease. Therefore, it is so important to take tests in a timely manner and get competent advice from a hematologist who will coordinate the patient in choosing the means of treating and preventing diseases. This department in this medical center is open on Tuesdays from 14.00 - 18.00 and on Thursdays from 09.00 - 14.00.
Outpatient surgery

There is a special form of diseases in which it is important to quickly diagnose and promptly provide surgical care. We are talking about the so-called suppurative processes (boils, skin neoplasms, ingrown nails, small infected wounds, and so on). The outpatient surgery room of this medical center provides the following services:
• removal of papillomas, atheromas, lipomas, "warts", granulomas and so on;
• suture and removal;
• laparocentesis;
• sternal punctures;
• operations to open and treat purulent skin diseases;
• Ingrown toenail surgery and more.
Psychotherapy center
Many patients who have had diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, joints, know that stress played an important role in the occurrence of ailments,received at home or at work. “All diseases are from the nerves,” said the ancient healers. That is why it is so important to pay attention to your emotional state. Moscow 83 city hospital offers the services of psychiatrists-psychotherapists. They specialize in the treatment of patients with appetite and sleep disorders, with unreasonable attacks of fear and anxiety, with neuroses, people who are in a panic and depression, and so on. Admission of patients to the psychotherapeutic center is carried out only for a fee. Contraindications to this may be the following:
• drug addiction and substance abuse;
• psychosis, suicidal tendencies, tendency to commit acts potentially dangerous to others;
• Severe neurological and somatic diseases in which patients require intensive care and resuscitation.
Negative opinion about the clinic
The best way to talk about a medical institution such as 83 hospital, patient reviews. Many grateful words are heard by the specialists of this center. But there are also negative comments regarding the work of this clinic. What exactly do customers not like here? Let's try to find out. Most of the negativity found in the comments of hospital patients relates to the illiterate approach to treatment on the part of doctors. Some patients complain that they did not receive due attention here and, as a result of this, an incorrect diagnosis was made. Especially many complaints come from patients of the oncology department. People write that the work of the staff here is poorly organized,the doctor's emergency call button does not work, meals are brought at the wrong time or they are completely forgotten, doctors treat patients negligently. The second place in terms of the number of negative reviews here is occupied by "increased imposition of paid services by specialists." People say that even sick people who need emergency care are offered to pay for treatment first. Moreover, many are assigned to undergo optional medical tests, which are supposedly supposed to "confirm the diagnosis." Patients also complain about the tasteless cold food offered here, the unrespectable interior in need of repair, and the poor hygiene prevailing in the wards. Many patients say that City Clinical Hospital No. 83 is far from being the best place to treat diseases.
Positive patient feedback

There are many good comments in favor of this institution. The people who received help here express their gratitude both to specific doctors and to the entire staff of the clinic in general. Many patients are sure that the best medical center in Moscow is Clinical Hospital No. 83. The reviews of these people indicate that everything is here to get cured: medicines, experienced specialists, spacious comfortable rooms, and new modern equipment. Patients express their special gratitude to the doctors and staff of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics. From the reviews of these people it is clear that surgeons in this area help patients to literally get back on their feet. Many good words have been written togynecological department. The local doctors can do everything: the treatment of the most complex pathologies in women, and the performance of complex operations, and much more. People note that the wards here are warm and comfortable, the clinic staff is polite and helpful. And all this is of no small importance for a speedy recovery.
All main types of outpatient, diagnostic and inpatient care are provided by the Moscow Clinic No. 83 (Krasnogvardeyskaya Hospital - that's what some patients call it). Many thousands of patients received highly qualified medical care in this center.